--Assumption is the lowest level of knowledge and all you do is to assume that Fulani/Hausa and their herdsmen are behind all the murders in Nigeria. From simple observation, herdsmen, whether they are Fulani or not, are by nature of their profession the most peaceful people in Nigeria. Herdsmen like a people inside a glass house can never engage in throwing stones at people outside because of the obvious consequence of getting glasses of the house destroyed in subsequent retaliatory stones throwing. Cows by nature are slow moving animals and they only run whenever they hear any sound of danger. A herdsman knows quite well that he will lose his flock if he initiates attack against other people. Cows are not jewels that can be used for personal decoration; cow breeders breed them for commercial purposes. Herdsmen are aware of the fact that if they kill subsequent consumer of their products, their business will collapse as no one will be left alive to buy cow meat. Herdsmen themselves don't live on cow products only, they too consume food produced by farmers. Unless, they accidentally stray into farmlands, herdsmen never drive their cattle into farmlands. Where cattle had gone astray into farmlands, the cattle owners are known to have accepted responsibility for damages caused and compensation had been paid to the farmers whose crops were damaged due to animal's encroachments. Clashes between farmers and herdsmen are not as common as ethnic jingoists would like to make Nigerians and the world to believe.
Nigeria is a country where nobody wants to work but want to be rich. It is country where students pay pastors to bless their pens so that they will pass examinations without reading and it is country where one becomes a millionaire, not by working but, by stealing money voted for welfare deliveries to citizens. For centuries, herdsmen had roamed around to graze their cattle in the wild free forests and grassland throughout Nigeria without problem. Now, rural bandits have organized themselves to extort money from herdsmen grazing their cows in the free growing bush that none has planted. The resistance of herdsmen against rural bandits who want to tax them for grazing cattle in the free bush as they have done in many centuries is what Nigerian news media have erroneously been cabling out to Nigerians and the world as farmers herdsmen clashes. Rural bandits claim that bushes where weeds grow without anybody planting them belong to their ancestral fathers and as such herdsmen cannot feed their cows there unless they pay them.
However, it is shameful that herdsmen, whether they are Fulani or not, should still be engaged in nomadic pasture in Nigeria, in the 21st century. But like every other sphere of human development in Nigeria, western educated Nigerians employed in the ministry of agriculture have never bothered about improving the lot of Fulani herdsmen, the chief producers of biff to Nigerian consumers. Audu Ogbe, the Minister of Agriculture, is from Benue State and he is not a Fulani. It is from his Department that the idea of 'cow colonies throughout Nigeria' originated. It is a fire-brigade approach that was not given proper thought. The natural habitat of cows is the Savanah grassland in the North and will be more appropriate to settle Fulani herdsmen there through creation of ranches. Transportation of cows to the markets in the south can be done either with trailers or railways, instead of trekking from Sokoto, for instance, to Lagos with the cows. As with the case of resident Fulani in Ondo State who claimed to have been residents there for over hundred years, they should be accorded the same rights as indigenes of the State and those who are in the cow breeding business must be subsidized with ranch facilities by the Ondo state government. Most Fulani in the Middle belt and even in many States in the South have lived in those areas for more than a century and they have no other place of abode in the country. They are not nomadic. As Nigerians, they have the same rights as indigenous ethnic group in which they reside even when they keep their identity as Fulani and professional herdsmen.
As I have pointed out before, not all Fulani are Nigerians. We have heard of cases where nomadic Fulani pastoralists from, Chad, Niger, Mali, Guinea, Gambia and Senegal transited with there cattle across Nigeria and thereby caused most of the damages to farm crops that were often attributed to home based Fulani herdsmen. Again, the question of who is a Nigerian is still troubling us in this 21st century. In 2000, Obasanjo's Presidency initiated ID-Card project for every adult Nigerian. The ID-Card project, according to Obasanjo, was to be used in the Federal Election of 2003. A total amount of $240 million was released to a French contractor who won the contract through their Nigerian intermediaries. Only, Obasanjo and his Deputy got ID-Cards and when the fraud blew open, the French company's director mentioned how the $240 million was shared between French Officials and Nigerian Officials. In France, the French Officials who were involved in the fraud of ID-Card project were tried and jailed while nothing happened to their counterparts in Nigeria till date. Since 2000, Nigerian government has been budgetting and releasing funds for ID-Card but only few privileged persons have ID-Cards. In the absence of ID-Card how can one distinguish a Nigerian Fulani from a foreign Fulani. The case of ID-Card is another monumental failure of the western educated Nigerian officials.
The greatest terrorists and murderers in Nigeria are the Nigerian officials who steal appropriated funds for the welfare development of Nigerians. Those terrorists and murderers cut across all ethnic groups in Nigeria and whereas by their acts of stealing public funds not less than thousand Nigerians die prematurely everyday, their stealing of public funds is trivialised as mere corruption. Rival public officials hire assassins to deal with one another and that is what we have been witnessing in Benue, Plateau, Taraba, Nasarawa and other States in Nigeria, but the murders are attributed to innocent Fulani herdsmen. If you remove the veil of ethnicity and sectionalism from your face, you will see those who are actually doing havoc to Nigerians. I pity Buhari for allowing criminal looters in Nigeria to define democracy and lay its standard for him.
S. Kadiri
Från: usaafricadialogue@googlegroups.com <usaafricadialogue@googlegroups.com> för Oluwatoyin Vincent Adepoju <toyin.adepoju@gmail.com>
Skickat: den 29 juni 2018 11:31
Till: usaafricadialogue
The argument of non-complicity by a right wing Fulani terrorist alliance in the war currently being waged agst Nigeria, a claim invoked at the beginning of this war, has long been overtaken by the public declarations of responsibility for initiating and prosecuting this war by Miyetti Allah, the umbrella organisation of Fulani herdsmen headed by Nigeria's most elite Fulani, represented by the Sultan of Sokoto, the head of Nigeria's Muslims and the Emir of Kano, ex-central bank governor and Islamic scholar, Sanusi Lamido Sanusi, and the coordination between the declarations of Miyetti Allah and the declarations by the Hausa-Fulani heads of Nigeria's central security agencies, the Inspector General of Police and the Minister of Defense as well as the declarations of such Fulani as Professor Umar Labdo Muhammed of Maitama Sule University, Kano that Benue belongs to the Fulani by right of conquest, affirming the perpetual leadership of Nigeria by Fulani.
The war is being perpetuated by Fulani herdsmen engaging in dispossessing Nigerians across the nation of their livelihood by feeding their cows on their farms, occupying their buildings, as in the occupation of classrooms by cows in Edo state, and responding with murder, rape and mutilation when and even when not challenged, a pattern of behavior attested to by eyewitnesses over the years and confirmed by photographic and video reports and publicly acknowledged by official, govt reports across the nation.
These developments have been augmented since the 2015 ascension of the Fulani politician Muhammadu Buhari as Nigeria's President, by heavily armed militia working in tandem with Fulani herdsmen and engaged in large scale massacres across the nation, represented by massacres in Nimbo, Enugu state, in Ekiti, in the SW and across various states in the Middle Belt, where they are carrying out a scorched earth campaign, decimating entire communities, wiping out men, women and children and destroying settlements in sudden attacks on defenseless and at times sleeping communities, after which, as in the Agatu massacre, the herdsmen have been known to move in with their cows to occupy the region cleansed of its original inhabitants, atrocities consistently justified by Miyetti Allah as a struggle for living space, as Kalu Aja on Facebook summed up their vision in comparison with Hitler's argument for the effort to exterminate German Jews and Jews in territories conquered by Germany.
The war is prosecuted through the use of nomadic Fulani herdsmen as a primary penetration force followed by the armed miltia which specializes in genocidal attacks on defenseless communities, but also capable of holding their own agst the police and the army, security units which before the Buhari era, at times tried to engage them, with the army being almost overwhelmed by a unit of this militia in an engagement in the Middle Belt in the early 2000s,that being perhaps the first demonstration of the military capacity of this force.
Since Buhari's 2015 ascension to the Nigerian Presidency, not only has the activity of the militia escalated dramatically from that rare shootout with the army in the Middle Belt encounter to regular massacres in that region, with sporadic massacres across the nation, an operational expansion enhanced by the open representation of their cause by Miyetti Allah and the aiding of that cause by the political strategies of the Buhari govt which consistently presses for legislation granting them sweeping control of land across Nigeria in colonies sustained by Nigeria's public monies and by the protection of the army, and the abrogation of anti-open grazing laws created by various states to protect themselves agstn the incursions of the terrorists by controlling their penetration force, the Fulani cattle nomads who are themselves identified in terms of their crimes of livelihood destruction and individual murders and mutilations.
Not only are the Fulani militia never apprehended, the security agencies do not engage them in combat, giving them support instead, as represented by the declarations of the IGP and the min of defense, a situation assisted by the Hausa-Fulani headship of practically all Nigeria's security units,one of the first acts of Buhari as president, even as it took him six months to appoint minsters, thus indicating his priorities.
In the face of this network of terror, Nigerian states are resorting to self help, such as the creation of an anti-open grazing law and the arming of a task force to enforce the law in Ekiti state, followed by the enacting of similar laws in Benue, Taraba, and Anambra, four states covering the SE, the SW and the Middle Belt.
Declarations by Miyetti Allah with Brief Analyses of these Pronouncements
Miyetti Allah- we committed the Agatu massacre of hundreds in revenge for a large number of our cows that had been killed.
Yet there was no evidence of such cows which would have been so in the small compass of Agatu.
The apex leadership of Miyetti Allah, the Sultan of Sokoto and the Emir of Kano, ex-central bank governor, Sanusi Lamido Sanusi,emblematic of Nigeria's most elite Fulani, did not counter the self admission to the massacre made by their representative at a public meeting of stakeholders involving Nigeria's security agencies.
Miyetti Allah- we are opposed to the Benue anti-open grazing law and are calling upon all nomadic cattle herding Fulani to converge in Benue as usual.
After they committed another massacre in Benue in the course of converging in that state, the Emir of Kano, the most vocal of the apex heads of Miyetti Allah, did not deny the murders but argued that Fulani grievances should also be addressed, as represented by murders of Fulani in Taraba, a questionable claim given that the massacre of Fulani claimed by him is contentious, being disputed by the Taraba state govt and Sanusi's non-publicizing of such a grievous act at the time, invoking the claim in order to dilute the horror of the Benue massacre by the Fulani herdsmen terrorists.
The Hausa-Fulani Inspector General of Police and the Minister of Defense have both come out to declare that the massacre was a response to the anti-open grazing law, thus reinforcing Miyetti Allah's militant opposition to the law.
Along with the more prominent massacres committed by these terrorists there have occurred many others in which they are clearly identified through their appearance, strategy and relationship with local Fulani, such as the Nimbo massacre in Enugu state in which the governor tried to prevent to no avail through negotiating with local Fulani and assembling the security agencies.
The latest Plateau massacre, like the Agatu massacre, was owned by Miyetti Allah claiming massive theft of their cows as the provocation, a claim of provocation reiterated by the Fulani national ruler, Muhammadu Buhari,. As the national outrage grew, the Miyetti Allah spokesman claimed the massacre was not in revenge for cows, but, to the best of my knowledge, neither this spokesman nor any other Miyetti Allah leader, has denied the massacre was carried out by their militia.
They have accomplished their purpose of ethnic cleansing and sent a message to Nigerians of their readiness to do anything necessary to secure the total power they seek. The retraction of the story that the latest massacre was revenge for theft of cows is thus projected as cosmetic assuaging of the sensitivity of Nigerians in order to mitigate people's growing awareness of their genocidal colonising mission.
The oft repeated mantra " not all herdsmen are Fulani, not all Fulani are herdsmen and, as we all know, there are criminals in all the ethnic groups in Nigeria" has also become stale.
Miyetti Allah, the umbrella organisation of Fulani herdsmen, is not headed at its apex by herdsmen, but by sedentary Fulani, the most elite of Nigeria's Fulani, the most prominent being the Sultan of Sokoto, the head of Nigeria's Muslims, and the Emir of Kano, ex-central bank governor Sanusi Lamido Sanusi.
Yet, the same Miyetti Allah is the spokesman for the Fulani herdsmen terrorists, indicating an alliance between Miyetti Allah as a pressure group using its social and political force in articulating their demands, protected as these elite are by the prominence of Fulani in Nigerian politics and social life, a prominence centred in the Fulani national ruler Muhammadu Buhari, enabling Miyetti Allah's consistent justification of the recurrent massacres by the terrorist foot soldiers , while the leadership of this pressure group, from the mid and local level leadership to the apex leadership represented by Sanusi remain unquestioned talk less indicted or prosecuted by a govt the leadership of practically all of whose security agencies the Fulani President has taken pains to stock with Fulani or Hausa-Fulani .
Various spokespeople for the Fulani have risen, not only to acknowledge the Fulani terrorists committing of the massacres but to make it clear they are waging a war of assertion of rights, rights of passage due them as nomads who have lived that lifestyle for generations, right of access to resources across Nigeria and in the decisive formulation by a Fulani professor who spoke publicly on the subject, right of ownership of Benue, which he claimed belongs to the Fulani by right of conquest, an anachronistic notion further vitiated by the fact that the Fulani jihad of Uthman Dan Fodio never conquered Benue in its opportunistic penetration of already Islamised territories in order to lay down a feudalistic rule centred in Fulani aristocracy in the name of social reforms.
Nigeria is beleaguered by bad politics, poor institutions and a poverty level recently described, I understand, as one of the worst in the world.
In the midst of these crippling conditions, Nigerians looked up to Buhari to at least initiate a creative transformation, yet he has given us an escalation of terrorism by his kinsmen along with the persistence of Boko Haram Islamic terrorism of which he was a key enabler by his rhetoric describing the war agst Boko Haram as war agst the North, demanding the terrorists be invited to Aso Rock like the Niger Delta militants, ignoring the fact that the Niger Delta agitators never engaged in murders talk less massacres as Boko Haram does and were not pursuing such mad schemes as carving out their own country or demanding the President become a Muslim or trying to make Nigeria or sections of the north bow to their 'Western Education is Forbidden' mantra, even as they hypocritically use the tools of Western educated represented by AK 47s and video broadcasts of their propaganda, the same Buhari declaring, on another occasion, that Boko Haram was the work of the GEJ led fed govt, thereby, through his influence as the most prominent Northern Muslim politician, crippling the cooperation of his fellow Hausa Fulani to in working with the govt to uproot a scourge that devastating their region.
He is now at the centre of a scheme to reward a group of terrorists who are pursuing their agenda through massacre after massacre, with Nigeria's lands and other economic resources, working out how to gift them with colonies across the nation, all bcs he shares with them an expansionist vision as fellow Fulani colonizers.
Sorry. Nigerians have been slow to grasp the reality but they have at last.
The Nigerian political system is largely anti-people, but the right wing Hausa-Fulani at the apex of the political pyramid, represented by people like Abubakar Atiku who threatened Nigeria with violent change bcs a Northern Muslim, represented by himself, was not made PDP 2011 Presidential candidate, thereby fueling the 2011 Boko Haram escalation as a movement agst the govt and religious constituency of an 'infidel' Christian President, to terrorist enabling Muhammadu Buhari, are the worst, in combining kleptocracy with manipulation of ethno-religious affiliation to serve individual and class interests while their fellow Hausa-Fulani languish in poverty even more extreme than that of other Nigerians, promote terrorism that devastates their own regions and that of other Nigerians, cultivating perpetual instability in their all consuming greed.
--On Fri, 29 Jun 2018 at 00:15, Salimonu Kadiri <ogunlakaiye@hotmail.com> wrote:
--The greatest terrorists and murderers in Nigeria are people in the Nigerian National and state Assemblies, the Governors and their Deputies, the State Commissioners, the Nigerian intellectuals (Western Educated Nigerian) employed in the Ministries, Departments and Agencies who deprive the masses of Nigeria of their fundamental human rights to decent living by stealing appropriated funds for the development of Nigeria. This is a fact which the Directors of false alarm industries about Fulani people in Nigeria have to contend with. Not all Fulani in Africa are Nigerians, not all herdsmen are Fulani, not all Fulani are herdsmen and, as we all know, there are criminals in all the ethnic groups in Nigeria. Since intellectual sorcerers and masters of mystics have decided to be untruthful and not objective, they conjure up divisive ethnic allegories to brand all Fulani people of Nigeria, not only as herdsmen but, as criminals. Immediately the news broke out that a person on behalf of Miyetti Allah admitted that the group killed about 200 people in Plateau to retaliate the loss of 300 cows, we have persons with brains in this forum that prayed it was not true, implying the news must be fake. Now, the Miyetti Allah leader who was attributed with the claim that the Fulani herdsmen killed 200 people as a reprisal attack for the group's loss of 300 cows has denied ever saying such a thing to the journalist that had mischievously quoted him and the journalist in question had called to apologise to him in order to avoid being sued for libel. So, the murderers in Plateau remained "suspected Fulani herdsmen" even though, no one has witnessed the killings and no one has confirmed the perpetrators of Plateau murders are Fulani or herdsmen. Once, we had this kind of false accusation against Fulani herdsmen when Olu Falae was abducted by unknown men.
In 2015, Olu Falae was kidnapped in his farm at Akure in Ondo State and the media in Nigeria, both printed and online, blamed the kidnap on Fulani herdsmen. The suspicion of Fulani herdsmen in the kidnap was based on a court case filed and won by Falae against some Fulani herdsmen who had driven their animals into his farm and destroyed his crops. The court decided that the Fulani owners of the cattle should pay money to compensate Falae, which they did. However, the Chairman of the Ondo State branch of the Miyetti Allah Cattle Branch of Nigeria (MACBAN), denied that Fulani herdsmen kidnapped Olu Falae. He stated, "Most of the Fulani people that came into Ondo came as cattle breeders and you don't expect them just to leave their animals and be kidnapping. We have been residing in Ondo State for more than 100 years and no one has ever accused us of any heinous crime in Ondo State or caught us with weapons. As an Ondo resident, I condemn this act. Clearly, this is impersonation. We live with our families in Ondo. How can we engage in such an act? We are pleading with law enforcement agents to do more investigation and expose the real perpetrators." www.punchng.com/news/fulani-herdsmen-deny-kidnapping-falae/
punchng.com - Nigeria News - Top Nigerian newspapers - Breaking news - Top news headlines from Nigeria and Africa.When Olu Falae's kidnappers were eventually arrested and arraigned in court, it turned out that they were common criminals resident in Kogi and Kwara States. None of them was a herdsman or a Fulani. Most of the N5 million ransom they received before releasing Falae was recovered. Despite that, fabricators of malicious lies against the Fulani people continue to maintain, till date, that Fulani herdsmen kidnapped Olu Falae.
A major problem confronting Buhari is his desire not be branded a dictator by the looters of Nigeria's treasury. Looters of the nation's treasury are by their acts of stealing what belongs to all of us are dictators and any person who sets out to retrieve our stolen national assets from looters, like Buhari, cannot do that with kid gloves. In Nigeria criminal looters are granted bails by corrupt judiciary and their cases are adjourned indefinitely. Nigeria is the only country in the world where treasury looters are sitting in the national assembly and making laws. The treasury looters in the national assembly has openly demanded that the head of EFCC should first withdraw criminal charges in courts against them and destroy case files before they could confirm him as the substantive chairman of the EFCC. The PDP ruled Nigeria for 16 years before Buhari took over three years ago but, intellectual sorcerers and masters of mystics, think that all lootings in Nigeria began when Buhari came to power. All murders and kidnappings in Nigeria are attributed to Fulani herdsmen even though not a single herdsman had been seen or caught in the vicinity of murders and arsons that had occurred throughout the country. In the Offa Bank robbery case police investigation revealed connections between the armed robbers, the government of Kwara State and the President of the Nigerian Senate, Bukola Saraki. Intellectual sorcerers on this forum quickly began to shout that Buhari's controlled Police was out to incriminate the new-PDP leader that had fraudulently stolen the Senate majority members given to the APC by the Nigerian electorates in the 2015 election. We were told that Saraki had no reason to engage in armed robbery since he is very rich. Although, the Police was investigating a case of armed robberies and murders, they also stumbled over political hired assassins who had been in the payrolls of the Senate President, Saraki, and Kwara state government. Convinced that the last place the police would turn to look for the vehicle that was used in the Offa Bank robberies is the Government House, Ilorin, the Personal Assistant (political) to the Executive Governor of Kwara State, Mr. Alabi Olalekan, directed one of the Bank robbers, Mr. Adeola Omiyale, to drive the Lexus Jeep used in the Offa bank robbery to the Government House, Ilorin, Kwara State. A revolver pistol and a pump action gun were recovered by the police from the Personal Assistant (political) to the Executive Governor of Kwara State. When the Lexus Jeep used in the Offa robberies arrived at the premises of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Ilorin, Kwara State, the Chief of Staff to the Executive Governor of Kwara State, Mr. Yusuf Abdulwahab, arranged the removal of the plate number of the robber's vehicle and re-registered it with a new number, Reg. No. Kwara, KMA 143 RM) in the name of the leader of Offa Bank robberies, Ayoade Akinnibosun. The registration was effected after more than six days Ayoade Akinnibosun had been in police custody. Saraki and Kwara State government, probably had nothing to do with bank robberies in Offa, but the robbers are their hired assassins who had snuffed lives out of their political opponents in Kwara and up to Kogi state. The recent murders in Plateau State that are being attributed to 'suspected herdsmen' might be the handiwork of hired killers employed by political rivals in the State. Just this month, the former Governor of Plateau State and a serving Senator, Joshua Chibi Dariye, was sentenced to 14 years imprisonment for looting the State of N2 billion when he was PDP Governor of the Plateau State from 1999- 2007. He had been on trial since July 7, 2007, but through judicial manipulations, his trial and conviction was not concluded until June 2018. He, like many other looters, crossed over to the APC from PDP, thinking it would save him from prosecution of treasury looting. Having failed to prevent looters from crossing over to the APC from PDP, Buhari urged the EFCC to see that justice is done to the looters. I am curious to know if the imprisonment of Joshua Chibi Dariye, is not connected with the recent murders of innocent people in Plateau State. It is not improbable that the murderers in Plateau were assassins hired by politicians.S. Kadiri
Från: usaafricadialogue@googlegroups.com <usaafricadialogue@googlegroups.com> för Oluwatoyin Vincent Adepoju <toyin.adepoju@gmail.com>
Skickat: den 28 juni 2018 03:05
Till: usaafricadialogue
Ämne: Re: USA Africa Dialogue Series - The Killings in Plateau: STATEMENT OF SUPPORT FOR MASSACRE AND DECLARATION OF WAR READINESS ATTRIBUTED TO THE FULANI NATIONALITY MOVEMENT, (FUNAM)I am not the only one making these assessments.
Nnamdi Kanu is credited with having made accurate predictions years ago unfolding today in this horror.
Opinion leader, Facebook blogger and Guardian Nigeria columnist Charles Ogbu has been crying out about this for a long time, same with Mgbeke Obi and other people in my Facebook feed.
When an Atiku can threaten Nigeria with violent change bcs he was not made PDP 2011 Presidential candidate, when a chairman of the then ruling PDP in the person of Bamanga Tukur is able to declare of the then purely anti-govt and anti-Christian savagely bloodlettingly destructive Boko Haram in their 2011-2013 period that they were 'freedom fighters', when a Buhari, already then the most prominent Northern Muslim politician, is able to declare that the war agst Boko Haram is war agst the North, when a Murtala Nyako, then governor of Adamawa, is able to declare that the war agst Boko Haram is anti-North genocide, when Kassim Shettima, as governor of Borno, is able to enable the kidnap of the girls in Chibok by keeping that rural school open even though the fed govt had ordered all schools in such outskirts closed, keeping it open agst the security advise of WAEC officials who feared for their invigilators' safety, thereby provoking outrage on the kidnap that finally defeated a govt that was winning the anti-Boko Haram war, when you have a continuity of strategy but at a more expansive, better coordinated level from Boko Haram to right wing Fulani terrorism, with the terrorists openly represented by Miyetti Allah, headed by the country's most elite Fulani, of which the Sultan of Sokoto, the head of all Nigeria's Muslims and the Emir of Kano, ex-central bank governor Sanusi Lamido Sanusi, are the most prominent, in an environment in which practically the first action of the Fulani national ruler was to make almost all heads of the security agencies and INEC his fellow Fulani and Hausa-Fulani, even as most Nigerians from the ethnicity represented by these characters and their militia look on in silence as the massacres continue unrelentingly, while a few make half hearted critiques while others justify the massacres, you know that you are in very, very serious trouble.
The South, the Middle Belt and the non-Muslim communities of Southern Kaduna have been outmaneuvered in a war that entered its decisive phase with the escalation of the Boko Haram insurrection following on Atiku's threat to Nigeria, with the escalation of right wing Fulani terrorism on the ascension of Buhari being the second phase of this war.
The war is already lost by the South.
The tragedy is that the political elite are refusing to grasp the crisis as they maintain silence leaving the outcries to the general populace.
The South have a weak, self centred and compromised political elite.
The best available to us is the IPOB option. Peaceful dissolution through civil disobedience.
No one else can share space progressively with the right wing mentalities that dominate the Muslim North.
They represent the worst of tribal recrudescence and are among the more deadly of closed minded religious identifications.
What they seek is total domination. Domination of physical space. Domination through politically engineered legislation. Their vision is to kill and kill till you accept their demands.
They present their demands through legislation which their political wing proposes in response to the massacres by their foot soldiers, their military wing.
They began with advancing legislation creating grazing routes for the Fulani herdsmen, their penetration force, across the country.
That did not work and so they unveiled the idea of each state providing ranches to Fulani herdsmen.
That did not work so they presented a modification of this idea through advancing legislation to create cattle colonies across the nation.
That has not fully worked.
They are also seeking to forcefully nullify all anti-open grazing laws, claiming this will only be a suspension of the laws. They are therefore seeking to abrogate the rights of states through federal fiat.
The Fulani and Hausa-Fulani warlords are making the Middle Belt the primary testing ground of their scorched earth strategies.
They have engaged in similar tests of their strategy in the SE, the SW and the former Midwest-Edo state.
They have shown their mettle to the Niger Delta through Buhari's ordering a bombing raid there as one of the first acts of his national role.
On account of their control of both a non-state army and Nigeria's security forces while other peoples are not even aware of the fact of the war or of its scope, meaning defeating them militarily is almost impossible, IPOB's civil disobedience secession strategy is their most dangerous opponent, and aided by the shortsightedness of Nigerians and the myopia of SE governors, they succeeded in pushing back the momentum generated by IPOB, which if left unchecked, could have led eventually to the referendum demanded by IPOB and the secession of the SE, following which such restive zones as the Niger Delta would likely have left, upon which the spoils represented by Nigeria would have lost much of its value.
--On Wed, 27 Jun 2018 at 08:50, Okechukwu Ukaga <ukaga001@umn.edu> wrote:
This is simply unbelievable. I hope it is fake news. Otherwise, it clearly makes Adepuju a prophet ahead of his times. I hope he is wrong, for I never wanted to believe his interpretation of events. But it is hard to overlook the mounting evidence...... Nevertheless, I still hope and pray that Buhari will prove him wrong, even if belatedly and for selfish political reasons...June 12 style. Naivete?OU--
On Wed, Jun 27, 2018 at 1:39 PM, Oluwatoyin Adepoju <tvoluade@gmail.com> wrote:
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: DIPO ENIOLA dipoeniola@yahoo.com [NaijaPolitics] <NaijaPolitics@yahoogroups.com>
Date: Tue, Jun 26, 2018 at 2:55 PM
Subject: [NaijaPolitics] The Killings in Plateau: FUNAM Reacts
To: Politics Naija <naijapolitics@yahoogroups.com>
JUNE 25, 2018
Our attention has been drawn to the series of campaigns being waged against the FULANI NATIONALITY following the killings in PLATEAU where some civilians who have been tormenting the FULANI nation were justifiable hacked down;
Why is it convenient for Nigerians to condemn the killings of Birom but fail to condemn the killings of Fulani people?
We frown at theconscious attempts to demonize the FULANI nation by the media and their collaborators;
We wish to make the following categorical statements on the Plateau incidence:
1) The killings in Barkin Ladi was motivated by previous killings of FULANI men and women by Birom youths in collaboration with certain minority ethnic groups in PLATEAU. We hereby justify this retaliatory attacks and warn that we shall continue to defend ourselves and uphold the FULANI heritage now and in the future. Let it be known that the Fulani Special Force coordinated the attacks;
2) That apart from stealing hundreds of cows belonging to FULANI, these criminal elements also set ablaze several houses belonging to peaceful FULANI natives across the entire territories in Barkin Ladi and Plateau.
3)That we have said it several times that Plateau is an indigenous territory of the FULANI people. We are the first to settle in Plateau-Benue axis thousands of years ago. We shall take and posses every inch of this land; A conscious attempt to rewrite history and distort, manipulate or destroy our past will be resisted with all the might at our disposal.
4) That there is a clear agenda to divide Nigeria and exterminate the FULANI people. We are long aware of this plot. We call on FULANI all over Africa to prepare for this inevitable war and set our people on an offensive path rather than being weaklings that choose a defensive strategy in warfare.
5) We have said it over and over, that Nigeria is the only inhertrance we have in Africa and anywhere in the world. This land belongs to us, from Sokoto to the banks of the Atlantic Ocean. This was the destiny bestowed on Uthman Dan Fodio which would have been fulfilled since 1816 if not for the obstruction of this great assignment by the British. It is no longer time to play the ostrish. Our men are waiting. We are eager to fight. We are boiling with the zeal to actualize our dream; enough of double dealing and ambivalence by FULANI political leaders who unfortunately think the FULANI can only take back what belongs to us through appeasement and elections destined to reflect cultural values antithetical to the preachings of Uthman Dan Fodio.
6) We warn that nothing will be able to save those raising their voices against us and Allah. Nothing will be left behind, from the East, West and Middle Belt except those who accept the creation of Allah and the leadership place of Fulani in fulfilling this destiny. Since this irresponsible Western notion of democracy was imposed, the Fulani have been shortchanged and maligned. The Middle-Belt, the West and the East should be prepared. We are already here.
7) Let the Birom and the ethnic minority invaders in the entire Middle Belt leave our territory or be prepared to accept our ways of live. It is time for them to savour their wounds. It is just the beginning. Many more will come and nothing can stop us.
7) Insha Allah, we shall take this battle across the sea, on the land, in the air, on the mountains, in every territory currently occupied by the Kafirs. This is our position. This is our destiny. For those who think they can stop or continue to conspire against us, we wish them good luck.
SignedBadu Salisu AhmaduNational President
Umar Amir Shehu
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Okechukwu Ukaga, MBA, PhD
Executive Director and Extension ProfessorUniversity of Minnesota Extension Regional Sustainable Development Partnerships (NE & SE)Website: www.rsdp.umn.edu Phone: 218-341-6029
Book Review Editor, Environment, Development and Sustainability (www.springer.com/10668),
"Ours is not the task of fixing the entire world all at once, but of stretching out to mend the part of the world that is within our reach" -- Clarissa Pinkola Estes
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