Monday, August 1, 2016

USA Africa Dialogue Series - Re: "Greatest Country in the World" Palaver

Prof, It is not Donald Trump and his band that are planning to save the country from the  nefarious alien. It is Donald Trump alone that will save America. He will by himself build the wall to keep Mexicans away, ban all Muslims from entering America, deport all Africans, etc. That is what Trumpism is about

On Saturday, July 30, 2016 at 3:03:28 PM UTC+1, Emeagwali, Gloria (History) wrote:

American Republicans of  old,  routinely shouted  from the roof tops, that the US was the  greatest country ever to appear on the face of the earth. The country surpassed  any other nation state  on the planet,  in its good fortune, superior economy and political stability, they boasted. Some even concluded that the country was divinely inspired and blessed, and that its mission was to rule the world and teach less fortunate nations how to prosper and run a successful economy. American manifest destiny was written in the stars, they claimed, and those  ingrates who were complaining about  income inequality, racism, high credit card debt, sexism, ageism, police brutality and inadequate living wages were delusional loafers and complainers who should simply pull themselves up by their bootstraps - and get a life.

But critics of that era, some of whom were mainstream Democrats,  accused the Republicans of being delusionary ideologues. Their rose-colored narrative was hyperbole wrapped up in mysticism and nonsensical jingoism, they pointed out. For them, a more cautious pragmatic approach was needed, to fix the ills in  society and take corrective measures to improve on a somewhat  imperfect  socio-economic arrangement.

Well that was then-   before the Trumpian  "Republican" revolution turned the old fashioned   tenets and propositions,  upside down and   - on their head. The  current narrative of the ( neo) Republicans  is that the country is  not great but is actually  in tatters. It  has lost its  magic touch. It is not a shining city on the mythical hill and  it  has to be saved from  "hell" and damnation. Donald Trump and his band of devoted   followers would save the country from the  nefarious alien  forces that brought it to its knees-   "to make America great again"  and take the country back, wall by wall. Ironically enough,  Republicanism   is now associated with a philosophy of doom, gloom and  potential redemption.

In contrast, "the greatest country on earth"  narrative  now has among its fervent supporters,  the very group of politicians that spurned it  in  years gone by, namely,  Clintonian /Obama Democrats, now  caught  up in a vortex of political acrobatics,  praise singing and "greatest country in the world" palaver. We are witnessing  a veritable  political circus.

Professor Gloria Emeagwali
History Department
CCSU. New Britain. CT 06050
Gloria Emeagwali's Documentaries on
Africa and the African Diaspora

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