Saturday, October 6, 2012

USA Africa Dialogue Series - Maple Tree Literary Supplement, Issue #13

MTLS 13 is out with a bang at>: site upgrade and facelift; optimisation for easier navigation and, a burnished aesthetic appeal; new online community. Editorial on Apartheid-style massacre of black miners in a black-ruled South Africa; poetry, fiction drama, creative nonfiction, essays on book history; featuring 1986 Nobel laureate for literature, Wole Soyinka, and award-winning Canadian novelist Vincent Lam.  


Join our online community, "MTLS Pages." This is social medium with a difference, targeted, literary, artistic and intellectually inclined but relaxed like any other online community. You can register here: <>. This is the literary and artistic equivalent of Facebook or other social media designed for readers and writers. Everyone falls into either or both categories. We have some default groups like "Writers block," "Reviewers Regrets," "Fiction Corner," "Poetry Couch," "Lonely Alphabets," "More Drama," "Readers," "Writers," "Book Club" and "Q& A With Established Writers." MTLS Pages is a mingling of the literary sort, but as laid back as any social media. Here you can discuss with other writers and readers on in on of the forums above on any topic, while you are also at liberty to create your own discussion groups.


In this Issue

Lequann Collins-Bacchus

Ismé Bennie

Sarah Brouillette

Collette Burjack

Melissa Carroll

Lynn Cecil 

George Elliott Clarke

Amatoritsero Ede

Susan (Crowe) Fenner

Candace Fertile 

Chris Galvin

Kamal Hakim

Jendele Hungbo

Rena Klisouris

Andrew MacDonald 

John W. Macdonald

David Margoshes

Seymour Mayne 

Andrew Macdonald

Martin Mordecai,

Mathew Nashed

Stephen Newell

E. Martin Nolan

Chad Norman

Thu Anh Nguyen

Emily Peskavics

Justin Pfefferle

Daniel Richards

Seymour Mayne 

Wole Soyinka

David Tasker

Russell Thornton

Amanda Tripp

Paul Ugor

Kenechi Uzochukwu

S. Nadja Zajdman



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