Friday, April 1, 2016

RE: USA Africa Dialogue Series - Digest - 25 updates in 18 topics

Thank you for the effective academic leadership Prof Gloria. Shalom. Osakue Omoera

Sent: ‎01/‎04/‎2016 05:21 PM
To: Digest recipients
Subject: USA Africa Dialogue Series - Digest - 25 updates in 18 topics

"Emeagwali, Gloria (History)" <>: Apr 01 01:31PM

I am happy to announce the publication of the fifth book in a series on African Indigenous Knowledge
Systems, Science and Technology. Details are attached.
Scholars interested in contributing to the next book in the series should send
inquiries to The book will focus on African indigenous mathematical and writing systems.
Professor Gloria Emeagwali
History Department
CCSU. New Britain. CT 06050
Gloria Emeagwali's Documentaries on
Africa and the African Diaspora
"Abidogun, Jamaine M" <>: Apr 01 04:08PM

Congratulations and thank you for the opportunity to learn more ☺
Jamaine Abidogun
From: [] On Behalf Of Emeagwali, Gloria (History)
Sent: Friday, April 1, 2016 8:31 AM
To: usa <>
Subject: USA Africa Dialogue Series - Gloria Emeagwali and Edward Shizha. eds. (2016). AIK and the Sciences: Journeys into the past and present
I am happy to announce the publication of the fifth book in a series on African Indigenous Knowledge
Systems, Science and Technology. Details are attached.
Scholars interested in contributing to the next book in the series should send
inquiries to<>. The book will focus on African indigenous mathematical and writing systems.
Professor Gloria Emeagwali
History Department
CCSU. New Britain. CT 06050
Gloria Emeagwali's Documentaries on
Africa and the African Diaspora
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kenneth harrow <>: Apr 01 11:34AM -0400

congratulations gloria. you're hard to keep up with!
On 4/1/16 9:31 AM, Emeagwali, Gloria (History) wrote:
kenneth w. harrow
professor of english
michigan state university
department of english
619 red cedar road
room C-614 wells hall
east lansing, mi 48824
ph. 517 803 8839

[The entire original message is not included.]

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Cornelius Hamelberg <>: Mar 31 12:09PM -0700

In other words what you're saying is that the devil should be put on trial
(by the courts) and if not found guilty, should be set free. You can call
it "jungle justice " if you like and this is where I support Donald Trump: when
all else fails, we should start with a little waterboarding to begin to
recover the loot.
On Thursday, 31 March 2016 13:36:43 UTC+2, Chidi Anthony Opara wrote:
Cornelius Hamelberg <>: Mar 31 11:42AM -0700

Justice Opara,
I'm glad that at least you take me seriously
and by extension so should some of your political allies
of the class known as *the lootocracy*
the crooks most directly responsible for bleeding the Nigerian people's
*Ecclesiastes 7:1*
A *holy sonnet*
by John Donne
Dear Chidi almost every day I study about* this*
and I am aware of God's mercy in our lives.
How do you think I feel when I read *this*
<>? I
should presume them innocent? No, I'm not bloodthirsty.
With me as commander-in-chief of the military, they should then have every
right to fear Justice – and that includes Goliath. Just as you too have
the right to *presume* lootocrats their innocence in spite of the
mountains of evidence against them and the fact that in their hearts, they
themselves know that they are guilty. In fact I should like Ogbeni Kadiri
to be my Tunde Idiagbon! Babatunde O ye, to help institute some of the
structural reforms that His Highness *John Mbaku Esq*
has been insisting is the *sine qua non* to rooting out corruption that is
otherwise so endemic and so deeply ingrained in some bureaucracies that
it's popularly known as " the system"
You are absolutely right! If by the grace of the Almighty, I had been
blessed as the next military man in charge of a certain African country,
then, "*The age -long practice of an accused being presumed innocent until
proved guilty(by the courts) would have been abolished and the consequences
would have been grave*". That was a good *poetic*
word that you used there: "*grave* <>". Better
still, less abstract and even more directly to the point, you could have
ended that sentence with the word , "*deadly*
<>". "*The age -long practice of an
accused being presumed innocent until proved guilty(by the courts) would
have been abolished and the consequences would have been deadly*"
Here's the Devil's dictionary definition:
DEAD, adj.
"Done with the work of breathing; done
With all the world; the mad race run
Though to the end; the golden goal
Attained and found to be a hole!"
Only six months…
You would be doing me, you yourself , your good friend *Goodluck Jonathan *
and my Ikwerre Brother Chibuike Rotimi Amaechi injustice if you think
that as supreme military commander, I would send innocent men to the
gallows or line them all up to face the fire squads, just for nothing. As
I pointed out : *five minutes to start vomiting di money or else yu go
quench here right now and the vultures nah dem go eat your dead body
tomorrow morning* !
We don't want to take anyone's life. All we want is that the loot be
returned and that includes that Bank Manager at number 10 Aba Road in Port
Harcourt who stole my gratuity, 15% of my gross salary for two tours plus
some other emoluments stashed in his bank in £ Sterling. I could have use