Friday, June 28, 2013

USA Africa Dialogue Series - Re: [BlackLeftUnity:7235] Black historian's book "betrayed" by German publisher

Here comes the Nazis! Cant she get justice in a European court in Bruxelles? Or even in Germany? Why sue in France?
Frighteningly frighten! This is beyond brazen racism! Inventing a completely new narrative; expunging details; introducing a bizzare twist----all in her name!
This is worse than impunity. The publisher and the translator were a priori cocksure that nothing will come of this murder!
Do we need to remind doubting Thomas' why the struggle in a life time encounter?
Never surrender!

On Fri, Jun 28, 2013 at 12:21 PM, Ibrahim Abdullah <> wrote:
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Jacques Depelchin" <>
Date: Jun 28, 2013 10:55 AM
Subject: Fwd: [BlackLeftUnity:7235] Black historian's book "betrayed" by German publisher
To: "Yoporeka SOMET" <>, "p wynter" <>, "Cornelius Moore" <>

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This is weird

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Date: Fri, Jun 14, 2013 at 10:24 AM
Subject: [BlackLeftUnity:7235] Black historian's book "betrayed" by German publisher

Black historian's book "betrayed" by German publisher

From: joanna.tegnerowicz@GMAIL.COM

Jun 12

Sylvia Serbin, a Black French historian and one of the first Black journalists on the French radio, tells in this video the story of how her book, "Queens of Africa and heroines of the black diaspora" ("Reines d'Afrique et heroines de la diaspora noire", 2004, Editions Sepia. 304 pages.) has been "completely betrayed" and "trampled" by the German editor Peter Hammer Verlag.

Hammer published a "translation" of the book in 2006 without even consulting Ms Serbin, but under her name. The "translation", the work of a certain Gudrun Honke, is in reality blatantly racist trash. Gudrun Honke has "completely rewritten" Sylvia Serbin's book. More than 400 paragraphs have been deleted. This is what Ms Serbin says in the video (which is in French, but I can make a full English transcript if anyone would like to read it): "they have completely falsified African history and there are racist cliches of Africans as cannibals - I have never written something like this in my book - and it is claimed there that African chiefs did not even know how to use chairs, that they were sitting on the backs of their slaves - something I have never said in my book ... And whenever there were paragraphs discussing resistance, vitality, trade in ancient African societies, all this was deleted in order to create another image. They have ridiculed great figures from African history." This is how she sums it all up: "They can do whatever they want with our work".

According to Ms Serbin, white Germans have been enthusiastic about the book and it has been discussed on the German TV and radio. On the other hand, "all the Afro-Germans were shocked" and wondered "how someone who claims to be a historian, who claims to be a Black intellectual, could have written such an outrageous book which denigrates African history and ridicules Black peoples ?"

French tribunals have "systematically rejected" the lawsuits filed by Ms Serbin, and the French media have been silent about the issue. The historian is convinced that she would never have been treated in this way if she were white.

Joanna Tegnerowicz University of Wroclaw, Poland

s. e. anderson
author of The Black Holocaust for Beginners
If WORK was good for you, the rich would leave none for the poor. (Haiti) 

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