Thursday, February 6, 2014

USA Africa Dialogue Series - Analysis: Kenyatta escapes the ICC, and shows others how it's done

's all over bar the shouting, and a few more tedious court proceedings. Unless something drastic changes, Uhuru Kenyatta will not face trial at the International Criminal Court – and the thousands of victims of Kenya's 2007/2008 post-election violence will be denied their chance to see justice done.

Wednesday was supposed to be the first day of his trial, in which he would defend himself against charges of indirect complicity in crimes against humanity for his alleged role in inciting, organising and funding the violence. It was also going to be a milestone in international justice: the first time that a sitting head of state faced an international court on charges of this severity.

But Kenyatta didn't show. He didn't need to. The prosecution case had already unravelled to such an extent that instead of arguing for and against his innocence, the lawyers present were squabbling about whether the case should go ahead at all. There was one thing they could all agree on, however: with the current collection of evidence, there's no way that Kenyatta's guilt can be proved.Read More

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