Monday, October 30, 2017

USA Africa Dialogue Series - Re: Fela and Guevara by Odia Ofeimun

It's 03. 40 a.m, and I'll limit myself to the first two items ,

"Fela's Choice"  and CROOKED TIMBER (For Fela)

 monkey no fine, but 'im mama like am

Such powerful, sometimes haunting lines, about a man we all love, a man who lived a life of live and let live, who faced the truth in his own backyard in Nigeria and face to face truth to power is true  

Bravely too - like Jesus -

"Fela's Choice"  and CROOKED TIMBER (For Fela) should be read aloud not quietly or silently - just as classical music should always be played loud  - so too The Great African Music :  Fela's horn was never silent, quiet, timid or meant to squeak like some people's notion of academic poetry (Mother Teresa reading Shakespeare or the King James Version - 1st Corinthians Chapter 13  -  Paul the woman hater and against polygamy  would have probably hated Fela lining them up for holy matrimony would have also probably hated the roots of the saxophone going back through Coleman Hawkins to Jelly Roll Morton the man who boasted," I invented jazz", not to mention that which the missionaries later called " the voodoo drums"

just that the revolution never ceased and Fela being himself ( Fela) Fela being Fela took it further. John Chernoff my friend in Ghana  - and a close friend of Fela's , I wonder how he relates to one more graphic  poetic biographic call and response to our friend and by "our" I mean all Fela and music-lovers not anyone who would like to maim or belittle even a dwarf's elegy or poetic eulogy, meant to make you feel and make you think, even one written in sixteenth century eloquent Yoruba speak-easy and I'm  thinking of some potent words from Baba Kadiri just now, sequentially dilating on the word  "dwarf" and no dwarf is Fela  so just imagine Baba Kadiri braying through Fela's big horn , blasting away little fascist pig-lets, of course he is and they are entitled to his/their own learned opinions, freedom to think according to Obi's school of thought  or  what Amiri Baraka once referred to as " the feces of a very small cow"

- I noh craise:

As Baba Kadiri said ( talking big)  " I don't become a dwarf for bending low to wipe the face of a dwarf who has contemptuously and deliberately stepped on my toes"

"I do not and I cannot lose my giant-hood for bending low to slap the face of a dwarf that has kicked me on the legs"

Yes, haunting lines from Baba Odia Ofeimun

Not the dog and the baboon in mind or even in sight,

haunting lines, briefly, such as the thoughts culminating in

"..they joined forgotten humanity at silt bed."

Reflective recognitions  - you recognise

"true, the future we look forward to

also takes us by the hand to the past we left behind;

the secrets of evolution which taught us to fly

makes us siblings of the dinosaurs quitting creation's ant-holes"

And it's not just a Nigerian or a Fela-lived and did not die - as in " The Man Died"  dilemma , for in powerful  art  - i.e poetry and music, music and poetry  we sometimes live, recognize, lose, find, discover in our own selves the complex  and sometimes contradictory in the music - in music we hear or make or complete  or see these recognitions such as in these words  - isn't this true:

"yes, we forever fear power because of the weakness

of those who possess it

we let ourselves be possessed

because of the fate that lacks apostrophes"

Almost like the crucifixion  which only dimness cannot see:

"it was the knife stuck in his back that gave him eyes

the eyes grown afresh from his wounds

brought match-flares to the darkness of flying knives"


On Monday, 30 October 2017 23:22:57 UTC+1, Toyin Falola wrote:
From: Odia Ofeimun <>
Subject: Fela and Guevara


Fela and Guevara


Fela's choice


Souls that were 'lagosed' to hunger,

unfulfilled by work or play,

reclined on wind-oars, abject.

    Their animal cries, their starved-dream catcalls

trailed over the miasma of failure

till, plunged into the all-gobbling lagoon,

they joined forgotten humanity at silt bed.


Lagosed to a fault, they waited

not knowing for what they waited

in solo-spurts of scratching and seeking

hoarding small triumphs in a market of defeats

they yearned for small rebirths

in package-deals of purge-fire.


Always, they craned their lives to dance,

relishing messages that they gave and took

from drum, piano, gong, pipe and string,

but none ever has taken so much from or given them

what the Musician of rattles, jokes and banter

brought from all that he had absorbed

from their Lagos-drenched famish and life-wish


With abandon that knows no let or lag

he trains snob-ears to self-conscious flapping

in a sizzling riddle of ablutions, deep-water idioms,

he trains snob-ears to self-conscious flapping

at his rebel's dialect, wringing the neck of

     their complacencies

he wrestles them from themselves, offering them

a new sex – the will to live a bit more –

and who says that that is not enough?

                                                (from The Poet Lied)




             monkey no fine, but 'im mama like am


it was the knife stuck in his back that gave him eyes

the sky crashing upon the day of freedom

woke the natives of his person

to the joy he thought was only a dream


it was the knife stuck in his back

his broken sax on the rubbish heap

taught the musician of rattles and banter

to take the bitterleaf of his song to the soupmaker


the drought that reaped his crops granted him

the Will that powered stones for rainmaking

the silence of his prized cows brought the joy

of drumming to crowds preying  upon God Almighty


true, the future we look forward to

also takes us by the hand to the past we left behind;

the secrets of evolution which taught us to fly

makes us siblings of the dinosaurs quitting creation's ant-holes


yes, we forever fear power because of the weakness

of those who possess it

we let ourselves be possessed

because of the fate that lacks apostrophes


it was the knife stuck in his back that gave him eyes

the eyes grown afresh from his wounds

brought match-flares to the darkness of flying knives

to rework life's crooked timber.

                                                (from Dreams At Work)


Clear jagga-jagga commot for road


The master of rattles is on his way

homing to the horns that never failed him

where horns cannot fail their maker


He steps out in a casket of baked raffia

a million feet padding the earth in unison

to a beat that will not be heard ever again


After the wayfarer has cleared manna from the hyssop,

the spider-web of grief from its true dressing

in joy that climbs to the height of a muezzin…


The strange one steps out, becoming all of us

a  worshipful  march for the king hornsman

prime anarch who steeled hearts away from  fear


with horns that never failed their purpose

to save the world from the need to bow

to tyrants high and low.


Clear jagga jagga commot for road


The patriarch of the barbed rhythm steps out

master of the stomp who measured the world

for the beaten to thrust down  their roots


Down to the deep idiom of  an underworld

where storms call, shaking up the mountains.

Un-becalmed by time and season, he reaches out


to  join storm to storm in our hearts and  to witness

his going that is also a return, the hornsman's return

to the ancestral flow and banter that was always his cup,


always, his wrap of hemp,  the routing skill

of  the mermaid of his  harem, his last massage,

the salve of  bruises that  hurt him into song


a continent's heartbeat, never hidden but lived now

and forever as  the rod, staff and  comforter

of  the down and out counting double to widen vision



Clear jagga jagga commot for road



For him who built chance into an  Atzec feat

a republic of  yabis to toughen groundings

jolt of power, against horsewhip and baton charges


which  drew maps of Africa across his hide

in a seasonal swoop of plagues upon the shrine

where he worshiped the Ancestor and where now


he is the ancestor to whom we pour  libations

oiling the world's rusted joints, as we gyrate and juba

to the master of the lyric of  grain and groin


whose face of kaolin told a constant tale of  laughter

too old  to kowtow to the transient juju of office

to roaches and rodents who deny ritual in praise of  fashion


Clear jagga-jagga commot for am who threshed the eternal

weave of human nerves to stay above the chink of coins,

crush of paper moneyand the promise of easy victory.


Clear jagga-jagga commot for road


for one man who was always  a multitude, sailing

above the crests of the mountain of hearts swelling

now in  homage, to touch the sweated story of the body


lying so perfectly still and cold in the raffia sheath. No,

no longer is it his body, merely ours to lift or  lower down

to the earth that he gave fulsome worship as spirit to spirit


 to clear jagga-jagga commot for road


not as dust to dust for him who rendered death boneless

 now emptied out of the pouch in which he held it

down to thirst that would not slake,  and hunger


whose rigours his undying saxophone  overtook

to fill the earth with license,  fighting music that broke deadends

to find new paths without need of iron


without need to cower or retreat

- spirit to spiritnot dust to dust -

from any jagga-jagga on the  road






Teacher don teach me nonsense: to look and laugh

and perambulate till trouble comes like 'expensive shit'

spattering our  Sunday best and riling the skin

like yellow fever – see why blackman dey suffer!

'swamped' in dirty sweat that  peppers vision


Teacher don teach me to stumble and fret, as style

and to bow, no, to prostrate to the latest minion,

VIP of the block , to whom we make rankiya dade

we salaam and shuffer and shmile in Jungle City

toasting overcrowded molues, overcrowded prisons


We go on wheels headed for the boil of the lagoon

where tribes and moieties lose self in a stalemate

of jobless lives itching to correct alleys of fear

through broken speed-limits and nighttime markets

where policemen collect toll for the Most High Boss


Still, war-mongers of the old colony, we pinch

snuff and pennies and farthings from last hurrahs

at crossroads where the  Unknown Soldier hits high

in gory settlement of burnt roofs and roasted lives,

breaking bitter in unseeing looting and laughing 


We look and laugh: what lives we live, stepping up

to scratch the backs of other men as we thirst away

for  pure water wey e no get enemy. And, talking enemies,

how redress nightmares fulfilled beyond glorious dawns

after prophecies found in the mouth of the news vendor


What a teacher  the news vendor!  such a foul mouth

full of bad news that other people's lives dictate

breaking bones with words that have no encore

as we sing No agreement today no agreement tomorrow

and dream  the World upside down in order to stand up 


Yes! we ask to be slapped for cash in canned laughter

forever willing to bow to thugs in office, masquerades

who dole out the justice of the gutter and the dustbin

knowing that we fear for our mothers, fathers, children

- a holy river of  excuses  to keep the skin unscratched


A high tide of dark greed maiming hands that rise

for healers of the earth in truth and freedom's city of yabis

dazed, who cares,  by the smoky mother of all cannabis

we wallow in muck and prostrate to Area Fathers -

strutting birds with torn feathers – who run our alleys


So we ask, how many must carry  our mothers' coffins 

for  heads of state to dine on, to alter algebras of power

and army arrangements celebrating  stollen presidencies?

How many must walk six feet down the last  mandate

for  heaven to turn from interim agendas to eternal dance?


We look and laugh: still a whited race of shit carriers

- and who says this dark skin that dresses us so well

is not bark-brave enough to rough storms and thrive

and to ask the unanswerable, to civilize zombies 

who make apes obey at checkpoints to liberate booty


We, we stand to make palaver, we make shakara big!

We whom tragedies overtake as we make comedy

we empower dark holes of impunity till we ourselves

flogged by Opposite People we become impunity

we look and laugh;  teacher don teach us nonsense


From Alagbon,  Kirikiri to Gashua, all dungeons,

where cockroaches whisper to would-be Nobel laureates

whose heads do not bow to a logos made for suffering

we  learn monafiki of the gab and the gall of the gallery

till justice begs to see the shaved head of innocence


We stretch unbowed heads Stuffed heads Sufferheads

sassheads chancing the sleep walker, zombie of the turf

barging right left and lost for cover, a Johnny Just Drop

making show: a power of errors in a dark trip of power

in the monochrome fervour of  shabby martial  music


Zombie  music,  in the four-cornered jam of legends

at Ojuelegba and wherever traffic lockjaws tell

minds that do not move, hearts that do not melt in love

pupils of planless 'doms jamming questions to unmask 

 beasts of no nation who 'chop and quench' as creed. 


So we  fight in roforofo  that makes nations smell

as the basket-mouth already open cannot close  again

against  colo-mentality that infects tout and professor

altering  DNAs, to round up dreams and fake skin-depth,

faulting destinies whose today  eats our tomorrows


How their yesterdays wrong-foot our today! at Mushin, 

Ikoyi and  wherever Middle class blindness wreaks

the hearty slavery of 'cooperative mobs' in paid dissent,

large loaves crawling on their bellies like army recruits

facing payday afraid of the soggy downpour of market forces


So we trot from millenial promise to unfinished  story-telling,

scoffing at Year Two Thousand arrivals  to end all plagues

in search of selves lost for good Where women are burned

as stuffed pillows, stumped pads, cornered by sloth

like monkeys sold on bananas erasing nation-memory


We look and laugh. Adversity mows the playing ground

till the impervious wall becomes a porous baft

and the deaf  learns from the eloquence of tremors

How time baits knowledge for the trousered apes

bragging'you give me shit I give you shit. God no vex'


All Area Boys, Gang Lords prowling, till no way exists

to know cracker  from cretin, knave from freeborn

hurling kicks and sticks and burning tyre-necklaces

at petty thieves already down and out, in anger's after-foam

while the TV messiahs steal the mat from the Good Earth


Surely, we look and laugh at our world upside down,

black and bled upon the hundred and one tables of  power

where customs in illicit loves inebriate high commands

till sleep presses all to touch bottom with crocodiles

whose jaws bowl 'no agreement today none tomorrow.


(from Go Tell the Generals)





With so many islands foundering under the sea

in a heroin of power; guns growing into wrong hands

from the compost of other people's wars,

he was not afraid to be Bolivar. Bored

with the clerkdom that held restless dreams

down to banana tastes in the simple idolatories of office;

he was not afraid to be Kristi, not ashamed

to have enough of victory in one republic

rising like buried Atlantis with the sweetness of cane

.....he willed time to reach out from the nightmare

of red carpets, the best of Ganguin, rare Picasso

the seduction of manicured lawns, and Chopin

filtering into air-conditioned boardrooms,

he swore to renew the mountains' fever

as sambas angle for the gut of the dance

to put spine through jelly

he would renew the mountain's fever


He reached for his kalashnikov in the boardroom locker,

his gaze widening from streets gloating;

and alleys cavorting, feckless with joy

in the stomp, raw bump and sweat of carnivals;

his ear cocked towards the broken voices

in the mines, sweatfloors, and fields

peppered across the knees of strutting caudillos

He reached for his kalashnikov, time to split

before his will leaked into the moons rising

on faces that he saw; faces that drove him

into the dark nights of the millions

denied the samba of their hearts

assured of no better day of sunshine


He turned to the sleepless valleys

convulsed with stainless laughter

of rivers seeking breath for a continent

being garroted by a rash of dictators.

He reached out towards receding dawns,

eyes grating with pain worse than his asthma

as he foresaw the crumbs grown mouldy and soggy

in estates looking North to granaries

bled away in a market of gunboats;


he reached for his kalashnikov to steel himself

against loss of himself in extreme wind-pulse,

where he stood contemptuous of death,

guided by gaiety that shielded his tracks

against fear, such fear that looked a man in the eye

and, for the thousandth time, promised

only a life of crawling on hands and knees


And that fear asked him: what if...

what if he fell to the dragons

burning the forests to trap his dream. What if.....! 

He preferred to be reaped far from altars,

far from shrines and gravestones

far from grooves calling to pilgrim's feet -

far from the herohood of grand gestures -

far better to be honoured by birds

flying with strips of his song

to fertilize barren acres


He preferred to be reaped in open spaces

echoing the larger day that will not bow

to the gods of loot and the supermarket

a day that will neither stoop

to the sale of comrades downriver

nor silence the voices that ask

only that no child may look to the sun

as drones of the flipped coin

guided by the burst of a kalashnikov


   (from Dreams at Work)

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