Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Re: USA Africa Dialogue Series - BREAKING: Zimbabwe’s President Mugabe Resigns


Ken, you don't build historical knowledge by wonderful sounding, pie-in -the sky declarations, pronouncements and convoluted statements,  either.

The Arab Spring sounds nice and tantalizing but what did it mean for Libya on the ground?

 A secessionist movement was brewing.

Al - Qaida and  ISIS were on the doorstep setting up shop.

Gadaffi actually warned  about the al - Qaida/ISIS factor. That was ignored. Gadaffi was no

angel but he was not the worst. It seems that Sarkozy wanted to cover up some of his financial dealings with Gadaffi, too.

Obama, generally uninformed about Africa,  decided to toe the line.

The ghoulish, macabre ridicule of the death of Gadaffi was one of the greatest blunders of Hillary Clinton.

This went beyond the pale for a world leader, Ken. I am surprised that you are not bothered by this.

Well here is another version of the episode - remix.




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