Sunday, April 20, 2014

RE: USA Africa Dialogue Series - nigerianid] Re: united states of Africa is an idea whose time has come .....entire paradigm shift......before AU.........



On Apr 20, 2014 2:22 PM, "Emeagwali, Gloria (History)" <> wrote:
'We can never in the next 300 years a real United States of Africa.' Babajide

 Good.  Let us sit on our hands to fulfil that prophecy.

Professor Gloria Emeagwali
Documentaries on Africa and the African Diaspora

From: [] On Behalf Of Ibukunolu A Babajide []
Sent: Sunday, April 20, 2014 3:09 AM
Subject: RE: USA Africa Dialogue Series - nigerianid] Re: united states of Africa is an idea whose time has come .....entire paradigm shift......before AU.........

My dear Prof. ,

We already have the OAU from 1962 that changed itself to AU but makes lofty paper based resolutions but it is disconnected from the different peoples of Africa.

We have COMESA in the southern countries of Africa.  EAC for 5 east African countries ECOWAS for West Africa.  There is one for the central African countries and another for the Mahgreb.

They are all there. Unfortunately they are not effective and the peoples of Africa do not feel them. Before any such programs can succeed there must be significant and palpable political and economic progress at the grass roots and in the mind of the people.
.on a continent that images of Cica Cola and tge kigis if aid agencies have more recognition by the poor and their political leaders insanely fly capital to the west and acquire insane obscene wealth that is not deployed for their own people and have forced the level of brain drain to more developed countries.

We can never in the next 300 years a real United States of Africa.

Happy Easter.


On 20 Apr 2014 06:24, "Emeagwali, Gloria (History)" <<>> wrote:
OK. Thanks for your comment but note that I spoke about different models of integration.
I did not see a  political,  unitary, centralized super state as the only option. Other
possibilities include  a loose  confederate/federal union or even an economic  union
with political and administrative functions etc.

Professor Gloria Emeagwali<><>
Documentaries on Africa and the African Diaspora

From:<> [<>] On Behalf Of Ibukunolu A Babajide [<>]
Sent: Saturday, April 19, 2014 4:53 PM
Subject: RE: USA Africa Dialogue Series - nigerianid] Re: united states of Africa is an idea whose time has come .....entire paradigm shift......before AU.........

My dear Prof.,

It is not a binary concept. If we do not become a united states of Africa,  we shall disintegrate into villages and hamlets.

Second point is that what says a united states of Africa is desirable or a solution?

Third point is that if we are incapable of ruling ourselves efficiently at the local government level, how can we possibly do so at an African level?

Finally,  the number of failed and fragile states on the African continent is a pointer to the fact that our priority is developing statehood and not some lofty airy fairy arty fatty transnational pipedream super state!

Let us trade among ourselves efficiently for 50 years first, before we start thinking of placing a Wall of,  a Diana and a Zhou under some tragic political super structure! It will never work. Not in your lifetime or mine!
Our priority is to build viable states that will curb brain drain and capital flight. That will take us 300 years at the minimum. Maybe when we succeed after 300 years those who are the thinkers then can dust up the ideas of a united states of Africa.



On 19 Apr 2014 18:56, "Emeagwali, Gloria (History)" <<><<>>> wrote:
Diagnosis of a problem is a healthy exercise. It identifies areas of weakness and  may
facilitate new guidelines for problem solving. So  I do appreciate the seven points raised by  IBK.
Thank you.

The issues raised  are not impossible to solve.They are challenges that
 great policy makers and institution builders may seek to address. In fact they should be seen as
 incentives for  bringing about  harmonisation and integration.

 So here are some of my  rhetorical questions and  comments with respect to a,b,c,d,e, f
 and g,  respectively.

Should Africa be allowed to disintegrate into one million villages and ethnic communities -
without any form of centralization beyond the village level?
Is that really an ideal to pursue?  I assume that the answer is no.

Should all gains made at democratization be jettisoned because some regions have failed?
Should the success stories not be used as positive guidelines for others to follow?

Is it rational to abandon  the project towards creating interethnic and inter regional
cooperation and loyalties  across the continent if the rate of success is slower than
we would like it to be? Should we not sharpen our intellectual
tools to deal with this challenge?

The struggle against corruption is a global phenomenon and the institution of ' checks and balances
and accountability' have been ideals pursued  even in regions where corrupt politicians,
 bankers and  financiers steal from entire countries-   in levels of corruption that surpass
 those of Africa. We should not abandon the project in dismay.

 How would the issue of a common currency be handled considering the major
 disparities in GDPs and GDP per capita
 as well as productivity levels between African countries?(Ola Kassim)

 This is indeed  one of  the most challenging matters for  advocates of regional integration.
 We have to learn from the successes as well as the errors of other regions in dealing with this issue.

  The  ongoing sovereign debt crisis with the PIIGS (Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece and Spain)
  should influence our thoughts on the matter,  and cause us to reflect deeply on the nature
  of the integation that we seek.

 The European  crisis is largely due to  contradictions between fiscal and political  integration
 unanticipated by the founding fathers of the EEC.We have to avoid the
 errors made,  learn from their mistakes  and  work towards improvements
 in the model, whether unitary, federal or otherwise.

 Disintegration into a million fragments  is not a laudable option.

Professor Gloria Emeagwali<><><><>
Documentaries on Africa and the African Diaspora

From:<><<>> [<><<>>] On Behalf Of<><<>> [<><<>>]
Sent: Friday, April 18, 2014 7:59 PM
Subject: Re: USA Africa Dialogue Series - nigerianid] Re: united states of Africa is an idea whose time has come .....entire paradigm shift......before AU.........

Dear IBK
I enjoyed your summation of the challenges and set backs for a United States of Africa and I am in tandem with your position that it cannot work even at least for now.
There is another aspect of the United States of Africa impossible debate that you missed out which I consider a very strong rationality for an impossible United States of Africa.
IBK, do you foresee a situation where America, Europe including Russia and Asia will fold their arms for the consummation of a United States of Africa. I am sure that the intrigues and international political conspiracy and permutations that will be at play to ensure that it does not manifest will be unimaginable.
However, let us not be tired and weary of challenging our intellectual reasoning as how to add value to the quality of life and living condition among African societies and nation state. There is urgent need to also question the quality of governance, security, and development. My submission is that a United States of Africa is currently an unattainable agenda.
Bamidele Badejo.
OOU, Ago-Iwoye
Ogun State. Nigeria
Bamidele Badejo
From: Ibukunolu A Babajide <<><<>>>
Date: Thu, 17 Apr 2014 19:55:49 +0300
To: <<><<>>>
Subject: Re: USA Africa Dialogue Series - nigerianid] Re: united states of Africa is an idea whose time has come .....entire paradigm shift......before AU.........

Ola Kassim,

Those who call for the United States of Africa remind me of your shallow thinking and dogmatic adherence to the notion that Africans having children is evil and Joe Igietseme denying and negating his Agenebode roots in his misguided rush to replace it with a flawed Nigerian ethnicity.

America was built by those who committed huge atrocities to kill and steal Ameri-Indian lands and take it all over!

Africans have lived ib Africa from the dawn of the emergence of humans. We were never wiped out and our lands stolen!

We emigrate to other places. We are a part and parcel of human evolution and we can not be railroaded into morphing overnight into some mono African identity.  We are diverse and shall remain so for millions of years ahead.


On 17 Apr 2014 19:21, <<><<>><<><<>>>> wrote:
Dear All:

How realistic is the idea of a United States of Africa given the following prevailing realities:

a) the majority of African countries have proven that they are unable to govern
themselves properly under democratic settings

b) most Africans still harbor significant attachments (loyalties) to their ethnic (tribal) origins at
the expense of their loyalties to their countries

c) the majority of African  countries are still afflicted with major disparities in income and wealth
distributions--with a few mega rich, rich and rapidly dwindling middle class and majority 50 to 90%
underclass and the abjectly poor.

d) considering that the majority of the African countries are unable to harmonize their ethnic and cultural differences
towards strengthening the overarching cultural values that bind them together--how would the disparate multilingual
multicultural and multi-religious citizens manage in a United Republic of Africa.

e) how connected would the citizens of a United Republic of Africa be to the overarching government at the center
when they are currently mostly disconnected to the central governments of their current nations?

f) considering that the governments in most African nations are currently rife with corruption wwhich is encouraged
by the relative lack of checks and balances and accountability frameworks, who would an even more distant handle
the issue of corruption at national levels.

g) who would the issue of a common currency be handled considering the major disparities in GDPs and GDP per capita
as well as productivity levels between African countries.

Until the above questions are addressed, the idea of a United Republic of Africa--a laudable dream of Pan Afrikanists,
dead and alive, past and present would probably remain a pipe-dream at least in our lifetime!

The underdevelopment of Africa, African countries and their peoples relative to other regions of the world is not due to the absence of a central government.
Countries can still remain under indivisual governance whilst participating in an economic union--similar to the EU or ASIANA.



---- Original Message ----
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