Sunday, March 31, 2013

USA Africa Dialogue Series - In the spirit of Easter, Senate President, David Mark, comes out in support of gays and lesbians

In the spirit of Easter, Senate President, David Mark, comes out in support of gays and lesbians

Abuja-Nigeria/Associated Press

As Nigerians celebrated the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, Nigeria's Senate President and potential 2015 presidential candidate, David Boanventure Mark, a devout Catholic, told reporters in his Easter message that in the spirit of forgiveness he now "supports gays and lesbians".

"If Catholics could elect an Argentine Pope (the first Pope not from Europe) who am I to discriminate against gays and lesbians in Nigeria?" Mark asked.

"I have given the whole issue of gays and lesbians a serious thought and I have a completely new attitude," Mr. Mark said.

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Chido Onumah
Coordinator, African Centre for Media & Information Literacy,
P.O.Box 6856, Wuse 11, Abuja, Nigeria

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