Saturday, May 30, 2015

Re: USA Africa Dialogue Series - Re-"The Past Is Prologue"


What about 'prologue' suggesting a start by learning from the mistakes of the past so as to avoid a repeat in the future?

I trust you will agree that there has been mistakes in the past and going forward we need to keep away from them. Ignoring them is to allow history to repeat itself in a manner we do not want.

Chidi, I wonder why you have been picking sentences from Buhari's speech and making a big deal out of each one in a way that could make readers suspect there are other motives and intentions into what you write even though you probably actually mean well?

I think you will do well to critique the entire speech in a robust manner that can allow for a continued debate if you really feel there are serious issues to be raised. 

Take care.

Gbolahan Gbadamosi 

Sent from my old reliable Olivetti Typewriter 

On 30 May 2015, at 18:01, Chidi Anthony Opara <> wrote:

President Buhari while trying to debunk opinions in some quarters that he would be vindictive in power said in his inaugural speech that "the past is prologue".

One have been at lost at what the president meant by that quote, within the context of the message he was trying to pass across.

The president surely, could not have meant that he would preface (start) this present with the past, which is what his quote potrayed in my opinion.

What about "the past is epilogue"?


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