Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Re: USA Africa Dialogue Series - Rhythms 2nd, Transformative Edition : El Anatsui and Richard Serra : A Film on the Journey of Life as Visualized by Artists El Anatsui and Richard Serra.

Thanks for the film. It is really great to have a look at the great El Anatsui, 
  but  I really don't see the connections with TF's writings.
 Please clarify how you relate  the two.

Professor Gloria Emeagwali
History Department, Central Connecticut State University
Gloria Emeagwali's Documentaries
2014 Distinguished Research Excellence Award in African Studies
 University of Texas at Austin
2019   Distinguished Africanist Award                   
New York African Studies Association

From: usaafricadialogue@googlegroups.com <usaafricadialogue@googlegroups.com> on behalf of Oluwatoyin Vincent Adepoju <toyin.adepoju@gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2019 9:59 PM
To: usaafricadialogue
Subject: USA Africa Dialogue Series - Rhythms 2nd, Transformative Edition : El Anatsui and Richard Serra : A Film on the Journey of Life as Visualized by Artists El Anatsui and Richard Serra.



                                                                     2nd Transformative Edition

                                                                 El Anatsui and Richard Serra 

                                     A Film on the Journey of Life as Visualized by Artists El Anatsui and Richard Serra

                                                                           Oluwatoyin Vincent Adepoju
                                                             Comparative Cognitive Processes and Systems
                                         "Exploring Every Corner of the Cosmos in Search of Knowledge"


              Click on this link to see the film:   Rhythms : El Anatsui and Richard Serra 2nd Edition

A visual and verbal exploration of life's twists and transformations through the visual art of El Anatsui and Richard Serra as responded to by art critic Rikki Wemega-Kwawu and complemented by Oluwatoyin Vincent Adepoju on the writings of Toyin Falola.


This second edition has a new musical score, more images and more text, facilitating better understanding of the film's theme.


 The film is inspired by art critic Wemega-Kwawu's Facebook post of 11th March 2019 on El Anatsui's installation "Lorgorligi Logarithms", I adapt that interpretation to Richard Serra's "The Matter of Time" and other works of Serra's and Anatsui's , Serra having been introduced to me by the discussion thread generated by Rikki's post.


The simplicity and profundity of the ideas expressed by Wemega-Kwawu's post are used in unifying images of the art of Anatsui and Serra, ideas I see as resonant across the various works in those images from various online sources.


These verbal and visual expressions are complemented by my distillations of biographical progression in relation to ideals of scholarly activity from the work of Toyin Falola in "Toyin Falola's In Praise of Greatness and its Intercultural Resonance in the Context of Classical Yoruba Hermeneutics", an essay under consideration for publication in the Yoruba Studies Review.


My reflections on Falola's work expand upon the impulse generated by Wemega-Kwawu, carrying forward their ideational possibilities as the images unfold.


This is an expanded second edition of the film benefiting from Wemega-Kwawu's critique of the first edition .


This edition has a new musical score, more images and more text, facilitating better understanding of the film's theme.  


Comments on the film are visible on its Facebook post.


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