Wednesday, December 31, 2014

USA Africa Dialogue Series - watch video of African immigrant senior citizens holiday party video 1. Please join TGHS to support African immigrant Senior citizens integration in the America society

Hello ,we picked each senior citizen up from his/her home and assisted them to walk to the program site.This is the African immigrant senior citizens holiday program held in their honor where they were served with food and given gifts. Then they were interviewed to say what they really want out of America. Please click on photo to watch video and join us to support African immigrant senior citizens with integration to the American society. STOP ISOLATION.

We picked them up from their homes with assistance to walkk the steps. They all said they are tired of isolation and they want intergration in the USA society. TGHS needs van and a tour bus as well as recreation center to make the services available to senior citizens in the African immigrant community. Please sponsor us,partner with us, suport us, help us to help our senior citizens enjoy life in America.

, can you or do you know someone/group that may assist us with van,food,tour bus and recreation center ?

Tambasons Global Human Services Inc is a 501(c)3 public charity providing humanitarian services to African immigrants in the USA and to people with special needs in Africa-Liberia. All donations are tax deuctible base on your local laws. We are praying to God and appealing to you, city governments in the Delaware valley, State government of PA and the Federal goveral, as well as USAID to support TGHS with food,van,tour bus and recreation center. , please volunteer with us to seek support and provide support to African immigrants in the USA.

We at Tambasons Global Human Services are appealing to religious organizations to support our USA African immigrant senior citizens program with food,transportation and integration with American senior citizens in various churches and mosques. Call/text us at 215-939-6764.
Please remember our charity for donation in cash and kind.Please don't forget to watch this video and get back with us . Click here to visit our website

Click on photo above to watch video of African immigrant senior citizens being picked up and transported to program venue. We need a van and tour bus. Your donation is tax deuctible as TGHS is a 501(c)3 publich chairty providing humanitarian services in the USA and Africa.
Do you know someone who we may reach out to for assistance with our Liberian American senior citizens program ? Click here to visit our website

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