Friday, August 8, 2014

RE: USA Africa Dialogue Series - Fwd: Barack Obama hails 'new Africa emerging'

The Ashantis have a saying that ‘ehia wo a kwasea tu wofo’ literally translated as when you are broke and always need help expect to be advised by a fool. I am glad nobody is implying that Barack and his wife are fools. But it is abundantly clear that, in spite of our natural riches, most African countries are very broke.  Even when the nation is very rich, we would probably choose to build shining new cities on the ocean for example, Eko  Atlantic city, or Trabasco in Accra, than invest in infrastructures, great universities, universal free education, water and sanitation systems,  and affordable healthcare systems which benefit the majority.

Many modern Africans descended from village communities made up of many interest groups but who were ruled by consensus at the village level. We never had this type of winner-takes-all democracy where 50% + 1 votes equate to 100 % of the political power.   Whose idea was this type of democracy? So one can understand that, after every election, chaos takes over since the loser  is guaranteed to  have 0% of the power.    The elites in the winning group virtually hijack the power and live high on the hog with impunity. You call this good governance?  Anybody who calls this scenario good governance must not have taken his or her medicine today or must be smoking something.  

If we continue to  (mis)manage our resources  this way to satisfy the takes of the thieving elites  then we all deserve to go to Washington and be advised on good governance. I for one admire the president of the United States for allocating a  good part of his busy weekly schedule to  lecture the kings and queens from Africa on good governance.  Sometimes a stupid old man deserves to be lectured by his son.

On a bright side I was in Washington this weekend to attend Africa Energy Association dinner hosted by energy companies from USA and Africa; and I was massively impressed by the works that the young entrepreneurs  from Africa, Kenya and Nigeria in particular, are doing in the telecommunications and energy fields. If only the efforts by these young men and women could be complemented by good governance Africa’s future will be bright.  God bless Africa.





From: [] On Behalf Of Ibukunolu A Babajide
Sent: Friday, August 08, 2014 2:11 PM
Subject: RE: USA Africa Dialogue Series - Fwd: Barack Obama hails 'new Africa emerging'


They are imbeciles! Fools of the highest order!

If they all think and build structures in their countries instead of stealing pots pans and spoons only to gain access to a small boy who lectures them like the juveniles that they really are, our dear Africa will be a great continent.



On 8 Aug 2014 00:43, "Anunoby, Ogugua" <> wrote:

It is ironic that it falls to President Obama and his wife to counsel Africa’s leaders and their wives on good governance in their countries. Who counsels Obama and his wife one may ask? Have African leaders and their wives neither dignity nor shame?




From: [] On Behalf Of Cornelius Hamelberg
Sent: Thursday, August 07, 2014 1:52 AM
Subject: USA Africa Dialogue Series - Fwd: Barack Obama hails 'new Africa emerging'



Glad tidings:



Otherwise there has been precious little about the most important USA - Africa Summit , so far ...

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