From: <>
Date: Sat, Mar 30, 2013 at 12:04 AM
Subject: [OmoOdua] Harvard Law Student Says Blacks Genetically Inferior
The article below is forwarded from Mr Esohe Aghatise
who also made the following observation on the topic of homosexuality:
"Dear Ola,
I am writing in response to your mail in private as my mail will not be
published on the list and so may it remain. I want to draw your
attention to an analogous situation between the raging question of
homosexuals (gay/lesbians) and the question of slavery. Arguments
similar to these, from the same Bible, were used by white supremists to
supèport their beliefs that the black man was an inferior creation of a
God who had been perhaps 'distracted', when he made the black man. Fir
them, it was unthinkable that a black man COULD EVER be considered the
same as a white. The black man was considered 'a feckless, almost
childish being, destitute of the most basic elements of logical
thinking, which was the backbone of 'white' culture and supremacy'.
Similar arguments are used abot homosexuals to describe them as
'depraved, pedophiles, less than human, lacking in some form of human
I think our commentators may wish to read this and maybe agree with the
young 'lady'? In today's world, our brave prejudiced 'Christians' are
still considered inferior to other people just because of the colour of
their skin. How do they respond to that?
Have a Happy Holiday period.
Esohe Aghatise
Ola's comments on Stephanie's mass e mail:
Please read Stephanie e mail pasted below and decide is you agree with
In my own humble opinion, Stephanie should have stayed within the narrow
bounds of educational pursuit--Law. She might end up becoming a good
but wshe will never make a good scientist:)
Harvard Student Says Blacks Genetically Inferior
by Lavoisier Cornerstone
Ladies and Gentleman of Grow The Heck Up, I'd like to introduce to you,
Stephanie Grace, the third-year Harvard Law student who recently came
under fire for sending out a mass email emphatically asserting that
black people were genetically inferior to white people. While out at
dinner with friends one evening, a heated race debate ensued in which
Ms. Grace took the position that blacks were genetically inferior and
less intelligent than whites. After the dinner, Ms. Grace, wanting to
clarify her position, sent out a mass email reaffirming her stance.
This email made its way to a member of the Harvard Black Law Student
Association (HBLSA), and in turn made its way to the media.
Here is the email in its entirety:
I absolutely do not rule out the possibility that African Americans
are, on average, genetically predisposed to be less intelligent.
I could also obviously be convinced that by controlling for the right
variables, we would see that they are, in fact, as intelligent as
white people under the same circumstances. The fact is, some things
are genetic. African Americans tend to have darker skin. Irish people
are more likely to have red hair. (Now on to the more controversial:)
Women tend to perform less well in math due at least in part to
prenatal levels of testosterone, which also account for variations in
mathematics performance within genders. This suggests to me that some
part of intelligence is genetic, just like identical twins raised
apart tend to have very similar IQs and just like I think my babies
will be geniuses and beautiful individuals whether I raise them or
give them to an orphanage in Nigeria. I don't think it is that
controversial of an opinion to say I think it is at least possible
that African Americans are less intelligent on a genetic level, and I
didn't mean to shy away from that opinion at dinner.
I also don't think that there are no cultural differences or that
cultural differences are not likely the most important sources of
disparate test scores (statistically, the measurable ones like income
do account for some raw differences). I would just like some
scientific data to disprove the genetic position, and it is often hard
given difficult to quantify cultural aspects. One example (courtesy of
Randall Kennedy) is that some people, based on crime statistics, might
think African Americans are genetically more likely to be violent,
since income and other statistics cannot close the racial gap. In the
slavery era, however, the stereotype was of a docile, childlike,
African American, and they were, in fact, responsible for very little
violence (which was why the handful of rebellions seriously shook
white people up). Obviously group wide rates of violence could not
fluctuate so dramatically in ten generations if the cause was genetic,
and so although there are no quantifiable data currently available to
"explain" away the racial discrepancy in violent crimes, it must be
some nongenetic cultural shift. Of course, there are pro-genetic
counterarguments, but if we assume we can control for all variables in
the given time periods, the form of the argument is compelling.
In conclusion, I think it is bad science to disagree with a conclusion
in your heart, and then try (unsuccessfully, so far at least) to find
data that will confirm what you want to be true. Everyone wants someone
to take 100 white infants and 100 African American ones and raise
in Disney utopia and prove once and for all that we are all equal on
every dimension, or at least the really important ones like
intelligence. I am merely not 100% convinced that this is the case.
Please don't pull a Larry Summers on me,
Hey, I never would have guessed it...she looks like a nice enough girl
to me wouldn't ya say? I'm being facetious of course, but that's part
of the reason that I posted this piece of news. This woman isn't
wearing a white sheet with a pointy hat, and she's not from the
backwoods of the South fighting for the right to fly a confederate flag
down at the court house. She graduated from Princeton in 2007 with a
degree in...Sociology (?), is on the Harvard Law Review, and will soon
be headed to California for federal clerkship with Ninth Circuit Judge
Alex Kozinski who had to recuse himself because he caught an obscenity
case for his personal website? (Alrightythen).
I digress.
Oh but she's only one person right GTHU? Sure a few people think like
that, but it's not REALLY that prevalent right? Wrong. In October of
2007, world renowned molecular biologist and Nobel Prize James Watson
who co-discovered DNA and the double helix structure also asserted a
similar belief. The 79-year-old geneticist said he was "inherently
gloomy about the prospect of Africa" because "all our social policies
are based on the fact that their intelligence is the same as ours -
whereas all the testing says not really.". He said he hoped that
everyone was equal, but countered that "people who have to deal with
black employees find this not true". This is the guy that discovered
that twisty DNA thingy!
See most racists don't think that their racists....they just think that
what they believe about other people is the truth. I tell you one thing
though, for anyone who's not white, and not a Christian, evolution
shouldn't even be something you consider as a possibility. Because
according to those that make the science, everything they see tells
them that you're inferior. The proof of your value as human being is
only found in God,and who he says you are in his word. And for my white
brothers and sisters who are Christians, I pray that God would break
your heart for racism and those who are greatly hurt by it...not just
some Ethiopian kid on a commercial that needs food, but for racism
itself. That you would begin to be as outraged and offended by it just
as much as any other evil. See, America (and satan) has spent much of
its time convincing black people (and other races, but especially the
former slaves who built this country) through legislation, media,
propaganda, etc., that they are inferior. So while its not an excuse,
many of us are just playing out the only role that many in America feel
is the only one that we are able to...just ask the Academy, they only
seem to only give out Oscars to black people for playing thugs (Denzel
Washington in Training Day), whores (Halle Berry in Monsters Ball), and
pimps (Three 6 Mafia for It's Hard Out Here For a Pimp). Can you
understand to SOME degree why people were so excited about a Black
President? Sheesh. And as for homegirl, Ms. Stephanie Grace, she needs
to really Grow the Heck Up!
For a related topic, also check out the review on the book: Darwin's
Plantation: Evolution's Racist Roots
2013/3/29 <>
"I beg to differ greatly because you are saying that Creator God is not
all knowing, omniscience
and that God continues to evolve and learn progressively as humans
Hi Simon:
The issue is not whether there are any doubts about the omniscience and
ominipotency of our Almighty God.
It is also not a question about whether or not the Almighty God is all
knowing and infallible. He is.
The crux of the matter is whether or NOT humanity has what it takes to
understand the ways of the Almighty God beyond our subjective
interpretations of the
scriptures. We do not; and it is doubtful if we would even if we lived
abother one million
The problem with religionists is with their absolutism and their
tendency to adhere strictly
to the literal meanings of whatever they read in the Holy Books.
According to the Holy Bible and the Holy Koran--the universe has been
in existence for roughly.
only a brief 4000 to 6000 years. We now have irrefutable scientific
evidence that the universe and all that is or
was within it came into exxistence about 13.7 billion years ago. Yet
religionists would still like us to adhere to everything
we read in the Holy Bible, the Holy Koran, the Torah and other Holy
Books as if they are unalterable gospel
truths. They are not! many of what we read in the Holy Bible and the
Holy Koran are best regarded as allegories.
Link to age of the universe according to:
a) the Holy
b) the Holy
Our African ancestors worshipped the Almighty God the way they new best
just like ancoent ancestors
of native Indians, Europeans, Chinese and Indians and other peoples
around the world--long before
the arrival of Christinity and Islam on our shores.
The main purpose of religions and the Holy Books are to guide us about
how to worship the Almighty God
and live moral lives. The words of the scriptures are not meant to be
interreated strictly along literal terms.
We must constantly evaluate our understanding about life in general and
correlate it with the guidance were
provided by the Holy scriptures.
Any arguments about life in general that start and end with the
scriptures without any supportive empirical evidence
of their validity are unlikely to stand the test of time!
---- Original Message ----
From: bubashetima <>
To: NIgerianWorldForum <>; Edo_Global
<>; naijapolitics
<>; nigerianid
<>; nigeriansncanada
Cc: imowomencongressi <>; imostatecongress
<>; orausa <>;
igbo_forum <>; worldigbocongress
<>; ndicisa <>;
YanArewa <>; Raayiriga
<>; omoodua <>;
Simon-Simon <>
Sent: Fri, Mar 29, 2013 11:55 am
Subject: Re: [NIgerianWorldForum] Dr. Ola Kassim CAN WE LET THE
I beg to differ greatly because you are saying that Creator God is not
all knowing, omniscience and that God continues to evolve and learn
progressively as humans do. If I may ask you one question? Did God
create Satan or evil? I m one zillion per cent sure that God did not
create homosexuality, I have unfallible proofs to give you with a
little stipend from you because there is no free lunch. The God of the
Holy Bible is perfect, He is from eternity past and always is. He is
from everlasting to everlasting, and ever present, God is omniscience,
omnipotent and omnipresent. Our fish brains could never even completely
understand and grasp his basic information for us before living Earth
what more of his eternal wisdom power and his majesty. I believe that
it is sinful to even think that God is. Imperfect as you insinuate.
Please do not kill the messenger for proclaiming the gospel truth. I
love you in Christ name. God allows evil, Satan and demons to exist, I
m sure God has no problem to let sinners, reprobates and homosexuals to
live until the white throne judgment. Peace
Sent from my BlackBerry® by Boost Mobile
From: tony egbe <>
Date: Fri, 29 Mar 2013 07:34:13 -0700 (PDT)
To: <>; <>;
<>; <>;
<>; <>
Cc: <>; <>;
<>; <>;
<>; <>;
<>; <>;
Subject: [NIgerianWorldForum] Dr. Ola Kassim CAN WE LET THE
Dr. Ola Kassim,
Yours below is a Very Good Input to the subject under discussion.
Nevertheless, I have come to the Absolute Conclusion that this
Phenomenon, Lesbianism/Homosexual that is, MUST have been Natural to
the Minds that practise it!! Therefore, I have the greater tendency to
Declare it as "Not a Learned Behaviour" like we will consider other
Learned Practices like Being Good at other things we practise to Excell
Sexual Attraction, NATURALLY come to ALL CREATURES, through some
NATURAL Genes from our Maker (GOD)!! With this Belief, it seems to me,
therefore, that May be the GOD of Creation "Forgot" to include this
Particular Gene to some species of Human Beings, while Creating the so
called Lesbians/Gays!! But then can GOD be infallible, or did He do
this Knowlingly? This is the Question that is begging to be
Unravelled!! Nevertheless, I still Strongly Feel that the Practise of
sincerely Believe that it is NATRUAL with some Special Species of Godly
Creatures, which also include Human Beings, who were Purposely Created
by God to Remain like that!! Mind Boggling isn't it? This is where I
With the above Personal Conclusion, I have learnt to Tolerate them; and
do indeed Support their being Accepted in the World Society, to let
them be and Accomodated with their own Equal Rights to their Natural
Life of Existence too, just like the Heterosexuals. To Each is their
own!! Let Me Conclude with this: This group of Human Beings are NOT
bothering anybody with their Life Style; since they ONLY seek for their
Kind!! Otoiheoma Egbe.
--- On Thu, 3/28/13, <> wrote:
From: <>
Subject: [NaijaPolitics] Dr. Ola Kassim ON: Gay Marriage IS DISOBIDIENT
Date: Thursday, March 28, 2013, 11:15 PM
The purpose of my intervention is more to provoke
reactions from the audience rather than share any
form of knowledhe I might have on this thorny issue.
I am looking forward to learning more on this topic
from the audience--beyond the usual recanting
of passages from the Holy Bible and the Holy Koran
which seem to be the norm rather than the exception.
Your response in which you recalled your
earliest knowledge about homosexuality (lesbianism)
at a young impressionable age in your village is similar
to how most young people initially encounter the issue
of sexuality.
You posed some questions on this issue to your parents
and they gave you the most appropriate answers on the
issue to the best of their knowledge and in keeping with prevailing
socio-cultural norms of the time.
However, the world you and I and everyone else grew up in is not
the same world that we live in today. While some things have
remained constant it would appear that many more things have
changed and will continue ti change since Change is the only Constant
in nature.
Our knowledge of the universe, nature and our place as
human beings within it continue to evolve the more we learn
about all things around us.
Unlike the issues of morality which we learn from our parents
and from religious teachings while growing up, human beings
are yet to find the most ideal method of 'teaching' or talking
to our children about sexuality.
This is probably because sexual orientation is an instinctive biological
imperative (drive; urge), that is not teachable. No one teaches a boy
or a girl to be attracted
to the opposite sex (the reality for most human beings) just like
no one can teach a boy or a girl to be sexually attracted
to those of the same gender.
If it were possible to change human beings from being gay to being
there wouldn't be as many gays and lesbians in today's
there is no societal advanatge to be derived from being gay or lesbian.
Instead, these people defy the odds to be who they truly are living
every day of their lives
in fear of persecution by the broader society. This is the reason the
majority of gays and lesbians remain in the closet and are to be found
in every community
living double lives in heterosexual husband and wife relationships.
Even though it might be hard to swallow for some people,
--the unshakeable reality is that homosexuality is part of human nature
and the sanctioning of gay marriages and civil unions will continue to
across the world, albeit at a slow pace with the most conservative
jurisdictions being the last to see the light.
What we know about natural laws--both from theolological and scientific
knowledge is miniscule when compared with what we don't know.
There was a time when the world was believed to be flat. There was
also a time when the best sceintific and theological minds in the world
also believed that the earth was not only the centre of the universe but
that the Sun revolved around the earth until Gallileo came along with
his telescope.
Who knows what more orthodox beliefs of our time will be overturned in
the next
50 or 100 years?
Wishing you and madam and the young folks in your family--Happy Easter
---- Original Message ----
From: tony egbe <>
To: Edo_Global <>; naijapolitics
<>; NIgerianWorldForum
<>; nigerianid
<>; nigeriansncanada
<>; OlaKassimMD <>
Cc: imowomencongressi <>; imostatecongress
<>; orausa <>;
igbo_forum <>; worldigbocongress
<>; ndicisa <>;
YanArewa <>; Raayiriga
<>; omoodua <>
Sent: Thu, Mar 28, 2013 10:25 pm
Subject: Edo_Global. Dr. Ola Kassim ON: Gay Marriage IS DISOBIDIENT TO
Dr. Ola Kassim,
I am Thinking and Speaking from my Knowledge of NATURAL LAWS, as
obtained in Science and made available to Humanity in General, and All
Other Creatures Created by God.
I am short of Questioning God for certain Out of Natural
Behaviours/Laws of Godly Creatures, which Nobody has seen going
against, but Man!! Nevertheless, as a child I took notice of Lesbianism
in Human Beings in the remote Area of my Village!! When I questioned my
Parents about that then, they simply told me that they also gre up to
notice it, but was NOT Acceptable in the society then.
These were as few as two Human Beings or opposite sexes in a remote and
Primitive Igbo village in the Early Fifties!! These, then seemed NOT
very sure of what had happened to them to be found so!! Otoiheoma Egbe.
Most things of Godly Creations tend to Obey the Natural Laws without
THINKING; Especially those things that we can hardly communicate with,
as evidence in Science!! I stand to be corrected otherwise. Just
expressing myself, as a Witness of Several Natural Laws, which are
neither Recreated nor Destroyed completly. I am open to any Higher
Logic or any other Law(s) that what I have Learnt and Know as NATURAL
LAWS, OR GODLY LAWS are Wrong!! Let us read or hear your take of all of
the above. Thanks. Tony Egbe.
--- On Thu, 3/28/13, <> wrote:
From: <>
Subject: NigerianID | Gay Marriage IS DISOBIDIENT TO GODLY LAW & WILL
LEAD US TO......!!
Date: Thursday, March 28, 2013, 9:35 PM
When did you have the conversation with the Almighty God during which
informed you
or any other earthly human being, including living or dead, that
Homosexuality and Gay Marriages
and that of all the sins mankind have commited and are still committing
since the most ancient of our ancestors stepped foot on this planet
Homosexuality and Gay Marriages
are the most awful of all man's transgressios
that led to Sodom and Gomorah (if they have existed beyond the
imaginations of some
ancient Jewish story tellers)?
Who really gets hurt by homosexuality and gay marriages involving
consenting adults as opposed to:
Child sexual molestation (pedophilia)
Spousal Abuse--both physical and psychological
Homicides, infanticides, matricide etc,
Genocide--Holocaust, Rwanda Massacre etc.
Warfare--The Crusades, Jihad, Khamer Rouge etc.
Torture--both physical and psychological
Links to:
a) Ten Worst Moments in Human History:
NB: the only mention of homosexuality is in connection with Catholic
Child Sex Abuse (which is pedophilia --a sin and a criminal offence
to which there are more heterosexual to homosexual offenders in the
general society
by factor of 10 to 1)
b) What is the greatest sin according to the Holy Bible (the Seven
Deadly Sins)?
NB: While the expanded list in Epistle to the Galatians (Galatians
5:19-21), 1
include adultery, fornication etc. homosexuality does not make the list.
c) What is the greatest sin according to the Holy Koran:
The greatest sins in Islam according to the Holy Koran are Blasphemy and
association of Allah with partners (shirk)--for which some moronic
would kill other human beings whom they deem have commited these
Homosexuality, thoyugh considered a sin in some passages in islam does
not even make the top ten.
Even though there are passages in both the Holy Bible and the Holy Koran
where homosexuality is portrayed as sin, neither of the Holy Books
it the greatest sin, even it were a moral sin--which it might not be.
Do we human beings no enough about the laws of nature (the Almighty
Natural Laws), either from theological or scientific knowledge to start
about what is natural law and what is unnatural?
If you like the taste of pineapples--please take note that it is an
example of a product derived from
homosexual rather than heterosexual process. many more examples of
homosexuality can be
found in both the animal and the plant kingdom.\
Link to homosexxuality in nature:
Catholic Seven Virtues
Biblical lists
In the Book of Proverbs (Mishlai), among the verses traditionally
associated with King Solomon, it states that the Lord specifically
regards "six things the Lord hateth, and the seventh His soul
detesteth", namely:[4]
A proud look
A lying tongue
Hands that shed innocent blood
A heart that devises wicked plots
Feet that are swift to run into mischief
A deceitful witness that uttereth lies
Him that soweth discord among brethren
While there are seven of them, this list is considerably different from
the traditional one, with only pride clearly being in both lists.
Another list, given this time by the Epistle to the Galatians
(Galatians 5:19-21), includes more of the traditional seven sins,
although the list is substantially longer: adultery, fornication,
uncleanness, lasciviousness, idolatry, sorcery, hatred, variance,
emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, envyings, murders,
drunkenness, revellings, "and such like".[5] Since Saint Paul goes on
to say that the persons who commit these sins "shall not inherit the
Kingdom of God", they are usually listed as (possible) mortal sins
rather than capital vices.
The Roman Catholic Church also recognizes seven virtues, which
correspond inversely to each of the seven deadly sins.
Vice Latin Virtue Latin
Lust Luxuria Chastity Castitas
Gluttony Gula Temperance Temperantia
Greed Avaritia Charity Caritas
Sloth Acedia Diligence Industria
Wrath Ira Patience Patientia
Envy Invidia Kindness Humanitas
Pride Superbia Humility Humilitas
---- Original Message ----
From: tony egbe <>
To: Naija <>;
NIgerianWorldForum <>
congress <>; orausa orausa
<>; igbo igbo <>; world
<>; Edo Global <>;
Arewa Hausa group <>; Raayiriga
Sent: Thu, Mar 28, 2013 7:54 pm
Subject: Edo_Global. Gay Marriage IS DISOBIDENT TO GODLY LAW & WILL
LEAD US TO......!!
--- On Thu, 3/28/13, DIPO ENIOLA <> wrote:
Subject: [NIgerianWorldForum] Disappointing wins for gay marriage?
To: "Naija>
Date: Thursday, March 28, 2013, 10:07 AM
Disappointing wins for gay marriage?
A majority of justices seemed inclined to favor gay groups on both
cases. | Reuters
By JOSH GERSTEIN | 3/27/13 8:47 PM EDT
Gay rights forces might just win both of the cases they presented to
the Supreme Court this week, but still come up short of their broader
legal goals.
A majority of justices seemed inclined to favor gay groups on both
cases by letting same-sex marriage return to California and by wiping
the federal Defense of Marriage Act from the books.
But the justices looked to be headed for rulings that would not have a
sweeping effect on the rights of gays under the law — failing to
deliver the kind of transformative moment many in the gay rights
movement had hoped for.
In the first case, involving Prop. 8, California's voter-approved ban
on gay marriage, the justices seemed inclined to punt.
Lawyers say there are two ways the court could dump the case without
looking at the heart of the matter. Either route would leave in place
lower court rulings that held the measure unconstitutional. The net
result would be the return of same-sex marriage in California, probably
for all who seek it.
The justices also appeared ready to deep six DOMA, the 1996 law that
denies a wide variety of federal benefits to same-sex married couples.
However, the court's liberals and Justice Anthony Kennedy honed in on
different reasons for nixing the law. The liberals saw it as
unconstitutional discrimination against gays and lesbians. But Kennedy
stressed that the law amounts to an intrusion on the traditional
authority of states to oversee marriage and other family matters.
"I think it is a DOMA problem. The question is whether or not the
Federal government, under our federalism scheme, has the authority to
regulate marriage," Kennedy said.
If Kennedy joins with the four liberals, they could provide the five
votes needed to strike down DOMA. But the ruling wouldn't be the kind
of legal precedent many gay rights advocates were expecting that
finally establishes sexual orientation as the kind of suspect
categorization that courts subject to "heightened scrutiny."
"I think we will get two very good outcomes. The question will be how
broad a ruling do we get in either case," said Richard Socarides, a
lawyer and former White House adviser to President Bill Clinton on gay
and lesbian issues. "Of course, we would like a finding of heightened
scrutiny on the DOMA case and we would like a finding that same-sex
marriage is a fundamental right in the [Prop. 8] case."
Socarides stressed that even the less than sweeping decisions the
justices seemed to be headed for in the two cases would be very
significant. "If DOMA is struck down and same-sex marriage rights are
returned in California — no matter on what grounds…it will be a very
big win," he said. Without DOMA, same-sex couples would be permitted to
file joint tax returns and same-sex couples would be eligible for full
employee benefits if one spouse works for the federal government.
"It definitely could happen," said Carrie Severino of the conservative
Judicial Crisis Network. "It would not be totally satisfactory to
anyone…..I know maybe [same-sex marriage advocates] would rather have a
sweeping decision, but actually that might be a bad outcome for them."
She said broad rulings, like one mandating same-sex marriage rights in
all 50 states, could cause a "public outcry."
Severino said she still hopes the court will uphold both Prop. 8 and
DOMA. She pointed to the justices' widespread reluctance to embrace the
Obama Administration stance that the Constitution should be found to
require same-sex marriage rights now in only the roughly eight states
that already have broad civil union rights for same-sex couples. "One
thing everyone seemed to reject was [that] middle ground," she said.
Elizabeth Wydra of the liberal Constitutional Accountability Center
said she believes a kind of hybrid opinion is possible in the DOMA case
that weaves the discrimination concerns together with the federalism
issues. She noted that Justice Elena Kagan seemed headed in that
"A lot depends on how the court writes the opinion. If it does strike
down DOMA, there could be language there that could be helpful for
supporters of marriage equality in state, local and private cases,"
Wydra said.
In the Prop. 8 case, "there seemed to be a lot of hemming and hawing
about actually reaching the fundamental issue," Wydra observed.
In advance of the arguments, some gay rights advocates may have allowed
their hopes to run wild, Socarides conceded. "A broad ruling in the
[Prop. 8] case was always kind of a dream result," he said. He noted
that former George W. Bush solicitor general Ted Olson convinced many
in the gay community it was possible, if not likely, to win a sweeping,
50-state ruling in favor of gay marriage.
"Ted Olson knows this better than anyone else and he was always so
optimistic. I think a lot of people found his optimism contagious,"
Socarides said. "Who knows better than the former solicitor general?"
All the lawyers reading the tea leaves in this week's arguments
cautioned that it's a practice that often ends up leaving pundits with
egg on their faces.
At the arguments on Obamacare, "there weren't a lot of people who left
thinking, 'This is going to get upheld under the tax clause,'" Wydra
---- Original Message ----
From: Debo <>
To: OlaKassimMD <>
Cc: NIgerianWorldForum <>; Edo_Global
<>; naijapolitics
<>; nigerianid
<>; nigeriansncanada
<>; imowomencongressi
<>; imostatecongress
<>; orausa <>;
igbo_forum <>; worldigbocongress
<>; ndicisa <>;
YanArewa <>; Raayiriga
<>; omoodua <>;
Simon-Simon <>
Sent: Fri, Mar 29, 2013 7:21 pm
Subject: Re: NIGERIANSnCANADA | Simon-- Dr. Ola Kassim CAN WE LET THE
I agree on one point Dr Ola wrote and that is 50 to 100 yrs from now
who knows how much the world would have evolved, certainly some
practices and behaviours that were unthinkable 50 yrs ago are the norms
today.That in my opinion doesn't make it right,where does this end? So
if society down the road sees nothing wrong with incest,bestiality or
zoophilia,what about legalizing hard drugs? It's marijuana today why
not met, or cocaine or infact any other fancy of the age and time.
One thing I'm surprised the west have gotten away with for so long is
the demonizing of polygamy which in my opinion is really no different
from their support for homosexuality, one is ok while another is none,
I think it's hypocritical and also shows that this is not only a
religious issue but a cultural one.
All the legislation in the world can not stop these vices in my
opinion, these are the reality of the times and a greater pointer that
Christ is coming soon!!!
Sent from my iPhone
On 2013-03-29, at 12:49 PM, wrote:
"I beg to differ greatly because you are saying that Creator God is not
all knowing, omniscience
and that God continues to evolve and learn progressively as humans
Hi Simon:
The issue is not whether there are any doubts about the omniscience and
ominipotency of our Almighty God.
It is also not a question about whether or not the Almighty God is all
knowing and infallible. He is.
The crux of the matter is whether or NOT humanity has what it takes to
understand the ways of the Almighty God beyond our subjective
interpretations of the
scriptures. We do not; and it is doubtful if we would even if we lived
abother one million
The problem with religionists is with their absolutism and their
tendency to adhere strictly
to the literal meanings of whatever they read in the Holy Books.
According to the Holy Bible and the Holy Koran--the universe has been
in existence for roughly.
only a brief 4000 to 6000 years. We now have irrefutable scientific
evidence that the universe and all that is or
was within it came into exxistence about 13.7 billion years ago. Yet
religionists would still like us to adhere to everything
we read in the Holy Bible, the Holy Koran, the Torah and other Holy
Books as if they are unalterable gospel
truths. They are not! many of what we read in the Holy Bible and the
Holy Koran are best regarded as allegories.
Link to age of the universe according to:
a) the Holy
b) the Holy
Our African ancestors worshipped the Almighty God the way they new best
just like ancoent ancestors
of native Indians, Europeans, Chinese and Indians and other peoples
around the world--long before
the arrival of Christinity and Islam on our shores.
The main purpose of religions and the Holy Books are to guide us about
how to worship the Almighty God
and live moral lives. The words of the scriptures are not meant to be
interreated strictly along literal terms.
We must constantly evaluate our understanding about life in general and
correlate it with the guidance were
provided by the Holy scriptures.
Any arguments about life in general that start and end with the
scriptures without any supportive empirical evidence
of their validity are unlikely to stand the test of time!
---- Original Message ----
From: bubashetima <>
To: NIgerianWorldForum <>; Edo_Global
<>; naijapolitics
<>; nigerianid
<>; nigeriansncanada
Cc: imowomencongressi <>; imostatecongress
<>; orausa <>;
igbo_forum <>; worldigbocongress
<>; ndicisa <>;
YanArewa <>; Raayiriga
<>; omoodua <>;
Simon-Simon <>
Sent: Fri, Mar 29, 2013 11:55 am
Subject: Re: [NIgerianWorldForum] Dr. Ola Kassim CAN WE LET THE
I beg to differ greatly because you are saying that Creator God is not
all knowing, omniscience and that God continues to evolve and learn
progressively as humans do. If I may ask you one question? Did God
create Satan or evil? I m one zillion per cent sure that God did not
create homosexuality, I have unfallible proofs to give you with a
little stipend from you because there is no free lunch. The God of the
Holy Bible is perfect, He is from eternity past and always is. He is
from everlasting to everlasting, and ever present, God is omniscience,
omnipotent and omnipresent. Our fish brains could never even completely
understand and grasp his basic information for us before living Earth
what more of his eternal wisdom power and his majesty. I believe that
it is sinful to even think that God is. Imperfect as you insinuate.
Please do not kill the messenger for proclaiming the gospel truth. I
love you in Christ name. God allows evil, Satan and demons to exist, I
m sure God has no problem to let sinners, reprobates and homosexuals to
live until the white throne judgment. Peace
Sent from my BlackBerry® by Boost Mobile
From: tony egbe <>
Date: Fri, 29 Mar 2013 07:34:13 -0700 (PDT)
To: <>; <>;
<>; <>;
<>; <>
Cc: <>; <>;
<>; <>;
<>; <>;
<>; <>;
Subject: [NIgerianWorldForum] Dr. Ola Kassim CAN WE LET THE
Dr. Ola Kassim,
Yours below is a Very Good Input to the subject under discussion.
Nevertheless, I have come to the Absolute Conclusion that this
Phenomenon, Lesbianism/Homosexual that is, MUST have been Natural to
the Minds that practise it!! Therefore, I have the greater tendency to
Declare it as "Not a Learned Behaviour" like we will consider other
Learned Practices like Being Good at other things we practise to Excell
Sexual Attraction, NATURALLY come to ALL CREATURES, through some
NATURAL Genes from our Maker (GOD)!! With this Belief, it seems to me,
therefore, that May be the GOD of Creation "Forgot" to include this
Particular Gene to some species of Human Beings, while Creating the so
called Lesbians/Gays!! But then can GOD be infallible, or did He do
this Knowlingly? This is the Question that is begging to be
Unravelled!! Nevertheless, I still Strongly Feel that the Practise of
sincerely Believe that it is NATRUAL with some Special Species of Godly
Creatures, which also include Human Beings, who were Purposely Created
by God to Remain like that!! Mind Boggling isn't it? This is where I
With the above Personal Conclusion, I have learnt to Tolerate them; and
do indeed Support their being Accepted in the World Society, to let
them be and Accomodated with their own Equal Rights to their Natural
Life of Existence too, just like the Heterosexuals. To Each is their
own!! Let Me Conclude with this: This group of Human Beings are NOT
bothering anybody with their Life Style; since they ONLY seek for their
Kind!! Otoiheoma Egbe.
--- On Thu, 3/28/13, <> wrote:
From: <>
Subject: [NaijaPolitics] Dr. Ola Kassim ON: Gay Marriage IS DISOBIDIENT
Date: Thursday, March 28, 2013, 11:15 PM
The purpose of my intervention is more to provoke
reactions from the audience rather than share any
form of knowledhe I might have on this thorny issue.
I am looking forward to learning more on this topic
from the audience--beyond the usual recanting
of passages from the Holy Bible and the Holy Koran
which seem to be the norm rather than the exception.
Your response in which you recalled your
earliest knowledge about homosexuality (lesbianism)
at a young impressionable age in your village is similar
to how most young people initially encounter the issue
of sexuality.
You posed some questions on this issue to your parents
and they gave you the most appropriate answers on the
issue to the best of their knowledge and in keeping with prevailing
socio-cultural norms of the time.
However, the world you and I and everyone else grew up in is not
the same world that we live in today. While some things have
remained constant it would appear that many more things have
changed and will continue ti change since Change is the only Constant
in nature.
Our knowledge of the universe, nature and our place as
human beings within it continue to evolve the more we learn
about all things around us.
Unlike the issues of morality which we learn from our parents
and from religious teachings while growing up, human beings
are yet to find the most ideal method of 'teaching' or talking
to our children about sexuality.
This is probably because sexual orientation is an instinctive biological
imperative (drive; urge), that is not teachable. No one teaches a boy
or a girl to be attracted
to the opposite sex (the reality for most human beings) just like
no one can teach a boy or a girl to be sexually attracted
to those of the same gender.
If it were possible to change human beings from being gay to being
there wouldn't be as many gays and lesbians in today's
there is no societal advanatge to be derived from being gay or lesbian.
Instead, these people defy the odds to be who they truly are living
every day of their lives
in fear of persecution by the broader society. This is the reason the
majority of gays and lesbians remain in the closet and are to be found
in every community
living double lives in heterosexual husband and wife relationships.
Even though it might be hard to swallow for some people,
--the unshakeable reality is that homosexuality is part of human nature
and the sanctioning of gay marriages and civil unions will continue to
across the world, albeit at a slow pace with the most conservative
jurisdictions being the last to see the light.
What we know about natural laws--both from theolological and scientific
knowledge is miniscule when compared with what we don't know.
There was a time when the world was believed to be flat. There was
also a time when the best sceintific and theological minds in the world
also believed that the earth was not only the centre of the universe but
that the Sun revolved around the earth until Gallileo came along with
his telescope.
Who knows what more orthodox beliefs of our time will be overturned in
the next
50 or 100 years?
Wishing you and madam and the young folks in your family--Happy Easter
---- Original Message ----
From: tony egbe <>
To: Edo_Global <
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