Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Re: USA Africa Dialogue Series - Fw: Welcome To 2013 The Decider Year for Nigeria

Amen. I do pray that Nigeria and Nigerians can stop squandering the enormous endowments of human and natural resources granted them by the Almighty and instead, utilize them to lead Africa and Africans out of extreme poverty and material deprivation. However, while we pray for this great country, it is important to remember that unless and until the dysfunctional and anachronistic governance/state system inherited from the colonialists is fully and effectively reconstructed--through a bottom-up, participatory and inclusive process--and the country provided with institutional arrangements that reflect the values, aspirations, cultures, traditions, and customs of the country's relevant stakeholder groups, violence, corruption, public financial malfeasance, and other forms of opportunism, will remain pervasive.

Yes, God bless Nigeria in this New Year, but Nigerians must, in 2013, seriously and honestly begin the process of providing themselves with laws and institutions that adequately constrain the State, enhance peaceful coexistence of the nation's diverse ethnic and religious communities, and effectively provide an enabling environment for the type of economic growth that enriches all citizens, including those who currently inhabit the political and economic periphery.

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>>> <sholaaiye@yahoo.com> 01/01/13 2:09 PM >>>
Dear all,
I need to share this special goodwill message and prayer from my very good elderly friend, Rev Canon Echi Nwogu who is very passionate with concern over maladministration and misrule in Nigeria which has been bedevilled with corruption, insecurity, violent crime, authoritarianism, compariable with the worst military era.

If you wish Nigeria well, say Amen after reading this, and make your comments or add your own prayer. I also beg God that Rev Canon Nwogu's prayer be activated on those who don't wish the country well whether by their thoughts and deeds.

Shola Aiyebola
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless handheld from Glo Mobile.

-----Original Message-----
From: "Echi" <revnwogu@yahoo.com>
Date: Tue, 1 Jan 2013 10:27:36
To: revnwogu@yahoo.com<revnwogu@yahoo.com>
Reply-To: revnwogu@yahoo.com
Subject: Welcome To 2013 The Decider Year for Nigeria

Happy Survival My Dear!
You survived the moments, seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks and 12 months of 2012.
The Lord saw you through. He saved you from all your fears and now has landed you in 2013.
Welcome to 2013. This is a brand new year, just 4 hrs young and speeding on.
This is the year of manifestation of the will of God in your life for a start BUT more,
The year of Our Lord 2013 is the year of decision and destiny for Nigeria and Africa.
In 2013, Nigeria specifically shall make her choice to be one or to disintegrate into shreds.
This is the year of decision for the status and place of the cankerworm and caterpillar of CORRUPTION.
If in this year, we do not brace the Rubicon of corruption and take the individual and corporate steps to divorce and expire the culture of corruption we have hitherto given supreme reign over all spheres of our life and nation, Nigeria shall pass the point of no return to oblivion. Our heroes past we have shamed their dreams will vote as one man to clean us out from the map of the living 21st century nations. They have exhausted and lost all patience with us.
My greatest wish for you in this new 2013 and beyond is that your dreams for Nigeria shall not be rubbished anymore but shall be fulfilled. You will never be impoverished in the midst of the great resources God has endowed in Nigeria.
You will live to see the Nebuchadarization, Ghehedarization and Herodization of the evil leaders who have raped this nation to stupor and rendered her comatose. They shall be pulverized in the noon day. They shall be decimated by nature, possessed by the demons of the filthy lucre they have worshiped, covered with the leprosy of Ghehazi and eaten up by the worms and maggots of Herod. Every drink they taste shall be bitter and every meat shall grind in their mouth like porridge garnished with sandstones.
These looters, diverters, derailers, mismanagers, destroyers, robbers and rappers of Nigeria are mental cases sold to the devil for the ruin of the great nation of destiny. The lines have been drawn between them and us they have denied the blessings of the great endowments of God on Nigeria. They have denied God the blessings, praises and thanksgiving due to Him from the mouths of Nigerians who would have been rejoicing as they enjoy the riches of the land. But no, we have been made to suffer in the midst of plenty – having been endowed with more than enough to give us a paradise of luxurious living for all.
So for the troublers of Nigeria, we wish them the lot of Ahab and Jezebel in this 2013. Anyone of them who does not repent and vomit all he/she has embezzled and misappropriated before easter 2013, he/she shall get the full dose of the wrath of an angry Creator Who he/she has abused His benevolence.
Let all honest and true Nigerians rejoice at the end of the raiders of our commonwealth. If you are part of them, repent. If you know anyone who is one of them, warn him/her. Time is up and it will be bloody. The blood of those killed by our bad governance and the reign of corruption has not allowed heaven a respite. 2013 is the decider year. Say AMEN loud and clear if you agree to the end of corruption and her Nigerian and expatriate supporters and promoters. We hereby collectively disown them and consign them to the judgment of the ALMIGHTY God and maker of all things good and beautiful. His blessings are to bring smiles to faces, as he fills mouths with laughter and hearts overflowing with joy.
In this 2013, May you have peace, joy and happiness in abundance as you embrace the new Nigeria of our dreams come true.
ECHI NWOGU Obizi Mbaise 0500 Hrs 01 01 2013

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless handheld from Glo Mobile.

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