Thursday, May 2, 2019

USA Africa Dialogue Series - OTC African Delegation Reception: Introducing Mr. Shawn Bennett, U.S. Department of Energy, Keynote Speaker

USBACC OTC African Delegation Events - May 8th 2019, Houston, Texas 

The U.S. Bilateral African Chamber of Commerce is proud to host it's 8th Annual OTC African Delegation Reception on Wednesday May 8th 2019 in Houston, Texas, and its emPowering Africa! Roundtable Discussion on the sidelines of the Offshore Technology Conference, one of the largest Oil and Gas Conferences in the world, attended by over 68,000! Join USBACC in welcoming the African Delegates to Houston!

OTC African Delegation Reception: Introducing Mr. Shawn Bennett, U.S. Department of Energy, Keynote Speaker
OTC African Delegation Events - Wednesday May 8th 2019
USBACC OTC African Delegation Events - May 8th 2019, Houston, Texas

The U.S. Bilateral African Chamber of Commerce is proud to host it's 8th Annual OTC African Delegation Reception on Wednesday May 8th 2019 in Houston, Texas, and its emPowering Africa! Roundtable Discussion on the sidelines of the Offshore Technology Conference, one of the largest Oil and Gas Conferences in the world, attended by over 68,000! Join USBACC in welcoming the African Delegates to Houston!

emPowering Africa!
Round Table Discussion

From 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Panel Information

Join the conversation with government agencies, business leaders and stakeholders. Discuss strategies for attracting private sector investment, for financing power and infrastructure projects in Africa, while creating export opportunities for U.S.companies that want to invest in Africa. Following the round table USBACC will host its annual reception.

8th Annual OTC African Delegation Reception
From 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm
Register Here
With delegations from: Angola, Ghana, Mozambique, Nigeria and many more.

The 8th Annual OTC African Delegation Reception, is one of the largest Africa focused events attended by oil and gas professionals. Meet with other energy executives and confer on new emerging energy markets and various developing sectors. Learn how to capitalize on the growth, and profitability of the energy industry in Africa.

Keynote Speaker: Shawn Bennett
U.S. Department of Energy -  Deputy Assistant Secretary for Oil and Natural Gas

Special Remarks by: Mazda Denon
Mayor's Office of Trade & International Affairs
Location provided upon paid registration.

Who should attend?
Meet US and African Companies working in the Oil and Gas sector
- Companies, delegates who would like to meet prospective partners in business in the Oil and Gas industry. Targeted networking, meet people that have an interest in Africa or doing business in Africa.
- Expand your knowledge about doing business in Africa, network with the African Delegations coming to the Offshore Technology Conference!

Locations provided upon paid registration.
Register for the events
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