Saturday, August 1, 2015

RE: USA Africa Dialogue Series - Fwd: African Americans petition to return to Africa

Everyone must decide for themselves, where is home for them. For some, home is where comfort and luxury reside. For others, home is where their heart/spirit is

A good life seems to me to be a contented and happy life. Let us just say that no one chooses for another where they may have it.  



From: []
Sent: Saturday, August 01, 2015 4:16 AM
Subject: Re: USA Africa Dialogue Series - Fwd: African Americans petition to return to Africa


I laugh in Swahili. The story is told in Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart of a dozen dreamy-eyed African Americans who left the hell that was their America to return to Ghana, the motherland. Upon landing on her shores, they symbolically threw their U.S. passports into the sea, swearing never to return. After one week of roughing it in Ghana, they all rushed back to the sea in search of their passports. They wanted very much to return to the hell they just escaped from. I don't blame them much, Africa is an overrated experience. I would know. I survived her nonsense. I should get a tee-shirt that blares "I survived Africa, YAYYYYY!!!!"


I was just in Uganda. It wasn't so bad; my luggage did not show up until the Friday before the Sunday I was to leave, I bought "medium" underwear that reminded me that American men are larger than Ugandan men (I should have bought extra large) and our hotel caught fire. As I grabbed my American passport and fled the fourth floor of this hotel from hell, I kept thinking... "Why oh why did I leave my hell for this?" 


Africa is overrated jor. Nonsense. 

- Ikhide

On Jul 31, 2015, at 7:47 PM, OLADMEJI ABORISADE <> wrote:

Dear Readers,
                   There are better Opportunities in most African States to  Welcome any  African American  honestly interested to Return to Africa.   But I have a Reservation for those who are " Seeking  Asylum".       I am not quite sure whether African States may be ready  for "Asylum" migrants now  or any time soon.
Thank you,
oladimeji aborisade
university of north Carolina at charlotte.

Subject: Re: USA Africa Dialogue Series - Fwd: African Americans petition to return to Africa
Date: Fri, 31 Jul 2015 23:50:33 +0100

I hope the story is true. My belief is that if they really really want to come back to Africa, they are welcome. It is their root. They have equal rights with the rest of us. 

Prof. Segun Ogungbemi

On Jul 29, 2015, at 11:47 PM, Cornelius Hamelberg <> wrote:

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