Wednesday, October 2, 2013

USA Africa Dialogue Series - Live Broadcast: Global E. P. Thompson Conference, Oct. 3-5

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Matthew Rothwell <rothwellmattd@GMAIL.COM>
Sent: Tuesday, October 1, 2013 2:29 PM
Subject: CONF: Global E. P. Thompson Conference, Oct. 3-5 - Follow Live Broadcast Channel

From: Rudi Batzell <>

Sent: Mon 9/30/2013 8:00 PM


We invite you to participate in the upcoming conference at Harvard, Oct.

3-5,  "The Global E. P. Thompson: Reflections on the Making of the English

Working Class after Fifty Years." We will be hosting a truly global

conversation among scholars, and we invite you to join us, either in person

or online.

We will be broadcasting live; please spread the word and tune-in, October

3-5th. The Broadcast will start at 4 PM EST on Thursday, October 3rd, and

conclude on Saturday October 5th at 1 PM, EST.



Broadcast viewers will be able to submit questions and participate via the

Ustream Channel.

Full Program:

Follow the live broadcast ustream channel:

All conference panels will take place in the Tsai Auditorium of the CGIS

South Building, located at the corner of Cambridge and Prescott Streets,

just northeast of Harvard Square.

We look forward to your participation!


Fifty years ago E. P. Thompson published The Making of the English Working

Class, one of the most influential social history works ever. Its approach

to the history of common people, its arguments and its methods came to

influence several generations of historians and others all over the world.

To trace Thompson's influences, and with it the larger story of the varied

approaches to social history that have come out of them, the Program on the

Study of Capitalism and the Weatherhead Initiative on Global History at

Harvard University seek to initiate a global conversation among researchers

across the humanities and social sciences to reflect critically on

Thompson's impact on the writing of history and his enduring significance

for future research.

At a time of global economic crises, as scholarship returns to themes of

class, inequality and political economy with renewed interest, urgency, and

moral purpose, the fiftieth anniversary of the Making of the English

Working Class offers a welcome opportunity to both critically reflect on

Thompson's scholarship and consider the ways in which his ideas, methods

and commitments can still inspire intellectual frameworks and research

programs that speak to present global problems.



Thursday, October 3

4:00 - 6:00 PM: Thompson and his Times

Madeleine Davis, Queen Mary, University of London, UK: "Edward Thompson's

ethics and Activism 1956-1963: reflections on the political formation of

The Making of the English Working Class"

Michael Merrill, Harry Van Arsdale Jr. Center for Labor Studies, SUNY, New

York: "What MakesMaking Marxist? E. P. Thompson and the Theory of the

English Working Class"

Tim Shenk, Columbia University, New York: "The Ends of History: E. P.

Thompson Writes the Apocalypse"

Comment: Alex Keyssar, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University

6:30 - 8:30 PM

Opening Keynote Address

(space no longer available for this limited space dinner)

Cal Winslow, University of California Berkeley, California: "Tending the

Liberty Tree: Experience, Politics and History from Below"



Friday, October 4

10:00 - 12:00 AM: Thompson and Theory

John Trumpbour, Labor and Worklife Program, Harvard Law School: "Edward P.

Thompson, Perry Anderson, and the Antinomies of British Marxism Revisited"

Jeffery Webber, Queen Mary, University of London, UK: "Reading E. P.

Thompson in the Andes"

Lisa Furchtgott, Yale, New Haven: "'That on-rolling fashion-machine:'

gender and the eschatological E.P. Thompson"

Comment: Norberto Ferraras

Noon - 1:00 PM: Lunch

1:00 - 3:00 PM: Thompson in the Global South

Jonathan Hyslop, Colgate University, New York: "The Practice and Politics

of Thompsonian Social History in South Africa, from the 1970s to the


Y. Doğan Çetinkaya, Panteion University, Athens Greece: "E. P. Thompson in

the 'Orient': His Belated Impact on Young Scholars of Turkey during the


Lucas Martín Poy Piñeiro, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina: "The

Making of Labor History: Tracing the Influence of E. P. Thompson in


Comment: John Womack, Harvard University

3:00 - 3:30 PM: Coffee Break

3:30 - 5:30 PM: Thompson in the Global North

Rudolf Kucera, Masaryk Institute and Archives, Czech Academy of Sciences,

Prague, Czech Republic: "Meeting the Hard Line: British Marxism, The Making

and the Communist Historiographies of East Central Europe"

Thomas Lindenberger, Center for Contemporary History, Potsdam, Germany: 'Of

historical relevance only? The German reception of The Making reassessed

from a (post) Cold War perspective'

Hideo Ichihashi, Saitama University, Tokyo, Japan: "E. P. Thompson and

Japanese Left Wing Intellectuals: Why Wasn't His Major Work Translated for

40 Years?"

Melvyn Dubofsky, SUNY Binghamton, New York: "Edward Thompson: The Man, the

Scholar, the Activist, Personal Recollections"

Comment: Charlie Maier, Harvard University



Saturday, October 5

8:30 - 10:30 AM: Moral Economy

Gabrielle Clark, European University Institute, Florence, Italy: "'Humbug'

or 'Human Good'?: E. P. Thompson, the Rule of Law, and Labor from The

Making to Neoliberal American Capitalism"

Kazuhiko Kondo, Rissho University, Tokyo, Japan: "'Moral Economy' retried

in digital archives"

Michael Ralph, NYU, New York: "Actuarial Time, Work-Discipline and

Industrial Capitalism; or, The Making of the American Working Class"

Nikos Potamianos, University of Crete, Greece: "Moral Economy? Popular

demands, liberalism and state intertervention in the struggle over

anti-profiteering laws in Greece, 1916-1925"

Comment: Vince Brown, Harvard University

10:30 - 11:00 AM: Coffee Break

11:00 AM - 1:00 PM: Class Formation

Anna Hájková, University of Warwick, UK: "The Bright Young Things of the

Holocaust: The Terezín ghetto as a society of inequalities"

Joseph Fronczak, Yale, New Haven: "The Making of the Global Left:

Thompsonian Political Formation and the Worldwide Sitdown Strike Movement

of 1936"

Cemil Boyraz, Istanbul Biligi University, Turkey: "Class in the Age of

Global Capitalism: The Case of Post-1980 Privatization in Turkey"

D. Parthasarathy, Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai, India: "The

Poverty of (Marxist) Theory: Peasant Classes, Provincial Capital, and the

Crique of Globalization in India"

Comment: Michele Lamont, Harvard University

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM: Lunch



Rudi Batzell, PhD Candidate, History, Harvard University

Sven Beckert, Laird Bell Professor of American History, Harvard University

Andrew Gordon, Folger Fund Professor of History, Harvard University

Gabriel Winant, PhD Candidate, History, Yale University

Conference Coordinator: Jessica Barnard, Weatherhead Initiative on Global

History, Harvard University


Made possible by a Major Conference Grant from the Weatherhead Center for

International Affairs

Co-Sponsored by The Program on the Study of Capitalism and  The Weatherhead

Initiative on Global History

With generous support from:

The Committee for African Studies; the David Rockefeller Center for Latin

American Studies; the Reischauer Institute of Japanese Studies; the South

Asia Institute; the Charles Warren Center for Studies in American History;

Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies


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