Sunday, September 28, 2014

USA Africa Dialogue Series - Ebola reading list

From: Patrick Bond <>
To: DEBATE <>;
Sent: Sunday, September 28, 2014 3:07 PM
Subject: [Debate-List] (Fwd) Ebola reading list

(from Stuart Eldon: )

Towards a reading list on the Ebola crisis

This reading list is provided for anyone interested in learning more about Ebola, specifically in relation to the West African situation in 2014. Linking does not mean I necessarily agree with the article. Additional pieces welcome – I've tended to avoid mainstream news stories unless they add useful maps or graphics. Academic literature on Ebola is largely out of date in relation to the recent outbreak, and/or very technical. The New England Journal of Medicine pieces are an exception.
Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 'Ebola (Ebola Virus Disease)' – regular updates and lots of information
World Health Organisation, 'Ebola Virus Disease' – lots of information and links
Médecins sans frontières, 'Ebola Emergency' – lots of information and links
'2014 Ebola Outbreak', – interactive map and timeline
UK Government, 'Ebola: Government Response' – links to press releases and other information
Channel Four News, 'Unreported World: Ebola Outbreak', 24 minute video
BBC News, 'Ebola Outbreak', several pieces, regularly updated, including 'Mapping the Outbreak'.
Joeva Rock, 'Militarizing the Ebola Crisis', Truth-Out, 27 September 2014
International Crisis Group, 'Statement on Ebola and Conflict in West Africa', 23 September 2014
'What you Need to Know about the Ebola Outbreak', The New York Times, 22 September 2014 – maps and graphics
Gregg Mitman, 'Ebola in a Stew of Fever', The New England Journal of Medicine, 17 September 2014
Francisco Perez, 'Why are Affected West African states so spectacularly ill-prepared to deal with Ebola', Africa is a Country, 23 September 2014
'Ebola Crisis closes West African borders', IBRU, Durham University, 15 September 2014 (summary with links)
David M Pigott et. al. 'Mapping the Zoonotic Niche of Ebola virus disease in Africa', eLife, 8 September 2014 [the most technical piece listed here]
Pippa Page, '"Oh, dis Ebola business!" Thoughts on current responses to the virus', African Arguments, 1 September 2014
Sara Reardon, 'Ebola Treatments Caught in Limbo', Nature, 31 July 2014

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