Thursday, April 2, 2015

Re: USA Africa Dialogue Series - Ideological Implosion


In a presidential system of government like ours managing ideological differences is the main work of the President. That was why a disparate group of thieves called the PDP lasted 16 odd years in power at the centre.

What is missing but is now growing is civil society to put pressure on the government and endure it delivers on its promises.



On 1 Apr 2015 12:33, "Chidi Anthony Opara" <> wrote:
The evangelicals you mentioned operate autonomously, while the incoming Nigerian ruling party will have to operate as a group. The only thing that bound the facilitators was the desire to grab power and now that the power have been grabbed, the exercise of the power within ideological context would be problematic. The name of the coalition suggests that they are progressives, but what are the progressive credentials of Atiku and Buhari? They do not even pretend to be progressives.


On Wednesday, 1 April 2015 02:49:49 UTC-8, Samuel Zalanga wrote:
Among American evangelicals for instance: there are evangelicals of the Left, Right and Center and within each group there are sub-groups. From a platonic point of view, there is tension between appetitive desires, the spirit and the mind / reason. It is  about balance, otherwise even among sane human beings there is tension. Reminds me of the book "A Team of Rivals" which describes Lincoln cabinet.


On Wed, Apr 1, 2015 at 3:07 AM, Chidi Anthony Opara <> wrote:

The incoming Nigeria's ruling party is a convergence of strange ideological bedfellows; Tinubu, Buhari, Obasanjo, Babangida, Atiku, et al. There is definitely going to be an ideological implosion.


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Samuel Zalanga
Department of Anthropology, Sociology & Reconciliation Studies
Bethel University, 3900 Bethel Drive #24
Saint Paul, MN 55112.
Office Phone: 651-638-6023

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