Thursday, September 3, 2015


YES! The lack of coordinated strategy is  a major pitfall and source of Africa's dis-empowerment and weakness in the global geo-political dispensations. This also applies to the Diaspora, which should be a strong and viable partner with the public sector to drive the Africa We Want.  You are right on the money and we look forward to your presentation. 

If we succeed in presenting a reliable assessment and capacity through the AU ECOSOCC to the African Heads of State, work begins!!!!  There is no earthy reason why Africa cannot be her own best developer. So we are appealing to all Sons and Daughters of Africa.....let us build that which should be a proud source of our ID.

Stay blessed and true.

To Lead You Must be a Servant

-----Original Message-----
From: Chrisopher Gekonge <>
To: msjoe21st <>; kenya-diaspora <>; KenyaStudiesAssociation <>; Kerubo Mokaya <>; Julius Okara <>; abwibo <>; Frank,Arthur <>; Betsy Gekonge <>; Bethuel Toroitich <>; Charles Gekonge <>; Moraa Gekonge <>; Eunice Omanga <>; Noto, Stacy <>
Sent: Thu, Sep 3, 2015 8:44 am

Dear Evelyn:
Greetings and best wishes to you. Thank you for your complements and for copying the materials to me. I enjoyed reading them. I shall register for the conference. My areas of focus, of course, is in strategy, management, leadership, and entrepreneurship and small businesses management/conseling.Strategy is very important in all areas of human endeavor.  See how an effective strategy, in the attached article, has helped President Obama, to succeed in the Iran Deal with Congress.God bless you always for sharing. Chris Gekonge.

On Thu, Sep 3, 2015 at 8:25 AM, <> wrote:
Thank you!!! Remy 

Of course, your request is an obligation....remember, we .....the AU ECOSOCC are for the people! as the conscience with the people. I will be back today with a couple of able people. But I would like to clue in Chifu Wa Malindi in Big Apple New York. He is from Kenya.  Mr. Christopher Gekongo has walked the block as an old chip in everything business. He, too, is copied.  He has written books on that.

It was thrilling to know you are from the Caribbean and so connected to Motherland. As I said yesterday, it is your natural right and AU defines Africa Diaspora as all people of African descent.

I am creating an AU Diaspora  directory for Pan African Networks in order to foster  an integrative impact on the work of the AU.  Looking forward to seeing on you the panel - Reason or Redundancy....which also means Reason or Perish!...which way Africa? Make or Mar.

Talk to you, soon
Wishing you the best,

To Lead You Must be a Servant

-----Original Message-----
From: PAN African Network <>
To: msjoe21st <>
Sent: Thu, Sep 3, 2015 8:01 am

Hello Evelyn,

I hope you are well. Thank you for the call yesterday, I like your passion, I recognise myself in it. 
I want to take this opportunity to extend my congratulations for your latest nomination.
I've heard so much about you and what you do, we have a few common contacts, and I cannot wait to meet you soon.
As you could understand, I come from the perspective of the African Diaspora, the reconnection of the Diaspora and its people is very important to me.
I would be so honoured to work closer to you, to find some avenues of collaboration with what you do for the Diaspora, you are doing such a great job. I would be so glad to have you as a keynote speaker one day.
Let's plan to meet in DC or NYC, I will do my best to attend in DC on October 8th.

I don't know whether you will be able to help me, I'm looking for a representative from any African countries (Nigeria, Kenya, Ghana, etc, etc...) to seat down on our panel with institutional investors. There will be a lot of people in town in NYC for the UN GA, do you know anyone who could be a good fit on this panel. Please find the program in the enclosed to circulate.

Best regards,
Richard Remy  

2015-09-02 20:01 GMT-04:00 <>:


It was a pleasure speaking with you today. Just click the link on AU ECOSOCC in the Diaspora to get the information. Never doubt what a few committed people can do to change the world - paraphrasing Margaret Mead.


Engage to Empower  
Launching the AU ECOSOCC Cluster on Infrastructure, Energy, Transportation,  Communication, Tourism. 
October/November 2015 

AU ECOSOCC in the Diaspora 
Designing the Framework with the Global Africa Diaspora Summit 11  
October 8-11, 2015:  READ

 Energy, Transport, Communications, Infrastructure and Tourism. 

Dear African Brothers & Sisters: 
On behalf of the Standing Committee and members of the 2nd Permanent 
Dr. Raj  Chintaram 
Chair: AU ECOSOCC Cluster 
Infrastructure and Energy 
General Assembly of the African Union ECOSOCC; I wish to extend my appreciation to you all for your sustained contribution in your respected field of expertise. 
Established under the provisions of Articles 5 and 22 of the African Union's Constitutive Act, ECOSOCC is the vehicle for building a strong partnership between governments and all segments of African civil society.  

The Statute of ECOSOCC, adopted by the Heads of State and Government at the Third Ordinary Session of the Assembly in July 2004 defines it as an advisory organ of the African Union composed of different social and professional groups of the Member States of the African Union [Assembly/AU/Dec.42 (III)].  
By way of introduction, ECOSOCC is mandated to:
*Promote dialogue between all segments of African people on issues concerning the Continent and its future; 

*Forge strong partnerships between governments and all segments of civil 
society, in particular, women, the youth, children the Diaspora, organized labour, the private sector, and professional group; 

*Promote the participation of African Civil Society in the implementation of the policies and programmes of the Union; 

*Support policies and programmes that promote peace, security and stability and foster Continental development and integration; 

*Promote and defend a culture of good governance, democratic principles and 
institutions, popular participation, human rights and social justice; 

*Promote, advocate and defend a culture of gender equality; 

*Promote and strengthen the institutional, human and operational capacities of the African civil society; 
In the past, ECOSOCC, at continental level had quite a slow start for a number of reasons. However, in December 2014, Dr Joseph Chilengi was elected as Presiding Officer of the 2nd Permanent General Assembly and his inspired leadership rekindled ECOSOCC's role as an    advisory organ   to the AUC.
The Standing Committee of the AU ECOSOCC last met in Nairobi from 11-14 August 2015 and the operationalization of the Sectoral Clusters was one of the main items on the agenda.  Sectoral Cluster Committees have been established as key operational mechanisms of ECOSOCC to   formulate  opinions   and   provide inputs   into the policies and programmes of the African Union. The Sectoral Cluster Committees of ECOSOCC shall prepare and submit advisory opinions and reports of ECOSOCC and shall also perform any other functions as may be assigned to it.
By way of introduction, I am a Mauritian National and I took oath of office as the Chairperson for the Cluster Committee on Infrastructure & Energy in March 2015.The key pillars/portfolios under the IE Cluster are: Energy, Transport, Communications, Infrastructure and Tourism. My colleague Charlotte Ciceron is providing secretariat and coordination support to the cluster. 
We are inviting African professionals and experts having the continent's interest at heart to join us at shaping a better Africa. We have established an online registration platform for SCC registration/membership; the deadline is 10  th September 2015. We are planning to officially launch the cluster committee in October/November 2015. 

Do feel free to extend the invitation to your network. 
How to Join AU ECOSOCC's Infrastructure & Energy Cluster?
Simply register at by 10th September 2015 latest. 

Yes, key  pillars / portfolios under the Infrastructure and Energy  Cluster are: Energy, Transport, Communications, Infrastructure and Tourism.

C her Monsieur / Madame

Au nom du Comité permanent et les membres de la 2ème Assemblée générale permanente de l'ECOSOCC de l'Union Africaine; Je tiens à exprimer ma gratitude à vous tous pour votre contribution soutenue dans votre domaine d'expertise respecté. 

Créée en vertu des dispositions des articles 5 et 22 de l'Acte constitutif de l'Union africaine, l'ECOSOCC est le véhicule pour la construction d'un partenariat solide entre les gouvernements et tous les segments de la société civile africaine. Le statut de l'ECOSOCC, adoptée par les chefs d'Etat et de gouvernement lors de la troisième session ordinaire de l'Assemblée en Juillet 2004 fixe comme un organe consultatif de l'Union africaine composée de différents groupes sociaux et professionnels des États membres de l'Union africaine [ Assembly / AU / Dec.42 (III)]. 
En guise d'introduction, l'ECOSOCC a pour mandat de: 
∑          Promouvoir le dialogue entre tous les segments des populations africaines sur les questions concernant le continent et son avenir; 
∑          Nouer de solides partenariats entre les gouvernements et tous les segments de la vie civile la société, en particulier, les femmes, les jeunes, les enfants de la diaspora, les syndicats, le secteur privé, et de groupe professionnel; 
∑          Promouvoir la participation de la société civile africaine dans la mise en œuvre des politiques et programmes de l'Union; des politiques et des programmes qui favorisent la paix, la sécurité et la stabilité et le développement et l'intégration continentale accueil de soutien; 
∑          Promouvoir et défendre une culture de la bonne gouvernance, les principes démocratiques et institutions, la participation populaire, les droits humains et la justice sociale; 
∑          Promouvoir, défendre et défendre une culture de l'égalité des sexes; 
∑          Promouvoir et renforcer les capacités institutionnelles, humaines et opérationnelles de la société civile africaine; 
Dans le passé, l'ECOSOCC, au niveau continental a eu un début assez lent pour un certain nombre de raisons. Cependant, en Décembre 2014, le Dr Joseph Chilengi a été élu Président de la direction de la 2ème Assemblée générale permanente et son leadership inspiré ravivé le rôle de l'ECOSOCC comme un organe consultatif à la OUA. 

Le Comité permanent de l'UA ECOSOCC dernière réuni à Nairobi 11-14 Août 2015 et l'opérationnalisation des grappes sectorielles a été l'un des principaux points à l'ordre du jour. Comités Cluster sectoriels ont été mis en place des mécanismes opérationnels clés de l'ECOSOCC de formuler des avis et fournir des intrants dans les politiques et programmes de l'Union africaine. Les comités sectoriels de l'ECOSOCC Cluster doit préparer et soumettre des avis et rapports de l'ECOSOCC de conseil et exerce aussi toute autre fonction qui pourrait lui être confiée. 

En guise d'introduction, je suis un national mauricien et je l'ai prêté serment en tant que président du Comité de cluster sur l'infrastructure et d'énergie dans Mars à 2015. 

Les piliers / portefeuilles dans le cadre du cluster IE sont: l'énergie, des transports, des communications, de l'infrastructure et du tourisme. Mon collègue Charlotte Ciceron fournit secrétariat et soutien à la coordination  

Nous invitons les professionnels africains et des experts ayant l'intérêt du continent à cœur de se joindre à nous façonner une Afrique meilleure. Nous avons mis en place une plate-forme d'inscription en ligne pour les CSC enregistrement / adhésion; la date limite est le 10 Septembre 2015. Nous prévoyons de lancer officiellement le comité de cluster en Octobre / Novembre à 2015. 

Ne vous sentez libre d'étendre l'invitation à votre réseau. 

Comment joindre l'Infrastructure et de l'UA ECOSOCC Energy Cluster? 
Il vous suffit de vous inscrire au plus tard le 10 Septembre 2015   


Raj Chintaram 
Détails du contact
نيابةعناللجنةالدائمةوأعضاءالجمعيةالعامةالدائم 2 للاتحادالأفريقي ECOSOCC. وأودأنأعربعنتقديريلكمجميعاعلىمساهمتكممستدامةفيمجالعملكتحترمالخبرة .
المنشأةبموجبأحكامالمادتين 5 و 22 منالقانونالتأسيسيللاتحادالأفريقي، ECOSOCC هووسيلةلبناءشراكةقويةبينالحكوماتوجميعقطاعاتالمجتمعالمدنيالأفريقي . النظامالأساسيلل ECOSOCC ،الذياعتمدهرؤساءالدولوالحكوماتفيالدورةالعاديةالثالثةللجمعيةفييوليو 2004 تعرفبأنهاهيئةاستشاريةللاتحادالأفريقيالمؤلفةمنالفئاتالاجتماعيةوالمهنيةالمختلفةمنالدولالأعضاءفيالاتحادالأفريقي [ الجمعية / AU / Dec.42 (III)].
علىسبيلالتقديم،تمتكليف ECOSOCC إلى :
* تعزيزالحواربينجميعشرائحالشعبالأفريقيحولالقضاياالمتعلقةالقارةومستقبلها .
* إقامةشراكاتقويةبينالحكوماتوجميعقطاعاتالمدنية 
* تشجيعمشاركةالمجتمعالمدنيالأفريقيفيتنفيذسياساتوبرامجالاتحاد .
* السياساتوالبرامجالتيتعززالسلاموالأمنوالاستقراروتعزيزالتنميةوالتكاملالقاريالدعم .
* تعزيزوالدفاععنثقافةالحكمالرشيدوالمبادئالديمقراطيةو 
* تعزيزوالدفاععنهاثقافةالمساواةبينالجنسين؛ 
* تشجيعوتعزيزالقدراتالمؤسسيةوالبشريةوالتشغيليةللمجتمعالمدنيالأفريقي .
فيالماضي، ECOSOCC ،علىالمستوىالقاريكانلابأسبهبدايةبطيئةلعددمنالأسباب . ومعذلك،فيديسمبر 2014 ،وانتخبالدكتورجوزيف Chilengi كماموظفالذييرأسالدائمالجمعيةالعامة 2 وأذكتقيادتهالملهمةدور ECOSOCC باعتبارهاجهازااستشاريالمفوضيةالاتحادالأفريقي .
اجتمعتاللجنةالدائمةلل ECOSOCC AU آخرفينيروبيفيالفترةمن 11-14 أغسطسعام 2015 ،وكانتتفعيلالمجموعاتالقطاعيةواحدةمنالبنودالرئيسيةعلىجدولالأعمال . وقدأنشئتلجانالمجموعاتالقطاعيةكآلياتالتشغيليةالرئيسيةلل ECOSOCC لصياغةالآراءوتوفيرالمدخلاتفيسياساتوبرامجالاتحادالأفريقي . يجبعلىلجانالمجموعاتالقطاعيةمن ECOSOCC إعدادوتقديمآراءاستشاريةوتقارير ECOSOCC ويجبأيضاالقيامبأيمهامأخرىقدتسندإليه .
علىسبيلالتقديم،وأناموريشيوسالوطنيةوأخذتاليمينالدستوريةبصفتهرئيسلجنةالكتلةعلىالبنيةالتحتيةوالطاقةمارس 2015.
الركائزالأساسية / المحافظتحت IE العنقوديةهي : الطاقة،النقلوالاتصالاتوالبنيةالتحتيةوالسياحة . زميليشارلوت Ciceron هوتوفيرالأمانةودعمالتنسيقإلىالكتلة .
نحنندعوالمهنيينوالخبراءالأفارقةوجودمصلحةالقارةفيالقلبللانضمامإلينافيتشكيلأفضلأفريقيا . أنشأنامنصةتسجيلعلىالانترنتل SCC تسجيل / العضوية . الموعدالنهائيهوسبتمبر 10th 2015. ونحننخططلإطلاقرسميالجنةالعنقوديةفيأكتوبر / نوفمبر 2015.
لاتترددفيتوسيعالدعوةإلىالشبكةالخاصةبك .
كيفيةتاريخالبنيةالتحتية AU ECOSOCC فيالكتلةوالطاقة؟ 
ببساطة التسجيل في  التي  كتبها 10TH سبتمبر 2015 أحدث . 
* البريد الإلكتروني :

Launching in October/ 

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Richard Remy

PAN Africa Network

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