Tuesday, March 4, 2014

USA Africa Dialogue Series - Overview of Global Humanitarian Response 2014

The largest part of humanitarian action, year in and year out, is in response to protracted, usually conflict- based crises. We do not know what new disasters will strike in 2014, but we already know that millions of people in conflict-affected areas will need help. Conflict and civil unrest result in physical harm, cut people off from essential services, impair livelihoods, cause deprivation, result in the spread of disease, displace people from their homes and assets, and drain them of their ability to cope. Comprehensive humanitarian aid provides essential life-saving support and also helps people build their resilience to the protracted crises that confront them.

The strategic response plans presented on the eve of 2014, and those to follow, are the result of structured assessment and analysis of needs. The detailed operational plans and budgets show how the strategies will be turned into action. Prioritization is sharper. Accountability and real-time management will benefit from systematic monitoring and reporting on achievements versus targets. Some of the strategic response plans are taking a multi-year view. Some humanitarian country teams are also timing their assessments and planning to capitalize on local seasonal considerations, like harvests that yield crucial new food security data (as with the Sahel countries for 2014); those strategic response plans are to be completed in the coming months.



Yona Fares Maro

Institut d'études de sécurité - SA

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