Saturday, June 21, 2014

USA Africa Dialogue Series - Stanley Onye on the Ballot for Delegate //// Go with Ike on June 24: Vote for Isiah "Ike Leggett: Montgomery County Executive

Dr. Onye:

Maybe we did not connect on the grounds.....but we are promoting your candidacy through various avenues.

I sincerely believe Continentals have the votes for the difference . This weekend we are calling people and Prince Georges's volunteers to hand out literatures at the polls.

To Lead You Must be a Servant

-----Original Message-----
From: 'Stanley Onye' via AfricanWorldForum <>
To: panafricanistforum <>; USAAfricaDialogue <>; africanworldforum <>; nigeria360 <>; net-sudan <>; rwanda-l <>; Africans_Without_Borders <>; talknigeria <>; africa-oped <>; africanservices <>; Wanazuoni <>; AfricaWatch <>; FREE_Ambazonians <>; africanid <>; ACCDF <>; kenyaonline <>; zimsite <>; cameroonforum <>; nigerianworldforum <>; CongoVista <>; mwananchi <>; dclesan <>; lesa-usa <>; campros <>; africanherald <>; amacam <>; nigerianid <>; Nia_for_Ghana <>; talknigeria <>
Sent: Sat, Jun 21, 2014 11:12 am
Subject: [africanworldforum] Re: [panafricanistforum] Go with Ike on June 24: Vote for Isiah "Ike Leggett: Montgomery County Executive

Please remember that it is only your own that will properly protect and represent your interest. I am one of you and I am requesting that if you live in Prince George's County, to please make sure that you go out to vote on Tuesday June 24, 2014. Vote for Stanley Onye for delegate, as well as Democratic Central Committee member At large. My name is in all the ballots in Prince George's County. Please remember to vote on Tuesday and vote for Stanley Onye. We need a voice in Annapolis and no other person in this election will do that better than me. Thank you
Dr. Stanley Onye

On Wednesday, June 18, 2014 7:10 AM, " [panafricanistforum]" <> wrote:

Hello Great People:
Your Support for Ike is well placed. He does his part when we do ours.
Let's Go, Allons Nous....Vote for Ike
The Numbers are greater than any Union.
Continuing with Proven Stewardship of the County 
New Generation Continental AfricanYouths 
Like Ike
Hello, I am Teresa Kona and an Ike Voter from   Gaithersburg, Maryland. Three generations of my family are voting for Isaih "Ike" Leggett as Montgomery County Executive to continue leading Montgomery County toward the  steady path of progress.
Ike Leggett - Difference
Greetings, I am Serge Oniloude, President of Benin Community. It is a pleasure to exercise  my voting right. In my embracing downtown Silver Spring, I am an Ike guy and voting for Ike. 
I invite you to join a team of poll workers for Ike Leggett  on Tuesday June 24, 2014. You  can give a ride to a voter. Call the Ike Campaign when you visit the website.
Click on:Go Ike  
Get information from the Board of Elections. Click
 Thank You.
On the May Campaign Trail with a Diverse Believers in Ike 
Candidate for Montgomery County Executive, Maryland
Tuesday June, 24 2014


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