Thursday, April 30, 2015

USA Africa Dialogue Series - 2015 Annual Africa Conference: Conference Videos

The fifteenth annual UT Africa Conference was held April 3-5 at the University of Texas at Austin. The goal of this year's conference was to generate interdisciplinary insights that can interrogate development paradigms and intervention practices as they relate to urban space and human rights in Africa. Over 200 international scholars, activists, and policy makers attended the three day conference and engaged in discussion during a vast array of panels, roundtable discussions, workshops, and banquets.


Video recordings of select conference sessions and keynote presentations are now available:


We hope to continue to increase our video production and use this avenue to reach a wider audience, as we know people are watching the videos and using them for class lectures and discussions.


Audio only version of the Conference Keynote: "The Role of the Diaspora in Africa's Economic and Political Transformations", Dr. Paul Tiyambe Zeleza


Conference Photos (will be updated periodically):

Best Regards,
Bisola Falola and Ben Weiss
Conference Coordinators
2015 UT Annual Africa Conference

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