Monday, March 3, 2014

Re: USA Africa Dialogue Series - Who Needs Asian Studies and Why?CFP for A Conference Panel


Thanks for you expression of interested .

Details of the conference are supplied in the panel proposal attached.

I wait to get your abstract.

Visiting Associate Prof

On Monday, March 3, 2014 7:05 PM, "Sackeyfio, Rose" <> wrote:
Dear Professor:
I am excited about your CFP because I am an expert on African Women's Literature and Culture. Within the last 2 years I have expanded my reserach interest on the literature of South Asian women esoecially the Dalit people. I have visited India, Nepal and China and the intersection of African and Asian cultures and religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism is profound. I will send my Abstract, a bio etc. by the end of this week! I presented three talks on African Women at Lady Shri Ram University in Oct. and will present a paper in Hyderabad in August at the Women's World Congress.
Where is the conference please?
Warmest Regards,
Rose A. Sackeyfio Ph. D.
Associate Professor, English
Phone: 336-750-2026
301 Hall Patterson
Winston Salem State University
601 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive

Winston Salem NC 27127

From: [] on behalf of ugwuanyi Lawrence []
Sent: Monday, March 03, 2014 3:58 AM
Subject: USA Africa Dialogue Series - Who Needs Asian Studies and Why?CFP for A Conference Panel

Dear All,

You are invited to submit abstracts for the Conference Panel attached.

At least six speakers can still be admitted to the panel.

Scholars who write and publish on modern African experience are invited even as experts on African and area studies are particularly desired.

Expression  of  interest should be followed with a short abstract of four to five lines latest by March 15,2014.


Visiting Associate Professor

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