Wednesday, May 31, 2017

USA Africa Dialogue Series - TRUMP-LAND: My Own Version of "Covfefe"

My People:

If you have not heard of President Trump's viral tweet word "covfefe", then you can just skip to the last letter of this email..

Now it is not ORIGINAL of me to state that he meant to write "coverage" as in "press coverage" - whereupon he wrote "press covfefe" - and then fell asleep for the next six hours on his Iphone.  What is original to me - I think - is how "coverage" became "covfefe".

So here goes:

1.  If he had come close to the correct spelling, he would still have mispelt it as "coverge" - missing out the "a".  It is the "erge" that became "fefe".

2.  How did that occur?  That must have been through his "QWERTY" keyboard of his Iphone:


3. So in his sleepiness in typing "erge" - and considering the size of his fingers -  the first "e" became "f", the "r" became "e", the "g" became "f" and the second "e" was properly typed as "e".

4.  And there you have it:  my own "covfefe" explanation of "covfefe!"

5.  I feel that my guess is at least better than Hilary Clinton's, who (mischievously)  thinks that the word is a code word to the Russians from Trump! :-)

Lord have mercy.....

Bolaji Aluko
Shaking his head
And having a belly laugh

Donald Trump's Weird Typo Becomes The Hot New Word Everyone Is Using [UPDATED]

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