Monday, November 30, 2015

Re: USA Africa Dialogue Series - Lecturers more corrupt than politicians – Rector [Verdict on Nigerian Higher Education from a Nigerian Higher Education Rector]

Yet, my dear sister, the few must persevere! Anyone who accepts to be called a teacher has a moral obligation to be upright and guide the population to uprightness. Corruption actually means spoiling the good and making it bad. In the matter of corruption, teachers who are expected to brighten the goodness in the students under them but rather lay bad examples that even make the good bad and the bad worse must be seen as the most dangerous in the society. If teachers had the rectitude of our calling we can truly hold politicians in check! Produce honest, well-informed, courageous graduates who would confront the politicians who keep them out of employment and reverse the thieving corruption in Nigeria. How to achieve this communal rectitude and necessary commitment in teachers should be the most immediate project in our dear but devastated country.

'Nkolika Ebele' via USA Africa Dialogue Series <> wrote:

If the current class of students are allowed to rate lecturers, only the corrupt lecturers will remain. Students dislike lecturers doing their job as it should be done. Corruption in the University system in Nigeria thrives because many of the students have no business being there in the first place.
Nkolika Unizik Awka 

From: Odigwe Nwaokocha <>
Sent: Saturday, November 28, 2015 11:27 AM
Subject: Re: USA Africa Dialogue Series - Lecturers more corrupt than politicians – Rector [Verdict on Nigerian Higher Education from a Nigerian Higher Education Rector]

There is indeed a lot of corruption among academics in our higher institutions. Are they worse than politicians? I do not have the facts to enable me reach a conclusion. However, I know the disease is deep and is likely to get worse given the way the powers that be recruit people into our higher institutions. It is a big mess. We can afford to continue pretending about it. It has begun to define and defile the entire system.

On Wed, Nov 25, 2015 at 12:31 PM, 'Michael Afolayan' via USA Africa Dialogue Series <> wrote:
I would like to hear anyone contradict Dr. Akande's position. In spite of my respect for the calling of university teaching in Nigeria, and knowing full well there is a micro-minority with clean hands, Nigerian lecturers are at least as corrupt as politicians. I may not say they are more corrupt because anyone familiar with Nigerian politicians would find it difficult to imagine a more corrupt institution. If a fraction of what many lecturers in Nigeria do to their students slips to America, not only will they lose their jobs, many would languish in prison. I pray for the day when would be a norm among Nigerian higher ed students and mandatory on-line evaluations of every lecturer would be done by students at the end of every course. If the Tenure and Promotion system is based partly on students' evaluations, I think the endemic atmosphere of corruption among university instructors would be minimized.

It's my own candid opinion and I am holding on to it.
Michael O. Afolayan
From the Land of Lincoln
Early archives at
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