"the demilitarization of all direct parties in the conflict?" Your preamble sounds like my Yoruba professor talking about Iran going nuclear – he says that if Israel is "allowed" to have nuclear bombs then everybody should be allowed – everybody i.e. Boko Haram, Goodluck Jonathan, Taliban, Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah, Hamas, al-Qaeda, IS, the late Saddam…
Throughout, you have been humane and fair but it's quite clear that you are not familiar with the goals outlined in either the PLO Charter or that of their brothers-in-arms, the Hamas Covenant.
The more sober reality is this: "If Palestine were to lay down their guns tomorrow, there would be no war. If Israel were to lay down theirs, there would be no Israel "- Benjamin Netanyahu
Gaza has been a test case – Israel withdraws and it becomes a safe haven for jihad's missiles pointing at Haifa, Tel Aviv and Jerusalem.
Now Shaul Mofaz is talking about smoking out Hezbollah terror tunnels. Hopefully, he will not be crossing the border and invading Hezbollah's stronghold in Southern Lebanon on a mission of search and destroy. Hezbollah does not have any baby bombs in their new stockpile of missiles (and when I think of the civilian casualties in Lebanon's capital Beirut, I have to close my eyes and what I see is the whole world, the Arab League and Iran foaming at the mouth in indignation at the death toll...
I just read this in this morning's Dagens Nyheter (print edition): Start with Gaza and thought of you.
Another song: Put Down Your Weapon
Wishing you a pleasant weekend in peace and quiet.
The tragedy of Gaza, primarily a matter for the Israelis and Palestinian Arabs concerns us because of our common humanity. Excessive is excessive. Wrong is wrong. To have the right to self-defense is not to have no measure in self-defense. There may not be Israeli military boots on the ground as I write in Gaza. This does not mean that Gaza is still not crushingly occupied. Is occupation not unceasing attack?
Why should one people have the right to defend themselves and another would not? You make a case for the demilitarization of Gaza. What not a case for the demilitarization of all direct parties in the conflict? Why not a ban on arms sale to all parties in the conflict? Why not a ban on military ware production on all parties?
Israel alone cannot have a monopoly of reasonable demands. No party in a conflict usually has this monopoly. All parties do have both reasonable and unreasonable demands at the same time. This is why mediated negotiations by neutral third parties make sense and can be invaluable if all parties in conflict truly desire conflict resolution.
General Sharon as Prime Minister of Israel, realized that what Israel needed to make whole its statehood was peace with all her neighbors and not security. He knew that Israel passed the security test a long time ago. He unilaterally withdraw Israeli forces from Gaza. That decision was opposed by many members of Sharon's Likud Party at the time including Netanyahu and Feiglin. Sharon left the Likud Party. He formed a new party. The Likud Party is now in power and Netanyahu and Feiglin are senior party leaders as well as Prime Minister and Deputy Speaker of the Israel's unicameral parliament respectively. What evidence is there that both men and others in their coalition government share Sharon's vision, desire peace, and are not using the security argument as a pretext for continued occupation of Gaza and the west Bank?
Gaza would conceivably be a better place than it is now if scarce resources were not expended on military ware. Israel would be a safer place to live in, more prosperous, and less dependent on the United States if she was at peace with all her neighbors. Prosperity seldom comes to an occupied land. That is one more reason occupation is usually resisted. It must therefore be first things first. It does not make a lot of sense to purchase a stool before you have a floor to sit it.
From: Cornelius Hamelberg []
Sent: Thursday, August 07, 2014 7:47 PM
To: Anunoby, Ogugua
Subject: Re: FW: USA Africa Dialogue Series - In Gaza, International Law Is Up in Flames
You must know that neither of us is against the idea of freedom for everyone, including everyone in Gaza.
In what sense is Gaza under occupation? I heard an expert say that occupation means boots on the ground. There are no Israeli boots on the ground right now. I guess that you would argue that there are Israeli boots in the air and in the bomb boats at sea and on the ready just outside the Gaza coastline, just in case.
In my view, Israel's demands are reasonable.
Here's the current situation
What does Gaza need weapons for? Imagine if the crucible Gaza had been all peace and quiet after General Sharon unilaterally withdrew every Jew from the strip, thus ending what was occupation. Imagine if all the money on rockets, missiles, suicide vests and terror tunnels had been invested in education, health, and agriculture – wouldn't Gaza be a model little land in the whole of the Middle East?
Is that was is likely to happen if Israel were to totally lift the blockade and leave the Hamas government to their own devices or are we likely to see weapons flying in like never before, by land, sea and air, "in order to liberate the West Bank". That is the question. If only Hamas would be willing to give that undertaking to renounce terror - no bombs, no terror indoctrination of children, why would there be a blockade, why would there be war and not peace?
On 8 August 2014 00:30, Anunoby, Ogugua <> wrote:
"What would happen - or, more directly , how would you feel if year after year a bunch of Christian terrorist nut heads in Waco, Kansas State kept on firing their primitive missiles (primitive by US military standards ) at the Pentagon?" .
I refer you to your assertion below on the "pitfalls inherent in making analogies". It seems to me that it is a grossly misleading simplification to try to understand Hamas' resistance to Israeli occupation by referencing a hypothetical "Christian terrorist" group in Kansas State. Palestinian Arabs are under a brutal Israeli occupation and continue to lose their land, and lives. Your "Christian terrorist" are not, and never likely to.
Hamas has a legitimate case in the minds of many Palestinian people, and many non-Palestinian people paying attention. Al Qaeda is a violent group in search of a cause. Hamas is a political party with a military wing fighting the occupation of her homeland. Al Qaeda is nothing of the sort.
Hamas duly won an election that was forced on her. The proponents and some critical supporters of that election rejected the result. One would have thought that they would accept it and work with Hamas. Depending on their outcome, democratic elections in Palestine can be an encumbrance for some people and governments.
Hamas militancy is mostly a reaction to extant and continuing circumstance. Many people seem to have forgotten why Hamas came into existence. Remove the circumstance and enabling conditions and Hamas in its present form, will be surplus to requirement. Hamas uses the occupation to justify her existence. Israeli occupation has become Hamas' most effective recruitment tool. Many Israelis know this to be so.
The Jamaican Reggae Great, Peter Tosh, reminds us in one of his celebrated songs that people are crying for peace but he is crying for equal rights and justice. Mr. Tosh makes a good point with some exaggeration. He is not alone in crying for equal rights and justice.
From: Cornelius Hamelberg []
Sent: Thursday, August 07, 2014 5:33 AM
Cc: Anunoby, Ogugua
Subject: Re: FW: USA Africa Dialogue Series - In Gaza, International Law Is Up in Flames
An aside: For better or worse, as we all know, there are the usual pitfalls inherent in making analogies, citing disparate situations, such as a fallacious, flawed, incorrect, and imperfect, some would say an untenable and useless analogy about Gaza - posing a question, as far-fetched as
"What would happen - or, more directly , how would you feel if year after year a bunch of Christian terrorist nut heads in Waco, Kansas State kept on firing their primitive missiles (primitive by US military standards ) at the Pentagon?" .
In the case of Waco, they (the Pentagon) bombed the barn.
How is the Hamas method different from al-Qaeda's , Sir ? ( By all means, please feel free to go ahead and justify terrorism, Boko Haram, violence and mass destruction, who do you think is or could be standing in your way?
Oga Ogugua,
O how I love these lines by Nigeria's Shakespeare (with a wink in his eyes)
Lakunle: That is what the stew pot said to the fire.
Have you no shame – at your age
Licking my bottom? But she was tickled
Just the same?
Sidi: The school teacher is full of stories
This morning. And now, if the lesson
Is over, may I have the pail?
On Monday, 4 August 2014 16:43:31 UTC+2, Anunoby, Ogugua wrote:
There seems to me to be a weakness with the World War 11 analogy. The Resistance then had friends, powerful friends. The Nazis were not defeated by the Resistance only but with the assistance of powerful friends like the United States that planned and led the invasion of Europe. The Palestinians have practically no friends. They are mostly on their own except for humanitarian aid that is compelled by the Israeli occupation, and sketchy military assistance.
Israel withdrew from Gaza nominally. Her iron-clad blockade of Gaza makes the withdrawal practically meaningless. Israel withdrew from most of the West Bank earlier. She has been seizing Palestinian land there since. Who is to say the same was not going to happen in Gaza.
Hamas may seem stupid attacking Israel today but there is an area parallel. The establishment of the state of Israel is believed to have been hastened by the armed attacks on British Administration and Army by Jewish terrorists. The "worst" of the attacks was the bombing in 1946 of the King David Hotel- headquarters of both the British administration and army in Palestine and Transjordan, by Jewish "terrorist" led at the time by Menachem Begin- a Polish Jew and a future prime minister of Israel.
While one may not support the desperate armed attacks of Hamas and other Palestinian resistance against Israel, one understands their despair and frustration with the worsening state of their daily existence in their homeland. We remember "Give me liberty or give me death" credited to the United States' Patrick Henry. For some Palestinian Arabs, death is becoming preferable to living under an Israeli occupation that arguably has no equivalent anywhere in the world in 2014. Hamas has said over and over again in current cease fire negotiations that she will not accept a ceasefire without a lifting of the Israeli blockade albeit supervised, on Gaza. That for me say everything.
From: Anunoby, Ogugua
Sent: Monday, August 04, 2014 9:31 AM
Subject: RE: USA Africa Dialogue Series - In Gaza, International Law Is Up in Flames
There seems to me to be a weakness with the World War 11 analogy. The Resistance then had friends, powerful friends. The Nazis were not defeated by the Resistance only but with the assistance of powerful friends like the United States that planned and led the invasion of Europe. The Palestinians have practically no friends. They are mostly on their own except for humanitarian aid that is compelled by the Israeli occupation, and sketchy military assistance.
Israel withdrew from Gaza nominally. Her iron-clad blockade of Gaza makes the withdrawal practically meaningless. Israel withdrew from most of the West Bank earlier. She has been seizing Palestinian land there since. Who is to say the same was not going to happen in Gaza.
Hamas may seem stupid attacking Israel today but there is an area parallel. The establishment of the state of Israel is believed to have been hastened by the armed attacks on British Administration and Army by Jewish terrorists. The "worst" of the attacks was the bombing in 1946 of the King David Hotel- headquarters of both the British administration and army in Palestine and Transjordan, by Jewish "terrorist" led at the time by Menachem Begin- a Polish Jew and a future prime minister of Israel.
While one may not the desperate armed attacks of Hamas and other Palestinian resistance against Israel, one understands their despair and frustration with the worsening state of their daily existence in their homeland. We remember "Give me liberty or give me death" credited to the United States' Patrick Henry. For some Palestinian Arabs, death is becoming preferable to living under an Israeli occupation that arguably has no equivalent anywhere in the world in 2014. Hamas has said over and over again in current cease fire negotiations that she will not accept a ceasefire without a lifting of the Israeli blockade albeit supervised, on Gaza. That for me say everything.
From: [] On Behalf Of kenneth harrow
Sent: Sunday, August 03, 2014 10:47 PM
Subject: Re: USA Africa Dialogue Series - In Gaza, International Law Is Up in Flames
i do not believe israel is interested in land in gaza. it withdrew all its settlements from there 9 years ago.
what should hamas do? i don't know really, but firing rockets at an infinitely stronger enemy, knowing the kind of response it will provoke, seems very nihilistic and wrong to me.
i like to repeat this: the Resistance in world war 2 knew that if they assassinated a nazi, there would be a disproportionate response. the nazi policy was to exterminate villages in response to actions taken by the Resistance. so the Resistance had to calculate whether the price of an assassination would be too high.
that's what hamas had to have done. if they imagined it was worth it to have 2000 palestinians dead, i'd like to know for what??
i am sympathetic with their cause, but find this action idiotic and immoral. those people died for nothing. you can twist a political logic out of it all you want; hamas is now more popular; it had seemed to be accomplishing nothing, etc. but why did those 2000 people die? and the responsibility lies both with hamas that provoked the bombs and the bombers.
they are both immoral and stupid beyond belief because nothing will have been accomplished by either side, no furthering of palestinians' cause, no greater security for israel.
i wonder, too, if this judgment might not also apply to boko haram? what are they possibly gaining by these atrocities they are committing?
kenOn 8/3/14 10:34 PM, Anunoby, Ogugua wrote:
"…if hamas is firing a rocket at israel, israel has the right to fire back at those who fired the rockets."
What should Hamas do about Israel's crushing occupation of Gaza and transforming Gaza into one great prison? Lay down and die? Is the right to self-defense no longer a universal right? Should Israeli's rights be superior to Palestinian Arabs'?
It is mind boggling that some members of a group that has suffered persecution and death, are very mindlessly oblivious of the suffering, persecution, and death they continue to visit on their neighbors. Even Spiderman knew that with great power comes great responsibilities not only to self but to others.
The Israeli occupation of The West Bank and Gaza is no longer about security or even peace. It is about land grab. Mr. Abbas and his PLO are not a threat to Israel. What do they have to show for it? Going from the known to the unknown, it is not likely that the recognition of Israel by Hamas will make a significant real difference to Israel's craving for Palestinian land. Israel will more likely contrive another pretext to continue her occupation and acquisition of Palestinian land. Remember that Israel argues that "natural growth" justifies her acquisition of Palestinian land for new settlements even though Palestinian Arabs have a higher rate of population growth.
Netanyahu and his supporters continue to do a great job of making reluctant opponents of many friends of Israel. There comes a time when bias and self-interest must give way to justice and peace.
From: [] On Behalf Of kenneth harrow
Sent: Sunday, August 03, 2014 2:31 PM
Subject: Re: USA Africa Dialogue Series - In Gaza, International Law Is Up in Flames
dear shina
these are all good questions, but i don't quite think unanswerable.
i am not an international law prof, but i do work with amnesty international and i know it is a war crime, it is against international legal conventions, to target civilians. both israel and hamas have done this.
ok, who is more successful? 2 israeli civilians, and one foreign worker dead. the rest are soldiers who died in combat. under 50.
gaza? my god, the numbers are escalating as we speak. maybe 1600 dead so far; most civilians, far far too many children. you'd have to have a very hard heart not to be broken-hearted over this, be you jewish or christian or muslim. it is plain, simple, clear, wrong.
to your points, then: of course, if hamas is firing a rocket at israel, israel has the right to fire back at those who fired the rockets. that's simple. the accusations that hamas is firing from schools and homes might be pure propaganda. if it did so, and actually caused real deaths, i'm afraid they would be inviting a response back where israel could bomb those sites.
be cautious before you accept too quickly that that is what is happening: i've seen contradictory reports on that.
but really, shina, if the notion of a proportionate and legal response is ditched, what is to stop israel from bombing all of gaza mercilessly and destroying all the palestinians.
that would be genocide, and no different from the horrific crimes of world war two, and as a jew who grew up with the words '"never again" inscribed on my brain, i would have to fight against that. and i'd ask you to do so as well.
that is not happening now. instead, a lower level of horrible violence is inflicting punishment on palestinians to try to bludgeon them into submission, and to bludgeon them into dumping hamas.
many jews are opposed to this tactic: it is the tactic of a particular regime, a right-wing regime that doesn't seem to want to invite palestinians to a real peace accord. that's why it tries to divide hamas from the palestinian authority, and why it keeps increasing the settlements.
i am not a political scientist and specialist, but isn't this easy enough for us to understand just on an amateur level of knowledge?
lastly, it isn't an issue of choosing the israeli govt or hamas. both are choosing belligerence now and using unacceptable tactics. the intemperate responses we get, occasionally, on the list must be from those who believe there is truth and justice on only one side.
but even as i write that, i know that israel has made life in gaza unbearable because of the blockade, and even if hamas has opened up this violent response with all its rockets, it has done nothing to improve the situation. their calculation was a bad one; israel's response is even worse.
one is tempted to cite the prince in romeo and juliet: a pox on both their houses. but the problem is, their houses are ours.
kenOn 8/3/14 10:21 AM, 'Adeshina Afolayan' via USA Africa Dialogue Series wrote:
If Hamas has functional and deadly weapons thwt could be launched deep into Israel with deadly accuracy, would that justify Israel's action? Is the moral issue that of big Israel versus small Hamas? Or that of a cunning Hamas whipping up moral sentiment by deliberately antagonising Israel? Am i permitted to wipe out the enemy if i can identify it or democracy and human rifhts forbid that? What is the moral issue here beyond the geopolitical manoeuvres?
Adeshina Afolayan
Sent from Samsung Mobile
-------- Original message --------
From: Kenneth Harrow <>
Subject: Re: USA Africa Dialogue Series - In Gaza, International Law Is Up in FlamesIf you learned boko haram had some members in a village would you wipe it out? That's what Israel is doing on a smaller scale. Further, there is no real threat to israel! Lots of useless rockets don't constitute a viable threat.
Sent from my iPad
On Aug 2, 2014, at 4:40 PM, Ibigbolade Aderibigbe <> wrote:For Ken and his "fans" Israel should just stay put and allow its citizens to be wiped out all in the name of conforming to "civil standards" as long as hamas a terrorist group has its way. Then the kens of this world would be happy at the annihilation of the Jewish people- Why cant we have a repeat of the NAZI era- INCREDIBLE!!!
On Sat, Aug 2, 2014 at 2:22 PM, kenneth harrow <> wrote:
good questions.
it is very hard for people to separate out a government from the state or nation; and in this case, also, to separate jews from israel. not all jews are israelites or supporters of its govt, not all israelites voted for netanyahu or favor policies of building settlements or squeezing gaza.
but in europe all jews are subject to attacks, now, because they are presumed to be supporters of israel and enemies of hamas.
hamas's armory consists of a bunch of useless rockets and guns; israel has all the modern armaments of a powerful state. so what is this policy of attacking and crushing gaza supposed to accomplish? it turns 1.7 million gazans into inveterate enemies, with young men willing to commit suicide to kill israelis.
what kind of long-term stupid policy can that be? you are right, ogugua, to ask if the israeli govt and its supporters aren't doing themselves more harm by their policies than hamas could ever do.
On 8/2/14 12:50 AM, Anunoby, Ogugua wrote:
Israeli's case for her onslaught in Gaza is that Hamas fires rockets into Israel, and attacks Israelis through underground tunnels. The same government says that its missile defense system (MDS) destroys over 85 percent of the Hamas rockets in the air. Israel's invasion of Gaza has cost many innocent Palestinian lives. It has also cost more Israeli lives than Hamas' primitive, unguided rockets, and tunnel attacks have. Is Israel a penny wise and a pound foolish? Is Israel a greater threat to her people, and their long term peace and security that Hamas is?
There must be a more efficient and effective way to seek, find, and have peace.
From: [] On Behalf Of kenneth harrow
Sent: Friday, August 01, 2014 11:12 AM
Subject: Re: USA Africa Dialogue Series - In Gaza, International Law Is Up in Flames
hamas was put in an impossible position by the israeli blockade. the people in gaza were dying and miserable due to israeli pressure. yet you blame them for striking back. instead, you would have them lie on their back and be squashed, their people dying from lack of good water, food, medicine, jobs. incredible. they hated the israelis for oppressing them, and that hatred was "their fault." and when their youth were ready to die to strike back, you blame them.
there are lots of good reasons for criticizing hamas. but you whitewash israel's crimes, putting the blame on the victim.
that's not "true and courageous," it's immoral and supports an illegal blockade that lies at the root of the conflict. if israel had treated gaza as it did the west bank, we would not have had this situation.
kenOn 8/1/14 5:54 AM, 'Ifedioramma E. Nwana' via USA Africa Dialogue Series wrote:
This is the first time I have read something true and courageous. Yes, if Hamas does not continue to provoke Israel,lsrael would not have need to protect her citizens and there would not be what people regard as violations of International Law. Our elders advise that we should never pull the leopard by the tail whether alive or dead!
I blame the international communities more. If they do not go on massaging Hamas in their idiotic acts, Hamas may have long reallised the futility of its present stand and the need to live in peace with Israel in a 'Two State' arrangement.
Who would rightly blame Israel if it has a 'sieged mentality'. It would be damned insessible to argue that after 66 years the effects of that horrible holocaust should have been forgotten! Indeed, some of the survivours of that horrendous experience are still alive and must be singing daily, even to the hearing of their offspring "Never Again"!
I think there is a simple solution to the Middle East problem: Hamas and its sponsors should accept, genuinely and in practice, the Right of Israel to live under a "Two State" arrangement. I am convinced that once this is settled, Israel being the civilised community that I know, would stop even the errection of settlements in the West Bank. By the way who, except Israel, thought Israel would abandon the settlements it had built in Gaza!
Unless this (Two State settlement) is done, whenever Hamas provokes Israel, Israel will try, not only to retaliate, but will endeavour to ensure that Hamas is incapacitated to the extent that it does not attemp to provoke her again. Unfortunately, whenever this happens, those who misslead Hamas go behind to re-arm it and it thinks it can attack Israel!
I advice the UN and all its agencies to have the courage to tell Hamas to know itself and find wisdom.
IEM Nwana
On Friday, 1 August 2014, 1:32, olakassimmd via USA Africa Dialogue Series <> wrote:
Dear All
There is no doubt that Israel is breaking international laws
and that she is getting away with it under the leadership
of Benjamin Nettanyau who is as much as war monger as any
Hamas leader could be.
However there would have been no need
for Israel to break international laws if the
Hamas had not kept on provoking Israel in the first
The state of Israel has no other choice but to protect her citizens.
If the Hamas keeps on using its civilians as sacrificial lambs to shield its troops
from Israel's superior firepower, one can hardly blame only the state of Israel
for the thousands of civilians including infants and school children
who have been either killed or wounded
during the ongoing Israeli counter-offensive.
The leadership of the Hamas are fully aware that that Israel's war doctrine
is to deploy overwhelming disproportionate
force in retaliation for any attacks by Hamas on Israeli citizens,
The Hamas must learn the lesson that it is suicidal to keep
on provoking wars it knows it cannot win and that if by chance
it ever appears it might be winning, such an anticipated victory would be truncated
by the increase in supplies of ammunitions and logistics to Israel by the USA and other western countres
to bolster the Israeli efforts.
Only ruthless religious ideologues keep on year in and year out using its peoples
as guinea pigs for the testing of the
latest weaponry from Israel, the USA and other western countries,
The rest of the world must tell the Hamas and her dwindling number of Arab supporters that
it must learn to live and let live.
The only solution to the Palestinian-Isreali dispute is a two state solution!
The state of Israel is here to stay; it is not going anywhere.
Nettanyau and the rest of the Israeli leadership must also realize that her citizens
would know no lasting peace until it agrees to meet the Palestinians in the middle.
israel must stop building settlements on Palestinian lands!
Ola--a strong supporter of Palestinian rights who is currently fed up with Hamas tactics.
---- Original Message ----
From: kenneth harrow <>
To: usaafricadialogue <>
Sent: Thu, Jul 31, 2014 6:17 pm
Subject: Re: USA Africa Dialogue Series - In Gaza, International Law Is Up in Flamesthis is completely true
here is the amnesty international report that details these violations:
kenOn 7/31/14 4:35 PM, Emeagwali, Gloria (History) wrote:
In Gaza, International Law Is Up in FlamesIn a flagrant violation of international law, Israel's assault on Gaza has killed hundreds of civilians and devastated civilian infrastructure.By Phyllis Bennis<>, July 30, 2014. Originally published in OtherWords<>.Israel is imposing collective punishment against all Gazans, attacking hospitals, schools, and power stations.As Israel's assault on the Gaza Strip rages on, ceasefires come and go. Most last just long enough for Palestinians to dig out the dead from beneath their collapsed houses, get the injured to overcrowded and under-resourced hospitals, and seek enough food and water to last through the next round of airstrikes."There is nothing left but stones," Palestinian journalist Mohammed Omer quoted an old woman saying as she searched desperately through the rubble of what had been her home.Casualties are soaring. By late July, Israel had killed more than 1,100 Palestinians<> -- at least 73 percent of them civilians<>, including hundreds of children. Fifty-six Israelis, almost all of them soldiers, have died too.A July 28 poll<> shows that 86.5 percent of Israelis oppose a ceasefire. Yet we continue to hear that Israelis want peace.It's true that at least some of them do. An Israeli protest in Tel Aviv brought 5,000 people into the street. That's good -- though a far cry from the 400,000 who poured into the streets to protest Israel's invasion of Lebanon back in 1982.And when a young Palestinian teenager was kidnapped and tortured to death -- burned alive -- in Jerusalem after the bodies of the three kidnapped young Israeli settlers were found, many Israelis tried to distance themselves from the horrific crime. "In our society, the society of Israel, there is no place for such murderers," Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu claimed.But in fact, there is a place for those who call for murder -- at the highest political and military levels of Israeli society.Meet Ayelet Shaked<>, a member of the Knesset -- Israel's parliament. She belongs to Israel Home, a far-right party in Netanyahu's governing coalition. She issued on Facebook what amounts to a call to commit genocide, by deliberately killing Palestinians, including women, children, and old people."The entire Palestinian people is the enemy," Shaked posted. "In wars, the enemy is usually an entire people, including its elderly and its women, its citie...
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