Thursday, March 31, 2016

Re: USA Africa Dialogue Series - On the Matter of the Un-necesssariness of Black Magic in Nigerian Governance {Re: Fuel scarcity: Tinubu blasts Kachikwu - The Nation Nigeria

"The dilemma facing Nigeria generally is that despite our claims to sophisticated academic education in science and technology, we have not been able to maintain technical facilities handed over to us." Kadiri. Let me respond to two propositions you raised. 
1. What you have said above is a confirmation that the employees responsible for the maintenance of the technical facilities are not creative. It they had been creative, the refineries would have not been in the mess they are today. You don't put a dormant worker to be in charge of a critical economy as the refineries.  The natural oil and the technology are inert hence they cannot be creative. It is rational and free individuals with creativity that can make a world of difference. Creativity is continuum. It is a natural endowment given to human beings for their survival in a harsh environment they found themselves. 
2. It is not when you make protests on the streets of Lagos, Abuja, Kano etc that you express sensitivity. There is a psychological component of sensibility which is as important as social sensibility. I believe a diplomatic approach works more effectively in most cases than being on the streets and causing unnecessary stress on the public. There is no need to argue about the case since the Minister has apologized to Nigerians. 
Sent from my iPhone 

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