"From what Abraham Maslow taught us in his theory of hierarchy of needs, those whose basic needs were met by their families of origin tend to focus on self-actualization and not give in to petty crimes; it is largely those whose lower order needs, such as food, safety, social acceptance were not met that seek ways to meet them and engage in criminal activities." -Ozodi Osuji
The above is a total misinterpretation of Maslow's theory (hierarchy of needs) introduced initially in his 1943 paper A Theory of Human Motivation and elaborated later in his book Motivation and Personality.
First of all, Maslow focused on individuals and what motivates their behavior – not on relationship between family background and propensity to engage or not engage in criminal activities. Maslow opined that every person (regardless of family or socioeconomic, background) has an inherent desire and tendency to ultimately achieve self-actualization (i.e. be all s/he can be); but one has to first meet more basic needs such as the need for food and shelter before attending to needs of a higher hierarchy and the ultimate goal of self-actualization. Again the theory does NOT suggest (and real life experience/evidence does NOT support) the notion that folks from belter off families are more honest or less criminally inclined than others -- all things being equal.
Second, self-actualization is not only illusive conceptually, but it is also in reality not so much a final destination as it is an ever shifting horizon. Hence, it is not unusual for people to be simultaneously engaged in fulfilling some relatively lower level needs while also seeking to meet higher needs. In other words, while needs can be divided into five general levels (Physiological, Security, Social, Esteem, Actualization) according to Maslow's hierarchy, movement across these levels are in real life neither strictly linear nor irreversible. Therefore, arrival at even the final stage which is pursuit of self-actualization (level 5) does not mean that one might never again worry about any lower level need such as security (level 2) which includes pension benefits and health insurance.
Now, the above is NOT to suggest that any allegation is true (or false). Rather it is simply to note the misapplication of Maslow's theory in this case.
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From: Ozodi Osuji ozodiosuji@yahoo.ca [NaijaObserver] <NaijaObserver@yahoogroups.com>
Date: 29 June 2015 at 18:04
Subject: ||NaijaObserver|| ON PROFESSOR BOLAJI ALUKO
To: "naijaobserver@yahoogroups.com" <naijaobserver@yahoogroups.com>
ON PROFESSOR BOLAJI ALUKOI believe that I am a good judge of human character; judges have had me come to evaluate persons before they are sent to jails/prisons and give them feedback as to whether they would reoffend or not (if yes they would be given stiffer time in prisons and if not they would be given less time in the Big House).While in the Washington DC area, I took my time to visit with Professor Bolaji Aluko at his office at Howard University. I engaged in small talk with him. I had a hidden agenda. My goal was to assess his character.He had a good job at Howard but he burned with the desire to go contribute to Nigeria's higher education. His goal is to serve his country.I concluded that the man has noble intentions and supported him when he obtained his present job. I can swear on all that I hold dear that Bolaji is not capable of corruption.Professor Aluko came from a middle class family. From what Abraham Maslow taught us in his theory of hierarchy of needs, those whose basic needs were met by their families of origin tend to focus on self-actualization and not give in to petty crimes; it is largely those whose lower order needs, such as food, safety, social acceptance were not met that seek ways to meet them and engage in criminal activities. Bolaji's family met his lower order needs; thus, his mind focuses on higher order needs, how to serve his country.The present accusation that he engaged in financial impropriety is probably motivated by those with unholy intentions. Be that as it may, their allegations must be investigated.Professor Aluko has my vote of confidence. He is my kind of Nigerian; he is above board. Trust me; I do not hesitate in saying it as I see it.Ozodi Osuji, PhD (University of California)University of AlaskaJune 29, 2015c15201947@aol.com [talkhard] <talkhard@yahoogroups.com>
Bolaji Aluko is double dipping in Nigeria.That he wanted to serve his country is ruse because his acts and deeds showed the opposite.A patriotic citizen with good intentions would first resign from his job in the U.S., before heading home to serve and never to return to the foreign country.But Mr. Aluko was given a government job that was never advertised for competition. He took the job with all the benefits that did not include paying for his pension and healthcare in the U.S. Once on the job in Otueke he quickly started paying himself about 80% of his contract pay, to be funneled to his healthcare and pension in the U.S.We want Bolaji Aluko to post the appointment letter from Nigerian government that gave him V.C job that included payment to his retirement and healthcare account in the U.S. Aluko's job as V.C has Nigerian pension and healthcare benefit according to government sources.No government anywhere in the world would agree to waste public money on pension and healthcare of employee in foreign country.That Bolaji Aluko has the effrontery to tell the world that Nigerian government was paying for his retirement and healthcare plans in the U.S. is bizarre. As at today many Nigerians working for the governments are not getting their salaries. But this guy did not feel the shame in defrauding his own country. Otueke students should organize mass protest to force Bolaji Aluko out, to be prosecuted for corruption and possible theft.__._,_.___
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