Dear Conference Participants:
We shall like all participants at our last conference in Ibadan to submit their completed papers for publication in the conference proceedings which I promised would be edited and published before the next biennial conference. Each participant will be entitled to a free copy of the conference proceedings in which their paper appears. Cover price and the cost of subsequent purchases will be fixed by the publishers after publication.
Kindly forward all manuscripts to me by email attachment. Hard copies could also be posted to the Institute of African Studies at the University of Ibadan for those who might prefer this means of communication. Manuscripts should be typed double-spaced and proof-read (notes, excerpts and references should also be double-spaced). All graphs, charts, maps, tables, illustrations and drawings must be camera-ready. For referencing, the Chicago Manual of style is recommended. Please ensure that the cover page carries the name of the article, author and institutional affiliation details and that the opening page bears the title of the article and not the author's name.
Thanks for your understanding and cooperation in these matters.
Dele Layiwola
Chair, LOC.
Prof. Dele Layiwola Institute of African Studies University of Ibadan, Ibadan Nigeria
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