Thursday, May 1, 2014

Re: USA Africa Dialogue Series - iPoem 6: Ibadan Invited Me...

Dear Afolayan,
This Poetry is profound for those of us to whom Ibadan is more than home. I have been embraced in the warmth of this great City and consider myself a true daughter of the soil.

You see, my father came to this City from the then South Eastern Region(Ibibioland) in 1947 on being demobilized from the army after the second world war. My mother was married in 1947. My parents had all their 12 children in Ibadan. I am the 9th of 12 children and was born over 50 years ago in this City of the warm embrace. I am married to an Ibadan indigene. Yoruba is my first language which I speak with the true kini so (show) accent. My Uncle who is 83 years still resides in Ibadan and we have four generations of my family in this city.

Long essay. But just providing the context for why your poem got my attention so powerfully.

Ibadan yio gbe wa oh! Ibadan to gbo nile to gba'lejo. Ibadan to gb'ole to gbole. Ilu Ibadan ko ni baje. Amin Aase!
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From: "'Adeshina Afolayan' via USA Africa Dialogue Series" <>
Date: Wed, 30 Apr 2014 22:14:20 +0100
To: <>
Subject: USA Africa Dialogue Series - iPoem 6: Ibadan Invited Me...

Ibadan invited me

...and I came,
into its 
troublesome embrace

a non-Mesiogo:
         my legs ached
         my brain throbbed
         my hair greyed
         my loins flourished
and still Ibadan held me
in its troublesome embrace

It's more than a score years already
more than the life time
of most meaningful affairs

Is it still morning yet
in this romance?

I am a non-Mesiogo
yet Ibadan embraced me

Adeshina Afolayan

Sent from Samsung Mobile

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