Brother Chambi,
I am baffled that you apparently believe gibberish "explanation" by Carson is somehow worthy of response. You can't make sense of what he actually said, Obamacare is the quote, "worst thing that has happened in this nation since slavery."
You can't explain that away. You can only apologize for making a stupid statement. But, then again, Carson says lots of stupid things. Having read some of his earlier writing and listened to his talks, I am doubtful that he wrote the reply you have posted. I suspect that it was ghost-written for damage control and I doubt that it reflects his actual feelings. Authorship aside, the original statement was clear and consistent with a voluminous collection of asinine utterances by Carson. Dr. Carson equates Obamacare to government dependency--a tired, racist GOP canard. And, by a gross distortion of actual history, the horrors of US slavery are conflated with social welfare. Of course Carson somehow failed to notice that Obamacare is utilized by many Americans, not just Black Americans and is not very different from GOP Romneycare in Massachusetts or government-sponsored care Europe.
On Wednesday, September 30, 2015 at 4:55:19 AM UTC-5, Chambi Chachage wrote:
-- I am baffled that you apparently believe gibberish "explanation" by Carson is somehow worthy of response. You can't make sense of what he actually said, Obamacare is the quote, "worst thing that has happened in this nation since slavery."
You can't explain that away. You can only apologize for making a stupid statement. But, then again, Carson says lots of stupid things. Having read some of his earlier writing and listened to his talks, I am doubtful that he wrote the reply you have posted. I suspect that it was ghost-written for damage control and I doubt that it reflects his actual feelings. Authorship aside, the original statement was clear and consistent with a voluminous collection of asinine utterances by Carson. Dr. Carson equates Obamacare to government dependency--a tired, racist GOP canard. And, by a gross distortion of actual history, the horrors of US slavery are conflated with social welfare. Of course Carson somehow failed to notice that Obamacare is utilized by many Americans, not just Black Americans and is not very different from GOP Romneycare in Massachusetts or government-sponsored care Europe.
On Wednesday, September 30, 2015 at 4:55:19 AM UTC-5, Chambi Chachage wrote:
KZS, I thought you'll at least engage with the brother's response, his black experience mirrors those of many blacks:I have stated in the past that Obamacare is the worst thing to occur in our country since slavery. Why did I make such a strong statement? Obviously, I recognize the horrors of slavery. My roots have been traced back to Africa, and I am aware of some horrendous deeds inflicted on my ancestors in this country.The purpose of the statement was not to minimize the most evil institution in American history, but rather to draw attention to a profound shift of power from the people to the government.I think this shift is beginning to wrench the nation from one centered on the rights of individual citizens to one that accepts the right of the government to control even the most essential parts of our lives. This strikes a serious blow to the concept of freedom that gave birth to this nation.
From: kenneth harrow <>
Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2015 8:59 PM
Subject: Re: USA Africa Dialogue Series - Re: Dr. Ben Carson on the race issue in the US
well, i guess not everything on the internet is to be trusted!
it's enough to have heard his other pronouncements, anyway.
politicians' talk is worth nothing, as far as i am concerned. this particular campaign is uglier than usual, mostly thanks to trump and to the extreme right-wingers who have gained so much play in recent years.
On 9/29/15 11:24 PM, kwame zulu shabazz wrote:
--Hi Ken,
I am aware of the Kos quote. However, Daily Kos sources an alleged interview that Carson did with Mark Levin. I was unable to confirm any interview with Levin that includes the quote in question.
On Tue, Sep 29, 2015 at 8:36 PM, kenneth harrow <> wrote:
i googled it, and guess what?
In October, Dr. Ben Carson told conservative radio talk show host Mark Levin that: "Before Obama, people barely noticed skin color; that goes back 150 years. Blacks were happy and grateful for what we were given."Vigorously opposed to Obamacare, calling it "the worst thing that has happened in this nation since slavery?" Check. Think America is "very much like Nazi Germany?" Check. Think Michael Brown may have caused his own murder? Check. If you need an opinion or a controversial remark from an African American conservative, Dr. Ben Carson has a quiver full. If you haven't yet heard of Dr. Ben Carson, that's probably because you're not watching the Fox News Channel often enough. Carson-African-American- Conservative-Hits-All-the-Tea- Party-s-Wacky-High-Notes
On 9/29/15 7:54 PM, kwame zulu shabazz wrote:
"Before Obama, people barely noticed skin color; that goes back 150 years. Blacks were happy and grateful for what we were given."
-- kenneth w. harrow faculty excellence advocate professor of english michigan state university department of english 619 red cedar road room C-614 wells hall east lansing, mi 48824 ph. 517 803 8839
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