Monday, August 19, 2013

Re: USA Africa Dialogue Series - Re- “A People’s Revolution and Not a Crisis or Coup” (Nawal El Saadawi).

Cornelius, Sah!

You something else, but I think I understand our style: you are a compendium of knowledge, exegesis and aphoristic truths.

On the booting of the ball aimlessly, sometimes instant frustration takes over one's better, retrospective judgment, as  Naija were much better than I gave them credit for. It's just that they didn't win, and could have. They also put the fear of many gods in to Spain, and only realized too late, just before they got sucker punched with those second and third goals, that they had the Spanish in their sights.  Keshi is, indeed, the man until those lackeys in the NFF  decide that they are not chopping enough with a home grown coach and get him out.

 Deliberation and patience are the other side of wisdom, not always the best disposition to have when you are watching football, but true for We Sweden, no?


On 2013-08-18 3:55 PM, Cornelius Hamelberg wrote:

 Senor Pablo Idahosa,

I'm just back home from a lecture by Sheikh Abdul al Waddud (servant of the loving) on Surat al-Mulk. I listened to the Medina trained Sheikh from 17-30 to 1800hrs and then I departed from the lecture hall. That's the kind of mood I'm in.

Please accept my profuse apologies, I cannot do any better; I wish that I could do it like Peter Wolodarski in his this morning's editorial

We Africans don't have too much time at our disposal and I can understand the frustration of wading through so much irrelevance, looking for something that should make sense, or worth the effort - looking for that diamond or that imagined needle in the haystack, or at the core of my onion or the 613 commandments or just looking for the black star in the centre, representing the freedom of Africa and not finding it.


And it's not a matter of "better luck next time "either.  It's because you're always journeying to a destination - that ultimate goal, whereas I enjoy much of the scenery on the way to paradise. You 're so gaol-oriented and that's why we both watched that football match between Nigeria and Uruguay about which you said, " I have never seen a teams aimlessly boot the ball as this one with so very little threat up front." , whereas I thought that our lads, Stephen Keshi's lads played splendidly considering that they played against the most vicious South American team that Nigeria has ever played against – and a referee who was totally against Nigeria. I posted the following reply on the heels of what you had written, but somehow it never appeared:


"Our guys did splendidly, SPLENDIDLY and in our prayers deserved a win - but that's football for you....

 I was very surprised by Uruguay's performance since it was to be expected after the filthiest football I've ever seen  in the match they played and lost against Mighty Spain - it was like a war zone and I prayed for Nigeria ( but didn't fast) .."


Excuse me for fooling around, but in a debate mode (and seconds count) I'd go for the jugular at the word go and never let go even after the final round.


In my blog I'm soon going to start a column for slow readers (like Norman Mailer). Lucky you  - I don't even have the luxury of wading through , since I take in the whole page in almost at an instant – but for the humbug of having to click to get to the bottom of those links which sometimes contain essential information. Talking about slow readers, the last big book I read was Vikram Seth's "A Suitable Boy" all 1,349 pages of it! I usually throw a book away if the first few dozen pages are unsatisfactory.


I was hoping that you were going to take to task your good friend Mwalimu Harrow who said, "i align myself with the "liberal" or "democratic" group whose demonstrations had brought down morsi" – whereas a true democrat will still insist that "The only way to marginalise the Muslim Brotherhood is through the ballot box!"( Kelly Ayotte)


 Mwalimu  Harrow now probably concurs with this: The Army Pulled The Trigger, But The West Loaded The Gun

The US & allies don't have any worries yet.  The real worries will begin when China starts supplying Egypt and other Arab states in the neighbourhood with F 16, 17, 18, 19 and other military hardware that they may need. ...

N.B.  I'm aiming at a "best seller".

 The Club that I belong to is called:

We Sweden


On Sunday, 18 August 2013 17:37:10 UTC+2, Pablo Idahosa wrote:

As I have said before, I have always found your style of presentation, well, unique. One has to wade through much to get to a point. It's my fault� for not understanding you mode of citation, so we wont got there.� But� I would certainly defer to Tariq Ramadan, a subtle and profound thinker whose work I like a lot,� so thanks for the reference.�

Who knows?� However, remember Morsi was elected to just over a quarter of the vote, which in and of itself does not justify a coup, but his support on all accounts was dramatically dwindling, whatever sources you draw upon, � both in the lead up to and in the aftermath of the appalling attempt at constitutional reform through a referendum, which basically only the brotherhood turned out for (I believe about 19% of the electorate) . This was� arguably� the tripping point for the multiple consistences that were against him, including the military, of course, as well as the external influences from the Gulf and the Saudis-- they do not want more political Islam.

Hi Ken,
Sorry not to have responded sooner, but we want to see La Pirogue, and got back late. For those who haven't sen it, go.

I didn't mean to be mean spirited,� and apologise for the one-line jibes.� I think, however, our different takes on the Libyan� situation spread out over� positions that we took, and much of the other stuff often appeared to be epiphenomenal--for another time and conversation perhaps.

�I� don't� think she is asking for unqualified support-- who can? Her claim is,� or was, we should have some� a barometer of� the political ideal about whom one supports. Perhaps she has pulled back a little since the bloodshed.� I do not support� the ideal in the face of the realpolitik;� and of figuring out� of consequences,. which of course we cannot know until it all plays put� by multiple degrees� I'm personally usually very skeptical of the� merits of intervention by the military are, who have their entrenched interests that, despite what she says,� are independent of the "people". However, I do not think that the swell that allowed them to come to power will not allow them to stay--the forces that saw the coup against Morsi will not stand for the all or nothing, and there are voices for compromise, just as there were, by the way, Ken in Libya.�

I suppose there are lessons for all of us who write in the heat of the moment, for even nuance is also open to misunderstanding as plain language is, no?


On 2013-08-17 6:52 PM, Cornelius Hamelberg wrote:

Re- �A People�s Revolution and Not a Crisis or Coup� (Nawal El Saadawi).

Some more criticism of Egypt�s trigger-happy military:

The Muslim Brotherhood�s Silent Martyrs Lie Soaked In Blood

Apart from being arrested once in Alexandria, I only have pleasant memories of my half year in Egypt, fond memories of the faithful at Abul Abbas Mosque in Alexandria and the al-Rifai mosque in Cairo...fond memories of the late Abu Wafa al-Taftazani, Professor of Philosophy at �of the University of Cairo a Rifai Sheikh and head of the Sufi Council of Egypt...

I should hope that in this rumination, selective as I am, I am not out cycling in the dark or cycling blindfolded just because I read someplace that �love is blind�.

The focus is on the on-going carnage in Egypt and what el Saadawi, arguably not the great grandmother or the grand old lady of Modern Egyptian or African Literature opined in her �A people�s Revolution and Not a Crisis or Coup�.

For a real discussion or debate, I should like to pit Tariq Ramadan against el-Saadawi a vocal spokesperson for women�s rights in Egypt �and a committed�anti/FGM activist - so it would be man against equal rights woman, and leave them to iron it out, see who comes out on top, which would be left standing.

Writers have a special high standing in Egypt � Naguib Mahfouz was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature� - although this forum tends to ignore him when talking about African Literature� - perhaps because he wrote in his mother tongue Arabic (same language as the Quran)�whilst people in this forum mostly focus on� those who write in other tongues. When I started my study of Islam and enquired from my closest Muslim friends about Mahfouz�s �Children of Gebelawi� in which Moses, Jesus and Muhammad hang out in the same Cairo Ghetto - I was told that Mahfouz was �an evil man� and that I should stay away from him. I got the same answer when I asked another friend - Sheikh Sadiq, a Professor of Islam from Najaf about Nader Shah who organised that debate between the Shia and the Sunni in 1746 - he told me the same thing that Nader Shah was �an evil man.�

Evil men. I wonder what the same people would say about el-Sisi. Maybe that he's going to go to hell?
One of the problems is that African writers (including those made in Egypt, which is in Africa) are often approached as if on the basis of their fiction or fantasy poetry alone, they deserved to be reckoned as prophets or consulted like the oracle of Delphi or a priest or priestess of Ifa Divination and their every word� highly regarded as prophetic when talking about or diagnosing or sooth-saying about their countries or world events as�in this case about what�s happening in Egypt right now; and sometimes as in the case of el-Saadawi, talking some sense but admixtured with a great deal of nonsense because although she has said elsewhere that �Nothing is more perilous than truth in a world that lies", some of what she has said here is far, far from anything that could be called �truth� - at least not the kind of truth that is equateable with what she read in the Quran.
Since her article was first published on the 5th of July 2013 and probably penned on the 4th of July when we were celebrating the 237th anniversary America�s Independence,we can safely conclude that as optimistic as she was when she wrote that article she�was not gifted with the requisite kind of prophetic insight to have foreseen the military�s killing sprees since she penned that article. �Apparently she did not anticipate the military�s massacre of the 5th of July or the massacre of the 27th of July and the subsequent massacres of August 13th -14th and the ongoing massacres of the well-equipped Egyptian military's�war being waged�on the democratically elected president Morsi's� supporters and other anti- coup sympathisers.
So, I find myself concurring with Professor Harrow and with Frank Zappa and the Mothers of Invention:
�In Egypt one side is saying:

�WE are the other people�

�And the other side is also raging, a chorus of voices and street and mosque protests:

�WE are the other people too!�

�If only el Saadawi could talk about the Egyptian people, the way that Victor Jara sang about the Chilean people then she would be talking with a more human heart. It�s not that her side should slaughter all the guys on the other side in the name of justice, Human Rights and equality and win a revolution of the beeble ...�

Just heard Hamdi Hassan explaining on SwedishTV4 news that one of the reasons why it�s difficult to estimate the accurate death toll at the hands of the trigger-happy military is that Muslims prefer to bury their dead as quickly as possible within twenty four hours � they don�t want their dead to be tampered with, dragged to the morgue etc � and so those numbers disappear from the daily count.

Human Rights Watch Egypt and indeed the whole world is very concerned about the escalating number of Egyptians that have been shot in the head and chest.� Ammar Badie the son of Mohamed Badie the spiritual leader of the Muslim Brotherhood currently detained by El-Sisi�s military, was shot dead earlier today.

What we see on a world wide scale is the world�s Muslim population being�systematically reduced - decimated� every step of the way by all these wars - terrorism and war - �and first and foremost it's some of the most able-bodied and zealous Muslim youths that are the cannon fodder in Egypt, in Iraq, in Pakistan, in Afghanistan, in Lebanon, in Syria and not so long ago in Algeria and Somalia, Tunisia, Libya not to forget the doings of Boko Haram in Nigeria.

Right now it looks like at the top of El-Sisi�s agenda is the annihilation of the Muslim Brotherhood � to reduce them in number and influence as a political force and social grassroots organisation in Egypt and in this he seems to have the whole-hearted support of the Egyptian Copts who do not want to abide by Jesus� gospel advice:

��But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you,�

but instead would like to see the last of the Muslim Brotherhood far from their neighbourhoods. Good news for them: El-Sisi says that the Egyptian state is going to re-build their burned down churches. It�s a great pity that El-Sisi� & the Egyptian military�are not going to bring back to life all the pro-Morsi Egyptians that they have killed these past few days, in cold blood.

El-Sisi and his military men are nonplussed and unfazed by the president of the United States dangling the $1.5 billion aid carrot under their greedy military noses and threatening to withhold all of it if El-Sisi and his trigger-happy and unelected interim government do not behave themselves and stop murdering the Egyptian people.��However, at this stage, for El Sisi and the military�s economic empire, $1.5 billion is but a pittance in the bucket when the combined might of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates are offering their anti -Muslim Brotherhood brothers-in-distress a whopping $12 billion to eradicate the al-Ikhwan al-Muslimeen.
�El Sisi is in effect saying that�he can do without the US�s $1.5 � although the cancellation of the joint military exercise is a serious blow to the Egyptian Military�s prestige.

Still on the Egyptian army, Ok so the Egyptian Army has its own vast economic interest to take care of �- to defend and protect � but how united is the Egyptian army?� Don�t the soldiers in that army have relatives in the Muslim Brotherhood or among the many anti-military coup demonstrators and who are being so mercilessly slaughtered?� Are there any Copts in the Egyptian military?

Naguib Sawiris one of Egypt�s richest men - a Copt � was asked on CNN whether he was financing el-Sisi�s interim govt. He replied that he wasn�t doing that and that it was the govt�s duty to maintain law and order, omitting to add �by any means possible� and as I listened to him I thought, �And you�ve got someone like him, to be your god!�
In my view, Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus should all be protesting about the Egyptian army�s excessive killings...

You guess is as good as mine, but I have a feeling that the West wouldn�t mind if it was the Copts in power in Egypt. _ in which case they would both be speaking the same language � the language of �the holy trinity�...

Some anti-Muslim Brotherhood voices:

Frontpage Magazine

Israel� of course� - from the Israeli point of view �(Israel is Egypt�s next door neighbour � only the Sinai separates them and they been to war several times, the last time in 1973 � which the Egyptian army is still telling the Egyptian people that they won) �worse than the Muslim Brotherhood re-gaining power in Egypt would be Hamas ( an ideological affiliate of the Muslim Brotherhood headquarters in Egypt) gaining power� and ruling in Gaza, Judea and Samaria � that would be a nightmare...
Let us pray
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