Saturday, October 6, 2012

Re: USA Africa Dialogue Series - Fwd: [Human_ism] Suspected Mosque arsonist in jail, faces federal hate crime charges [CIVILISED BEHAVOUR BY A STATE IN CONTRAST WITH THE FATWA CULTURE OF SOME ISLAMIC NATIONS AND COMMUNITIES]]

add to this:
after 9/11 shots were fired at the mosque down the street from where i live. no one was hurt; the building received the shots from the highway, which is a ways off... that was the end of it. a small event.
i could continue with how my tunisian grad student was harassed by her neighbor of some years, told to go back home where she belonged; the fbi interviewed muslim students on campus. a war on terror comports a state on terror, and the events in one end of the world impact those in another. we are tied by the violence and hatred; we need to work better on ending it, and conquest is not the answer

On 10/6/12 8:07 AM, OLUWATOYIN ADEPOJU wrote:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Doug Berger
Date: Sat, Oct 6, 2012 at 7:26 AM
Subject: [Human_ism] Suspected Mosque arsonist in jail, faces federal hate crime charges
To:,, Ohio Atheists Group <>,,,

My Mom knows some people who attend the Mosque and it has been a
landmark for decades just off I-75 near Toledo. Luckily the sprinklers
worked so they only have to deal with a burned prayer rug, water and
smoke damage -- dlb

Suspected arsonist in jail, faces federal hate crime charges

A fire in the prayer room of the Islamic Center of Greater Toledo was an
act of terrorism, officials said Friday during a news conference in
which they announced federal hate crime charges against the suspect.

"We consider it disturbing because ... what we consider and what we're
charging is essentially an act of terrorism," Wood County Prosecutor
Paul Dobson said. "The fact of the matter is … we're not going to stand
for that."

According to a criminal affidavit filed in U.S. District Court in
Toledo, a woman who saw surveillance images published by local media
recognized the man and identified him as Mr. Linn.

She told officials that the suspect, who she described as an ex-Marine,
"recently complained about the international Muslim community's reaction
to the recent anti-Muslim video published on YouTube, recent attacks on
United States embassies, and the deaths of U.S. military personnel in
the Middle East."

"She further stated that Linn has complained that Muslims in this
country get a 'free pass,'" the affidavit states.


Twitter & Facebook username: cadfile

Oooo quick where are my roller-skates? What? Couples skate? Crud....
back to the video games.... Don't need a couple to play "Defender"


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--   kenneth w. harrow   distinguished professor of english  michigan state university  department of english  619 red cedar road  room C-614 wells hall  east lansing, mi 48824  ph. 517 803 8839

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