Wednesday, October 2, 2013

USA Africa Dialogue Series - Thanks From Councilman Haba to Prince George's County: AfricanHeritageMonth!

All  three greats in the DMV: MoCo O..yeah! Then DC and Gorgeous Prince George's came roaring. Are we ready for congressional sponsorship and to the White House proclamation of the National African Heritage Month??? What says you Newark? Spread the word from East to West, from the Appalachians to all the Mountains....let that freedom ring.....that one day, Continental Africans would constitute a reckoning American all jurisdictions.
After the Councilman's message, please also see some of the pictures below from personal cameras, some without flash (lol) AND READ THE PROCLAMATION. Enlarge your screen.  The official pictures and videos are yet to be produced.
A shout out to the unbeatable Dr.  Samuel Dongmo, the Emcee who would be a star performer on Oct 11; the Menoua Group, the official keeper of the tradition in 2013; and the incomparable 12 year old Andrea for delivering a powerful acceptance message, upholding the banner for Born in the USA and subsequent generations of Continental Africans.
  Appreciations to the Humble and Gracious Music Legend  Ben  Decca who got lost and went to the wrong address and somewhere in Silver Spring, Md; the Ghanaian delegation with PR Rowina; Hararian Alumni group; and others who went to the Ballroom address. The cell phone could not be charged with an incompatible car charger and we just could not get the calls and text messages. 
Friday Oct. 11 promises to be an event rich in significance and substance. All anyone can do is give in an honest best, nothing is too small with a clean hand and mind. Keep the Kenyan victims in prayers and thanks to those who extended condolences to a volunteer whose mom/aunt died. This program was rescheduled within 48 hours and is a testament to the faith of collaboration. Don't mind the sans decor.....that on Oct 11 with a band!
May God Bless You all

Sent: 10/1/2013 2:44:00 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: Thank you & Follow up
Mr. Hudson,
I would like to seize the opportunity to extend my thank you, on behalf of the Continental African community in Prince George's County, through you to the County Executive, Mr. Baker. It was a great pleasure for us to receive the Proclamation issued by Mr. Baker's office in recognition of the contributions of African immigrants and establishing the month of September as the African Heritage Month.
As I pointed out, during the meeting, Prince George's County has the highest number of African immigrants in the Washington region. This amount to one quarter of the total. Further, our region is also the second, countrywide, with the highest number of African immigrants, after New York area. This put the county in position to be a model and leader in integrating this community and setting the path for other jurisdictions. I have no doubt that this can be done and I will be happy to assist, whatever way, I can to make this a reality.
Again, thank you for your attention and collaboration.

Edouard Haba

Council Member - Ward 4



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From the Native Americans through the Pilgrims to today's multi-ethnic USA,
 the Heritage of America's populations adds to her strength in building our stronger Union,
Diverse People, One Nation Under God.
 Ultimately, the sitting President of the United States proclaims a National Heritage Month.
African Heritage Month 
  Official Representative of the Honorable Rushern Baker 111, Prince George's County Executive:
Communication Manager Barry Hudson brings resounding goodwill and partnership between Prince George's County and Continental Africans; a new and emerging American population.
    Dr. Samuel Dongmo "aka Docta Musica" Master of Ceremonies
September 28, 2013  at the Seat of the Government, City of Hyattsville Municipal Building.

 Go to Hyattsville:
The City of Hyattsville was named after the Founder Christopher Clark Hyatt
Substance Sways
Councilman Haba, District 4, City of Hyattsville, the First Elected Public Official in Washington, DC, Maryland, Virginia  Metropolitan Area (DMV) with a Continental African (immigrant origin) background.
The Councilman made the case for increased civic involvement and the compelling need to support the implementation of the Affordable Care Act
with the establishment of a  Community  Health Navigator to assist Continental Africans in accessing preventive health care.
The Cause Adopted:
Mandela-King Beneficence Banquet Image Awards Gala: Oct. 11, 2013
Dr. Samuel Dongmo   and Hyattsville Councilman Joseph Solomon of the City of Hyattsville at 27 years old.
A cross-section of history's witnesses listens to why, what, and how.
Impressive within two days of not notification of the change of program
We apologize to the dozen of history makers who went to the previously announced location.
Especially to those who called and sent text messages trying to locate the venue,The Council of Ghanaian Association Public Relations Officer Rowina and her team, Hararian Alumni, we greatly appreciate your leadership by example.
We also want to pay respect to musical legend Ben Decca whose team got the wrong address, got lost, called repeatedly and sent text message.
The calls and text went unanswered after 6:30pm due to the preparation and after the start of the program, it was not feasible to be on the phone.
The Significance of Cause
The Dynamite Theresa Ofong, A Health Navigator and Program Director
with the African Women Cancer Awareness Association  gives a riveting Call to Action.
Prince George's County Communication Manager Reads the Historic Proclamation.
It is Official: African Heritage Month in Prince George's County.

12 year old Miss Andrea Dongmo, Second Generation Born in the USA, accepts the Historic Proclamation and gives the official acceptance speech: soaring and inspiration for all generations with hope for continuity as the transnational Continental African population strives for excellence.
With the Menoua Group, the Traditional Custodian of Historic African Heritage Month Proclamation 2013 in Prince George's County.
To be archived in libraries, including the US Library of Congress
From MsJoe, thank you all for the acknowledgments. It is as humbling as it is motivating
Mrs Haba and  the Second Generation Keynoter Andrea
At the close of event, it was fun and friendship raiser
Dr. Richard Mbakop with Second Generation Keynoter 
The videos and more cross-sections of history-makers coming up soon.
And More on October 11, 2013 
Legendary: Mandela-King Beneficence Banquet Image Awards Gala

Double Golden Memorable Magnificence


A big thanks to the Hospitality of Menoua for the Plenty to drink and Food donated by MsJoe 
More pictures and videos to come.


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