Monday, September 3, 2012

USA Africa Dialogue Series - A critical examination of the role of nature and culture in Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s Purple Hibiscus.

"This essay will focus on the theme of hybridisation which arises from the book's title, Purple Hibiscus. The novel follows the story of fifteen year old Kambili Achike's journey from childhood to maturity and how she navigates the polarities of nature and culture. For the purpose of this essay, "nature" refers to physical setting in which the story takes place and "culture" will focus on language and food. A brief contextualisation of Purple Hibiscus within the Children's Literature genre of Bildungsroman and an overview of postcolonial Nigeria will be first discussed. Then the general theme of hybridisation will be analysed in relation to Kambili, whose socio-cultural identity is forged through her interactions with her physical environment, her development in the use of language and the symbolic importance of food."

- Isabella Akinseye

Interesting viewpoint. You may read the rest by clicking the link below:
- Ikhide
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