Tuesday, October 6, 2015

USA Africa Dialogue Series - RE: [africanworldforum] RE: THE ABUJA MINISTERIAL BLUES - by Dele Momodu

"Even in the US, politicians take care of those constituencies that voted for them more than those who didn't."



Not true.

Politicians in the United States of America and all serious democracies, take care of all members of the constituencies they represent equally. Buhari's constituency is the whole country not a part of it- ward, local government, senatorial zone, state, or zone. The presidential election is over. He won and has been sworn in as president. His constitutional duty is to take care of all Nigerians regardless of who they voted for, and all parts of Nigeria equally if he wishes to be a law abiding president.  



From: afis [mailto:odidere2001@yahoo.com]
Sent: Tuesday, October 06, 2015 10:27 AM
To: africanworldforum@googlegroups.com; Chika Onyeani; NaijaNews; Afis 'Deinde; yahoogroups; omoodua@yahoogroups.com
Cc: Anunoby, Ogugua; usaafricadialogue@googlegroups.com; NIgerianWorldForum@yahoogroups.com; Naija Politics; omo oodua; raayiriga@yahoogroups.com; naijaintellects@googlegroups.com; Nigerian ID; Bolaji Aluko
Subject: Re: [africanworldforum] RE: THE ABUJA MINISTERIAL BLUES - by Dele Momodu


"When Buhari came to the US and was interviewed, he said people should not expect those who gave him 97% votes to be treated equally with those that gave him 5%. Then people thought he miss-spoke. But his appointments so far revealed his true intentions. It was no misspeak."......Vin Otuonye.



Afis comment: Vin, you are a smart guy, since you already grew up among Yoruba, but very politically naïve. It's a shame Yoruba people failed to teach you politics 101, where a politician will pave the streets of supporters and leave one unfortunate street untouched just to show the street he remembered their non-votes!

It's politics, you can't reward Igbo's bad behaviors, with all those lies your people peddled against Buhari, at least you Igbos should spend some nights in some Political Gulag and become poltically sober before you get some part of the cake.


Even in the US, politicians take care of those constituencies that voted for them more than those who didn't.

Obama focused more on the poor and averagely low income Americans than the rich. Obamacare was not for those who already had healthcare coverage, abi no be so? Obama took from you, and gave to the constituent that voted massively for him. Abi na lie?

Vin, the only mistake Buhari made was to openly and truthfully tell the world what others would do silently.

Vin, jokes apart, you really don't understand politics.




Ayo Ojuotele:
If you want you can kiss Buhari's arse and even lick his shit but please don't stop others from criticizing him even if you consider the criticism boisterous. From the heart or speech of men, you know their true intentions. When Buhari came to the US and was interviewed, he said people should not expect those who gave him 97% votes to be treated equally with those that gave him 5%. Then people thought he miss-spoke. But his appointments so far revealed his true intentions. It was no misspeak. Just as you like to kiss the butt of erring Obas in Yoruba land, you're free to keep kissing Buhar's arse. But please leave others alone. Buhari has to prove his mettle.
Vin Cool Breeze Otuonye

Date: Tue, 6 Oct 2015 00:12:13 -0700
From: africanworldforum@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: [africanworldforum] Re: USA Africa Dialogue Series - Re: THE ABUJA MINISTERIAL BLUES - by Dele Momodu
To: africanworldforum@googlegroups.com; africanworldforum@googlegroups.com; conyeani@africansuntimes.com
CC: AnunobyO@lincolnu.edu; usaafricadialogue@googlegroups.com; NIgerianWorldForum@yahoogroups.com; NaijaPolitics@yahoogroups.com; omoodua@yahoogroups.com; raayiriga@yahoogroups.com; naijaintellects@googlegroups.com; nigerianID@yahoogroups.com; alukome@gmail.com



It is not only Igbos that are against Buhari. That was obvious from the election results. But it is Igbos that are boisterous with their anti Buhari position. The Niger Delta people show class with their anti Buhari. 


Ayo Ojutalayo 

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

From:"'Paul Oranika' via AfricanWorldForum" <africanworldforum@googlegroups.com>
Date:Mon, Oct 5, 2015 at 9:39 pm
Subject:Re: [africanworldforum] Re: USA Africa Dialogue Series - Re: THE ABUJA MINISTERIAL BLUES - by Dele Momodu

I do not believe I have ever met Paul Oranika outside Cyberspace, but we have interacted since at least 2006, during his ANAC exploits as spokesperson, and I believe later as Chairman, while I headed NDERG of the Diaspora Voting rights law suit against  the Federal Government of Nigeria fame, which NDERG won, with Femi Falana as our counsel.  ANAC and NDERG had their brushes then, over some silly bragging rights.--Bolaji Aluko


I was a little surprised when i read you say that you do not believe you have ever met me in person. It is either a poor memory on your part or an outright attempt to misrepresent the truth. Not to say that there was any potential benefit for anyone to meet you but I recall that you and I met and chatted at the fundraising event for Otuoke University organized by the Ijaw National Congress in New Jersey several years ago, tell me that you forgot that you and Paul Oranika were part of the different presentations on that event. 

We  had a prolonged conversation at that event. You loose credibility when you imply that your association with me is limited to Cyberspace we both also participated in the Committee that worked against the bogus CNN "How to rob a Bank report" about Nigerians. On the ANAC and NDERG exploits, infact NDERG stole ANAC originated idea of Diaspora Voting Rights which we had packaged and submitted to the Nigerian House even before NDERG came to the scene. i have so many witnesses that can testify to the fact. But anyway these things are in the past. If Ayo thinks that only Igbos are against Buhari, he is sadly mistaken. the truth of the matter is that as far as Bolaji and Ayo are concerned everything Buhari dies is justifiable, and anyone that criticizes his administration must be a Buhari hatter. 

Several years ago I was in Port Harcourt and I thought about stopping at Otuoke to say hi, but my mind told me not to do so because of your tendency to misinterpret things. Glad I did not because, if i had done so, this perhaps would have been another tale of Paul Oranika coming to Otuoke to look for job or favors from Bolaji Aluko (Hahahaha) These days I find myself having so much belly laughs which you popularized in these fora. As for Osuji, he is not a role model for anyone, but i think he did the honorable thing by calling a spade what it is with respect to the over inflated potentials of Buhari.



On Monday, October 5, 2015 4:43 PM, 'Yeye Rolling' via AfricanWorldForum <africanworldforum@googlegroups.com> wrote:





I believe based on your past behavior of disclosing private Information shared with you in  private, you will likewise leak government information in similar manner if you  were given the unfortunate opportunity to serve in the Buhari Administration.   I personally believe you will disclose state secreat on ebay



Ogbuefi Chika:


1.  Let me apologize for using the word "ilk",   I should have used the word "crowd" instead - you seem to prefer that word when you described your group below during Obama's inauguration celebration.


2.  I never said that you asked me to introduce you to Obama.  Rather, we the organizers of that Obama inaugural event (chaired by that Collins Ezebuih(w)e) that I personally bent over backward to ensure you and your wife had a table  (maybe your nth Inaugural event on that day, who knows?) at the Nigerian Embassy of 2009 NEVER denied the possibility of Obama "dropping by", even though NOBODY ever informed us that he would.  But hope sprung eternal...and we are still waiting for Obama....


No, I would NEVER have "made the content (of your GEJ letter) public", unless AFTER writing the letter, you denied it.  I am (in)famous on Naijanet for showing up many many liars who try to use the natural abhorrence of disclosing private discussions or exchanges to HIDE their lies.  I NEVER agree to being such an accomplice.....and I never cringe to do so when I see a person treading that path.


Finally, Elder Onyeani, I will continue to be of whatever assistance to you that you are comfortable with, just as I expect that you will reciprocate.


Best wishes always.




Bolaji Aluko




On Mon, Oct 5, 2015 at 4:21 PM, Chika Onyeani <conyeani@africansuntimes.com> wrote:


Please don't stretch the truth.  I never once asked you to introduce me to Obama.  In fact, my wife and I were staying at the hotel where we paid a $1,000 that night, and then we met you and your wife.   We were with our own crowd.  I cannot dispute whatever else you wrote.  But just imagine if I had sent the letter for Goodluck Jonathan through you, and in your swirl of anger, I am sure you would made the content public.

As I told you, I want to do something for Goodluck Jonathan because of what he did for Nigeria.  I am still going to do it, and I might still consider doing it through you if you apologize for using the word 'ilk" about me.  I still consider you a young friend. 

Chika Onyeani

Dr. Chika Onyeani
African Sun Times
Email: conyeani@africansuntimes.com
Tel.: 973-675-9919
Cell: 917-279-4038

Author: The Phenomenally Successful No.1 Bestselling Book, "Capitalist Nigger - The Road to Success", and his New Book "Roar of the African Lion."


On Mon, Oct 5, 2015 at 10:47 AM, Anunoby, Ogugua <AnunobyO@lincolnu.edu> wrote:

What is all the hullabaloo about lobbying for ministerial appointment? I do not know that there is much that is  wrong with any Nigerian lobbying to be appointed a member of an elected president's cabinet in the capacity of minister or any other. It is neither against the law nor immoral in my book. The president does not know every Nigerian he could work with. Then again the qualification bar for ministerial office is after all not really high. Cunning and guile are highly rated. They might even make one more competitive. If the selection process in the past is any guide, qualifications for the office are considerably unclear and somewhat shifty.

The now elected president lobbied Nigerians for his job- he relentlessly campaigned for it for well over a decade. He succeeded in his fourth attempt. If he lobbied Nigerians for his job for as long as he did, and got the job, lobbying works. Why not some Nigerians for their jobs too? Why not people who wish to work with and for him? They after all have been lobbying him and his agents for no longer than a few months only. Is there anyone who does not know that that this president self-promoted for many years before he got his present job. He actually has not ceased to self-promote himself. Why not people who wish to join him in so called "service " to Nigeria as his ministers?

My concern is not that anyone may choose or actually chooses to lobby for a government job. Nigeria has paid a heavy price for reluctant public servants. I do not believe that the country needs any more of them now or in the future. My concern is that the president appoints/chooses competent people to work for and with him to move Nigeria forward as he claims he wishes to do. Will he? That is the question. If he does not wish to, he may repeat the mistakes of some of his predecessors in office, price loyalty to him as a person above loyalty to Nigeria, and choose members of his team on that basis mostly. If he wishes to, he must look beyond blinkered recommendations, long-term personal relationships, fraudulent and padded resume/curriculum vitae, unenlightened self-interest shrouded as party loyalty, and most of all Nigeria's broadly not narrowly defined short and long term public interest. Is he doing much of the above? Everyone paying attention- watching, listening, and appraising must decide for themselves.

The president must never forget that Nigeria does not belong to him alone or his party. His personal experience must remind him if nothing else does, that power is fleeting, skittish, and transient. It is here today and gone tomorrow. He must use it well while he has it. Did he use it well in his previous incarnation as Head of State?  He must answer truthfully to himself. This time, he must do the most good for the greatest number. He should only make unavoidable enemies. He should use power such that when it is all over, he will not look back in anger, distress, or regret, but in satisfaction and contentment. He should be able to confidently say "I tried". He must always try his best and hardest. All the above is always possible to do. Does he need reminding that he was not drafted for the job? Not in my opinion. He volunteered for it.

One political party recently lost power at the center making room for him to be president. If he does well. his party shall lose power and make room for another president later rather than sooner. The president must always remember that his responsibility to Nigerians as their president is first and foremost of a fiduciary one. He will need more than his cronies and party people to discharge that responsibility faithfully and to the best of his ability and opportunity. He was bitten once. He must ensure that he is not twice shy.  



From: usaafricadialogue@googlegroups.com [mailto:usaafricadialogue@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Mobolaji Aluko
Sent: Monday, October 05, 2015 1:01 AM
To: africanworldforum@googlegroups.com
Cc: NIgerianWorldForum@yahoogroups.com; Conyeani@africansuntimes.com; NaijaPolitics@yahoogroups.com; omoodua@yahoogroups.com; raayiriga@yahoogroups.com; USAAfricaDialogue@googlegroups.com; naijaintellects@googlegroups.com; nigerianID@yahoogroups.com
Subject: USA Africa Dialogue Series - Re: THE ABUJA MINISTERIAL BLUES - by Dele Momodu



Ayo Ojutalayo :


Thank you for spelling it out to Paul Oranika.  I do not consider Osuji or Nebu my role models, and I am sure that the feeling is mutual.


Two groups of people that I react to publicly very negatively are my friends and Christians, when they behave badly publicly and want to compromimise me into silence.  I don't allow anyone to kiss me behind and diss me in full view.  A friend who says something publicly about you that you don't respond to is an implied affirmation of what was said.  I have long considered Ogbuefi Onyeani a senior friend, and was shocked at his remarks about my alleged ministerial intentions.


I do not believe I have ever met Paul Oranika outside Cyberspace, but we have interacted since at least 2006, during his ANAC exploits as spokesperson, and I believe later as Chairman, while I headed NDERG of the Diaspora Voting rights law suit against  the Federal Government of Nigeria fame, which NDERG won, with Femi Falana as our counsel.  ANAC and NDERG had their brushes then, over some silly bragging rights.


'Nuff said...but I could not react to Paul the way I react to Dr. Onyeani....one is a cyber-associate, an email address, while the other is a friend whose wife I have met, whose newspaper office I have been to in New York at his invitation, whose radio program I have stayed late to participate in (both in the USA and from here in Nigeria) a number of times, and who I bent over backwards to ALMOST ensure that he met Obama at BHO's  first Inauguration outing in 2009 ..;-)...he won't deny any of those either, hence my disappointment.


And there you have it.   I am moving on....it is a new week.



Bolaji Aluko

On Monday, October 5, 2015, 'Ayo Ojutalayo' via AfricanWorldForum <africanworldforum@googlegroups.com> wrote:



Ozodi Osuji is Igbo, Bolaji is not Igbo. It is easier for an Igbo to read weakness and bad motive in whatever PMB does or does not do. That was why even Nebu, a long time supporter of Buhari, did not hold back in abusing and insulting PMB for what he called lopsided appointments. Ozodi stopped being PMB's supporter almost immediately after the election. You must be aware that the anti-Buhari posture of most Igbos is an embarrassment to some Igbos. You must also be aware that many prominent Nigerians including Igbos, have defended PMB's "work pace". Why are you then surprised that Bolaji "has not seen any issue to disagree with Buhari to the point that he was helping to rationalize Buhari's inability to get a functional government in place"?


Concerning Chika Onyeani, if he could make the remarks he made to Bolaji in public, Bolaji had a responsibility to himself to disclose his interaction with Chika. The interaction somehow buttressed the point Bolaji was making. 


Ayo Ojutalayo

"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy. " . . . Martin Luther King Jr


From: 'Paul Oranika' via AfricanWorldForum <africanworldforum@googlegroups.com>
To: "NIgerianWorldForum@yahoogroups.com" <NIgerianWorldForum@yahoogroups.com>
Cc: "africanworldforum@googlegroups.com" <africanworldforum@googlegroups.com>; "Conyeani@africansuntimes.com" <Conyeani@africansuntimes.com>; "NaijaPolitics@yahoogroups.com" <NaijaPolitics@yahoogroups.com>; "omoodua@yahoogroups.com" <omoodua@yahoogroups.com>; "raayiriga@yahoogroups.com" <raayiriga@yahoogroups.com>; "USAAfricaDialogue@googlegroups.com" <USAAfricaDialogue@googlegroups.com>; "naijaintellects@googlegroups.com" <naijaintellects@googlegroups.com>; "nigerianID@yahoogroups.com" <nigerianID@yahoogroups.com>; "nidan-group@googlegroups.com" <nidan-group@googlegroups.com>; NaijaObserver <naijaobserver@yahoogoups.com>; Okonkwonetworks <okonkwonetworks@googlegroups.com>; "anambra-worldforum@yahoogroup.com" <anambra-worldforum@yahoogroup.com>
Sent: Sunday, October 4, 2015 10:38 PM
Subject: [africanworldforum] Re: [NIgerianWorldForum] Re: THE ABUJA MINISTERIAL BLUES - by Dele Momodu


Good thing VC Bolaji exposed the common antics of these opportunists and hecklers in Naija egroups. These people would call you privately to seek favors for themselves and their relatives/friends, but turned around the next minute to publicly undermine you, question your education, profession, deprecate your ethnic group etc, using unspeakable slurs, insinuations and innuendoes and all forms of foul languages! Because you take the higher grounds and pledge yourself to assist them [after all, for what else are we born if not to assist other people in need!], some of them usually think they're smart-by-half, having their ways with you privately while they play to the gallery of the folks and neighborhood buddies who happen to share a myopic worldview on a national or ethnic issue under debate. Yeye people! JUI [still wondering how ignoble opportunists sleep!] ---JUI




I think Bro Bolaji took this matter too far. That Chika Onyeani asked him for help in reaching Dr. Jonathan should not have been introduced into this discussion at all. This is casual thing friends can do for one another, such favor which was not done anyway, has no monetary value and hence should not have become part of this discussion. My sole point in writing about this matter is to highlight certain things Nigerians do that in my view are cynical and unpatriotic. I gave examples with Obj looking for favors from Buhari who he felt may win this election then he tore his PDP identity card publicly just to heighten and dramatize his favor seeking actions and in the end he got the favors from Buhari. That single act by Obj may also prevent Buhari from investigating OBJ's administration.


 I also used another example of Soludo beating Okonjo Iwealla and Jonathan to possibly gain favors from Buhari, he may get some favors too i dont know. Even you JUI in the past have taken a contrary view and criticized some of Buhari's actions or lack of it. It surprises me that brother Bolaji has not seen any issue to disagree with Buhari to the point that he was helping to rationalize Buhari's inability to get a functional government in place, a problem that everyone knows is detrimental to the state of the Nigerian economy. I felt offended that Bolaji tried to explain such serious deficiency in a  positive manner. 


For me that was what facilitated the comment I made. Compare Bolaji's way of handling the Buhari poor and slow work pace to that when he came to the conclusion that President Buhari was not what he thought about him, Osuji who I often disagree with in terms of his positions but in this case Osuji was objective enough to change his position from being a blind supporter of Buhari to a conscientious critic based on evidence and situation on the ground. That is where I am coming from. I mean no harm to Bolaji I was surprised the way he reacted to Chika Onyeani's remarks.


Okechukwu P. Oranika




On Oct 4, 2015, at 8:35 PM, Philip Achusim pachusim@yahoo.com [NIgerianWorldForum] <NIgerianWorldForum@yahoogroups.com> wrote:




If you want something, go for it the best way you can. With no apologies. When I see a mamiwata that I love, I will not hesitate to call VC Aluko, if he can be of help. If I am interested in looting the Nigerian treasury, and I think worshipping Abba is the shortest route to being in Buhari's administration, I would have moved to Arizona by now to become Abba's neighbor.


How do you guys think folks like Obasanjo and Buhari and Ezeana got to where they are today? They owe it to somebody. If VC Aluko helped anyone get nicely situated with Buhari, only God and the gods know which rewards Aluko could reap. VC Aluko himself was a beneficiary of the help given to him by Prof. Adefuye of blessed memory. The late Prof. Adefuye, Nigerian Ambassador to the US, was approached by someone I refuse to name, if he had a job for Aluko Jr. who was a recent law school graduate. He obliged. The next thing you knew, Aluko Jr. was a legal staffer at the Embassy. And mind you, he was not the only young Yoruba attorney in the US. Some one, and no apologies needed, wanted something and went after it the best way he could and he got it.


Moving on. Then somebody said let us play it again. And they did. Aluko was a professor of Engineering at Howard University in DC. And so were other Yoruba professors at the same university. But it was only Aluko who wanted something else. So he went after what he wanted the best way he could. I listened in on the conversation between the late Adefuye and GEJ. GEJ was reminded that Aluko's beautiful mother is from Bayelsa. So Aluko became VC of Bayelsa University, the only thing GEJ did for southern Nigeria. FUO.


What I am struggling to say here is that if you want something, go after it the best way you can. If you sit home waiting for Buhari to discover you to appoint you, he is not. If you are ashamed to beg for something, you may not get anything. Some have to beg even their own wives for some. But they get on here to pretend that it is wrong to beg for an appointment anyway you can. The only reason I am not out there begging for anything is that I already begged and gotten whatever it is I ever wanted. Politics is not a healthy profession. And I should know. Because I have never sought employment in that industry.

And I am
Ezeana Achusim
Nwa Dim Orioha AKA Onyeukwu.

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone


On Oct 4, 2015, 5:06:48 PM, Vin Otuonye vincentotuonye@msn.com [NIgerianWorldForum] wrote:



I am no caterwauling vulture. Neither am I a fan of Chika Onyeani. Quite honestly, I don't like his Africa Sun Newspaper. If I were Jonathan, I would never grant any audience with a paper in the mold of African Sun. However, if one called you once to get an audience with former President Jonathan, I don't consider that pestering. Also, I see nothing wrong in positioning oneself in Buhari's administration. The problem I have with you is, you seat on the fence on most issues. You simply refuse to rock the boat.


But as my people will say, Onye na nke ya ( to each his own).


Vin Cool Breeze Otuonye





Sent from my T-Mobile 4G LTE Device

-------- Original message --------
From: Mobolaji Aluko
Date:10/04/2015 5:54 PM (GMT-05:00)
To: africanworldforum@googlegroups.com
Cc: Conyeani@africansuntimes.com, NIgerianWorldForum@yahoogroups.com, NaijaPolitics@yahoogroups.com, omoodua@yahoogroups.com, raayiriga@yahoogroups.com, USAAfricaDialogue@googlegroups.com, naijaintellects@googlegroups.com, nigerianID@yahoogroups.com, nidan-group@googlegroups.com
Subject: [africanworldforum] Re: THE ABUJA MINISTERIAL BLUES - by Dele Momodu



Thank you too....you have confirmed my story....I felt pestered, but I don't mind being pestered by you.


So let us quit before it gets uglier, before the caterwauling vultures set in. But be assured of this: I am not angling overtly or covertly for a ministerial position.


Have a good week.



Bolaji Aluko


On Sunday, October 4, 2015, 'Chika Onyeani' via AfricanWorldForum africanworldforum@googlegroups.com> wrote:


Yes, I confirm calling you about the possibility of speaking with former President Goodluck Jonathan, which you are now calling pestering you. Thank you.

Chika Onyeani




-----Original Message-----
From: Mobolaji Aluko alukome@gmail.com>
To: africanworldforum africanworldforum@googlegroups.com>; Conyeani Conyeani@africansuntimes.com>
Cc: NIgerianWorldForum NIgerianWorldForum@yahoogroups.com>; NaijaPolitics NaijaPolitics@yahoogroups.com>; omoodua omoodua@yahoogroups.com>; Ra'ayi Riga raayiriga@yahoogroups.com>; USAAfrica Dialogue USAAfricaDialogue@googlegroups.com>; naijaintellects naijaintellects@googlegroups.com>; nigerianid@yahoogroups.com nigerianID@yahoogroups.com>; NiDAN nidan-group@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Sun, Oct 4, 2015 5:17 pm
Subject: [africanworldforum] Re: THE ABUJA MINISTERIAL BLUES - by Dele Momodu

Ogbuefi Chika Onyeani:


You are a complete disappointment in what you wrote below, and you should be ashamed of yourself. I am very sorry to say so, because you and I go back long ways.


Here you are, just two days ago, you were pestering me with a phone call all the way from New York, imploring me to get an interview audience with a former Head of State, which I promised to do if you could write write out precisely why, because I could not imagine just telling him that one Chika Onyeani wants to talk to him. Deny it, and all respect that I have for you will disappear. Confirm it, and there is yet hope for you with me.


Let the reader now imagine what you would do if I was chosen a minister tomorrow.


Moving on....


I will not much dignify your ilk - yourself, Toyin Adepoju, Joe Attueyi, Paul Oranika, to name a few - who claim that I am covertly or overtly angling for a ministerial position. First, I have a top job as VC of a aged earl University, which is more prestigious, in my mind, than a ministerial position, more independent, and much safer. Somebody should tell you how Minister Wike once tried to be rude to me, and I reminded him that I was aVC, and he backed down. Pan other point: I am continuing as VC now, while one VC colleague who not too long ago relinquished his position to become Minister has gone with the previous administration and was never able to exorcise the witches and wizards bedeviling the power sector of the country. Secondly, unlike some of you, I come from Ekiti State where PMB has equally worthy persons such as Fayemi, Falana, Oni and Adebayo -to name just a few - to choose from. Fayemi is a virtual shoo-in, and Falana is not far behind.


But let you and your ilk get it into your heads: whenever I am truly available, and PMB finds it worthy to offer me a position in his government suited to my capabilities, I will strongly consider it as another national device just as I took the one under GEJ, who I continue to have a good relationship with. I am confident that PMB is purpose-driven, and he needs as many purpose-driven persons to work with, not cynical naysayers with a pernicious agenda.


And there you have it.



Bolaji Aluko


On Sunday, October 4, 2015, Chika Onyeani conyeani@africansuntimes.com> wrote:


I couldn't conceive of a more cynical way of two people asking to be appointed to ministerial posts. Why do you and Dele Momodou hash this plot of being inundated by people who want you to be appointed ministers? For you, some people on this forum have wished that you be appointed a minister, albeit with tongue-in-cheek. Are you counting them as those pestering you?

As for Dele Momodou, he made sure that everybody was aware of the day he met with Buhari, that all the newspapers carried his photo showing him shaking hands with the mighty Buhari.

There you have it, a la Bolaji Aluko!

Dr. Chika Onyeani
African Sun Times
Email: conyeani@africansuntimes.com
Tel.: 973-675-9919
Cell: 917-279-4038

Author: The Phenomenally Successful No.1 Bestselling Book, "Capitalist Nigger - The Road to Success", and his New Book "Roar of the African Lion."


On Sun, Oct 4, 2015 at 3:13 AM, Mobolaji Aluko alukome@gmail.com> wrote:


My People:


I fully believe Dele Momodu on this "ministerial desperation" display by people other than the alleged nominee - my respect for him increases for the bravery to write this piece at this particular time. Unless you have not been mentioned even in a passing manner, you won't understand how really it is plain ridiculous what "ministerial appointment" appears to mean to the average Nigerian: an avenue to co-chop, a sort of "arrival". I can show you my own SMS of people who have "dreamt" of my elevation to Abuja, and their "bookings" to join me there to assist me! :-)


I believe that that is part of the reason why Buhati has taken his time, first to de-mystify ministerial positions - which are merely supervisory, not executive, albeit necessary - and secondly to weed out those who indeed show (too much) desperation by pestering/lobbying him, directly or through proxies. I have never quite understood how you lobby for "minister", except you are also lobbying for the "minister for..." - suppose you are given "for women affairs" or "for culture" for which are not really qualified? Matching "state" (for political expediency) and technical position must be dicey for a President bent on the most efficient Cabinet, especially one who has not even settled on all the ministries, and who wants the best mix of politicians, technocrats and bureaucrats.


As I guessed before, PMB's first list of ministers was sent in to the Senate at 4.56 pm on Sept. 30. If he could, he would have sent it on Sept 31. Here is a warning: Let those who will be PMB's ministers brace up: they have work to do, and it won't be business as usual. And let those who will - and must - join them there also brace up.....they may end up in jail quicker than they think if it is to chop in a finger-licking manner.


But all of them will write their names in gold if they can assist him in beginning to turn this country around within the next three-and-a-half years. Is that not what true service is about, rather than being arrested all over the place and vilified?


And there you have it.



Bolaji Aluko





03 Oct 2015

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PENDULUM BY DELE MOMODU, Email: dele.momodu@thisdaylive.com

Fellow Nigerians, the story you are about to read is the stuff of fiction. Or better put, it is like a play or movie. One title that readily comes to mind is that beautiful stage-play, 'A Play of Giants', by foremost playwright, Wole Soyinka. It is an incredible tale of power in Africa's biggest nation, Nigeria.

Let me start it like this. I departed Ghana for Dubai the very day General Muhmmadu Buhari was declared winner of the last Presidential election in Nigeria. As soon as I landed in Dubai, I received countless messages of congratulations which must have been hanging whilst I was in the skies. Some of the senders asked if I was in Abuja in order to come celebrate with me. But I was far from Nigeria and told them so. For me the mission was already accomplished and it was time to take a bow. I was not a member of APC but merely a volunteer and sympathiser.

I couldn't ever believe that my response did not go down well with some people. Unknown to me, they had banked on riding me as their donkey to the corridors of power in Abuja. They were so sure I could get whatever I wanted from the incoming government. All explanations to the contrary from me fell on deaf ears. They were convinced I was just being pretentious and didn't want to be of help. The more charitable ones did not stress me much but pleaded with me to remember them in my forthcoming paradise. I shook my head in utter incredulity. Of course, I did not go near Abuja for about two months thereafter although I continued to be pestered from far and near by supposed well-wishers.

On my return to Nigeria from one of my trips a couple of months after the swearing in of President Buhari and the Vice President Professor Yemi Osinbajo SAN, I received a delegation of friends who I thought were just on a casual visit. After having a few drinks, one of them stood up to start a conversation: "Bob Dee, we have come to offer you some wise counsel. We want you to stop being foolish. You've paid your dues and deserve something tangible in this new government…"

If I thought he was just pulling my legs and being melodramatic, he soon overreached himself and did what I least expected! He suddenly went on his knees and started begging me like a penitent school kid: "Please, listen to us. Even if you are not interested, please do so for our sake. If we have you in government, it means we are there too. .."

Then, he compounded the unexpected act, by diving flat on the floor in some grotesque form of prostration. I looked at the gentleman with great concern and anxiety as I wondered if he had suffered a bout of epilepsy. But he appeared normal and stable and revved into what seemed a monologue as I was too tongue-tied to respond: "See the way I'm lying flat, that is what I want you to do when you go to the Governor of your State, Adams Oshiomole. You will grab his leg and tell him you have come to solicit his help for a Ministerial appointment in Buhari's cabinet. Please, don't go empty handed o; not necessarily cash, just buy like a few cartons of champagnes. If his Madam is around, make sure you bend almost double when greeting her, lest you're accused of arrogance!.."

I remained funereally silent. My friend was not done yet. He continued to soliloquise: "When you leave Oshiomhole, go quickly to see your man, Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola in the State of Osun because you never know who God may use to make this dream a reality. Remember to repeat the same prostration when you get to Osogbo. Since Alhaji does not like alcohol, you may have to carry bundles of white fabric along. " I could see that that the self-appointed consultant had it all worked out already and in effortless detail.

I was too stunned and speechless. He stood up without my prompting him. "Those two Governors are very important since your dad came from Edo and your mum from Osun. Now to cap it up, go and see Asiwaju Bola Tinubu. He is your man from way back in your exile days. Please, kneel down and again hold his legs and tell him he is the only one who can make this happen… If possible roll on the floor for maximum effect…" Wow", I thought internally, "the extent to which one should go to bag a government appointment is amazingly extraordinary"!

I cleared my throat. He had spoken enough and given me ample time to fashion my response. I thanked him for caring so much. I assured him as much as I would want to serve my nation as a patriotic citizen, I know the process a bit. Beyond that, all the three influential people he wanted me to meet and cajole are not people who expect me to crawl to get anything from them. They know I have more self-respect than that and I would lower myself in their estimation if I behaved contrary to character and did a quarter of what he had suggested. I pointed out that "Governor Oshiomole is my big Brother who has shown me love over time. The last time we saw in Zambia, he said he would flog me literally if I don't visit home soon. He even wants me to launch some of his pet projects across the State because he sees me as an Ambassador of Edo State", I started my own sermon.

"The Constitution of Nigeria stipulates that The President must pick one Minister per State. Fairly, I expect the Governors, especially in APC States to have party members they want to put forward as Ministers. In fact, I don't know how the President would honestly handle some States where there are too many heavyweights. A good example is Ekiti State where there is a long queue of accomplished citizens including three former Governors, Niyi Adebayo, Segun Oni and Kayode Fayemi plus Mr Dele Alake and Mr Femi Falana (SAN). There is also Lagos State, where the revered national leader, Chief Bola Ahmed Tinubu is expected to determine who gets what on account of his humongous contributions to APC. Lagos parades former Governor Babatunde Fashola, Rt. Hon. Adeyemi Ikuforiji, Senator Tokunbo Afikuyomi, Senator Olorunnimbe Mamora, Senator Ganiyu Solomon, Princess Adenrele Adeniran-Ogunsanya, Hon. (Mrs) Abike Dabiri-Erewa, Dr Muiz Banire (SAN), Hon. Jumoke Okoya-Thomas, Chief (Mrs) Kemi Nelson and others who worked assiduously for the monumental success of APC at both local and national levels."

I continued by telling my audience that "virtually all the States have similar challenges. I won't be surprised if this is the main reason it has not been easy to complete this selection even now. As much as the President would want to appear totally independent, it is pertinent that he does not act like he's not grateful to some of his big supporters like some former Presidents, Vice Presidents, Lt. General T.Y Danjuma, Governors, former Governors and heavy funders of the campaign."

Thank God, my friends listened with rapt attention. It is at times like this that I miss the wise and sagacious head of my friend, Prince Adedamola Aderemi at that meeting. He would have politely stepped in and succinctly straightened everybody out. Fortunately, my friends seemed to realise I was making sense but they still didn't see why I shouldn't fight for it as others do, for whatever it is worth. I was not going to add to the existing headache, and tell them I would refrain from acting on their laid down strategy, so I said I was going to try. We departed on that note and I simply carried on with my usual routine.

I don't know how my name crawled into one of the rumoured Ministerial lists but that was the beginning of proper wahala. My phones kept ringing off the hook from then. My wife was not spared. I received cvs in droves. Many appointed themselves as my Special Assistants or Personal Assistants. Many of them I didn't know from anywhere. A few friends living abroad told me pointedly that they will return home pronto and work for me. Everywhere I turned I was being congratulated. No one listened to my denials. Even as I write this, my well-wishers have not given up. They told me they are praying and fasting. Someone called me yesterday and said he heard I was in Abuja for my screening. I responded that may be the screening is in London where I'm trying to convalesce at this moment.

In my entire life, I've never experienced this type of suffocating pressure. While I feel very flattered by all the sensation this has caused, I can confirm I now know why men of power can hardly perform unless they managed to dodge most of these strident calls and considered wicked. There is nothing I have said that makes any sense to the callers. I've been told to be positive and live by faith. Yes I'm a believer in God but I'm also a man who believes in Destiny. What is more, service to one's fatherland should never be an act of desperation. In the fullness of time, you would be called upon if needed. And there is so much you can do for your country outside power.

I sincerely do not envy the President. If what I have gone through in my little corner is anything to go by, President Buhari definitely needs our prayers. I will encourage him to conclude picking his cabinet and move on. No matter what he does, it is impossible to please everyone. He is already doing fine and should tune up the tempo. May God guide and help him achieve his tall dreams for Nigeria.



Sent from my iPhone



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