Sunday, September 1, 2019

Re: USA Africa Dialogue Series - Compensation matters

Mr Agbetuyi, with due regards, your summation of the Palestinian/Israeli conflict is out of context. The West Bank, exists as a prison or a concentration camp of the worst sort. The Palestinians are quarantined from the four corners of the World. Women and Children are dying daily for lack of access to basic medications to cure diseases such as malaria, typhoid etc and the luxury of adequate portable water etc..
Isreal has continuously disobeyed and in fact treated all the UN resolutions on the middle East crisis with the worst contempt in world diplomacy. Whereas, the same Isreal will always call on the UN security Council to take decisions on perceived enemy nations within the middle East. You will agree that this is beyond the arena of religious bigotry as you lavishly painted in your post. Peace is not a one handed concept nor a wishful religious conversation. The genocide against the Palestinians have reached an all time high. 
Unfortunately, this is a period of human history when we should not have any TRUMP as the head of any NGO not to talk of a whole America. One can then understand while Isreal has continued with the genocide. 
Undoubtedly, this set of Isreali nationals are not the people of God stipulated in the Bible. Their existence and deadly acquisition of weapons of mass destruction were and still being sustained by America and Britain. The 2-state solution that exists on paper has been a recurring agenda on the middle East peace initiative to hoodwink people of goodwill to attend peace carnivals rather than real peace summits. You can then understand why someone like Obama would prioritise and later lamely regret the destruction of Libya and the opening of a real terrorists' industry in the region just to remove one offender. The same game is being rehearsed with Iran as a target. This old Persian empire won't be an easy swallow by the real terrorists.
Venezuela, which was on the agenda for destruction before the Iraqi destruction is now in the eye of the storm. It is glaring that mad people and blind powers are interplaying to quicken Armageddon while we blame the victims for not accepting his status as a fait accompli. This Netanyahun Isreal, where Christianity is not even the religion, is not the nation of God. Those people of God once lived in ancient Isreal, the carcass of which is now a rogue nation. Regardless of any technological, military, agricultural economic, etc advancement, a nation that is pariah in all ramifications is not an ideal Biblical reference point.

On Thu, Aug 29, 2019, 11:52 PM Cornelius Hamelberg < wrote:

Justice Olayinka Agbetuyi,

I was fully expecting this kind of rejoinder from e.g. a Palestinian terrorist who understands that Palestinian terrorism is a serious problem.

Here is the current situation in Israel according to Israeli media


I believe that you would get the best reply from Prime Minister Netanyahu himself without any prevarication or from an IDF Rabbi or - in the absence of a duly constituted Sanhedrin, from the Israeli Justice System's rules of engagement in the Holy Land.

In the same way some people misunderstand Vayikra – Leviticus – Chapter 19: 18 in which the Almighty says to his chosen people, "You shall neither take revenge from nor bear a grudge against the members of your people; you shall love your neighbour as yourself. I am the Lord."

The Almighty's teaching and His revelation at Mt. Sinai is very different from Jesus' "Sermon on the Mount" in which he advises his audience "Love your enemies"; needless to say, although the Muslims say that they recognise Jesus as a prophet of Islam, they do not follow his advice in that regard. Many years ago when I asked my best Palestinian friend Ahmed, that as the offspring of Aba Abraham wasn't it about time that the Pals started taking make peace with their cousins, he was very angry. I asked him, "why are you angry?" He replied, "They are not my cousins, they are my enemies!"

As Rabbi Jacob Neusner puts it on page 27 in his A Rabbi talks with Jesus:

It is a religious duty to resist evil, to struggle for good, to love God, and to fight against those who make themselves into enemies of God. The Torah knows of nothing of not resisting evil and does not value either the craven person who submits or the arrogant person, who holds that it is beneath one's dignity to deign to oppose evil. Passivity in the face of evil serves the cause of evil. The Torah calls eternal Israel always to struggle for God's purpose; the Torah sanctions warfare and recognises legitimate power. So I find amazing Jesus' statement that it is a religious duty to fold before evil "

As for Cornelius Ignoramus the best advice to him is to be found in Mishlei (The Book of Proverbs) which states so clearly, "Trust in Hashem with all your heart and do not rely on your own understanding" ( Mishlei 3: 5) and which is the front-piece of the most excellent little book " With All Your Heart - A practical Approach to Bitachon by Rabbi S. Wagschal – which is s short, exact commentary on that piece of wisdom...

But, for you yourself to answer the question, briefly consider the following:

1. The current state of The Death Penalty in Israel

2. That there is a Judaic Law that states if someone is on his way to kill you, it's an obligation: you must rise and kill him first

An important question arising is, how far back in time should reprisal killings that constitute the seemingly endless cycle of violence, go? Starting from the time when Joshua wiped out the Canaanite in obedience to a Divine Command?

On Thu, 29 Aug 2019 at 21:27, OLAYINKA AGBETUYI <> wrote:
Oga Cornelius.

But many leaders in contemporary Israel have interpreted 'an eye for an eye' in the way you say it was not meant to be.

Benjamin Netanyahu makes no secret in his actions that is the way he interprets the dictum.


Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.

-------- Original message --------
From: Cornelius Hamelberg <>
Date: 29/08/2019 16:17 (GMT+00:00)
Subject: Re: USA Africa Dialogue Series - Compensation matters

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The Babylonian Talmud

I suppose that it's no coincidence that you'll also find the sun, the moon and the stars there. There is common sense and a divine spark of wisdom that animates all of us living souls. Innately and instinctively we know that some things are right and some things are wrong.

There is the analogy of the four sons...

What Gloria in excelsis Emeagwali has probably found in her Hammurabi is the principle of retaliation, a feature of the corrupt Canaanite religions and codes of ethics that pervaded that area. Gloria in excelsis Emeagwali must understand that Hashem has communicated His legislations through his chosen servant Moses, in order to save Moses and his people from being corrupted by the culture of their neighbours and this they do by distancing themselves from any corrupt system. With the Almighty as the King of Israel, Israel is to be governed by the laws of the Almighty's Kingdom in which those who acknowledge Hashem as king, live, because Israel - all Israel, past, present and future is indeed destined to be "a kingdom of priests, a holy people "

So what you find in Judaism is the equality principle of "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth" - that the servant's vulnerable eye and his employer's eye are equal, so are the rich man's tooth and the poor man's tooth - that in Judaic justice all eyes and all teeth are equal before the law, so to speak. This principle has never been interpreted to mean cruel, physical retaliation, that the victim should gorge out his assailant's eye – it has always been interpreted to mean compensation, that such injury should be compensated.

On Thu, 29 Aug 2019 at 14:43, Gloria Emeagwali <> wrote:
This  legal instruction about animal trespass into a field or vineyard, emerges from the Babylonian, Akkadian and Hebrew context, and although it may not be  one of the legal  stipulations of Hammurabi, the king of Babylon who claimed that he was inspired by the sun god, it surely sounds like one.
That it should end up in the "holy books" is interesting.

Professor Gloria Emeagwali

Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 29, 2019, at 3:13 AM, Cornelius Hamelberg <> wrote:

Corrections – should read: Wherever it can be established that these breaches have occurred and by whom, isn't it only fair that the affected farmers receive compensation? Some mechanism has to be in place to ensure that this is carried out - human beings are surely more precious to the Almighty than the bovine species. So, these kinds of disputes/ transgressions could be resolved without any recourse to violence, reprisals, bloodshed...

On Thu, 29 Aug 2019 at 00:21, Cornelius Hamelberg <> wrote:

In the wake of the salacious & nauseous sex-scandal details about a predatory professor, his sixteen-year-old female undergraduate victim, and the equally serious accusations levelled at what someone has unkindly headlined "Biafrauds or Nigerians: Cyber fraud suspects in USA", the erstwhile beleaguered, all-purpose scapegoat indiscriminately being accused of every imaginable crime under the Nigerian heavens, i.e. our dear Fulani Herdsmen Brethren, who used to occupy so much Naija media space have receded into the background, somewhat, although, perhaps, the respite from the media blaze is only temporarily, even if their alleged pillage, kidnappings, murder, rape, church arsons, obviously being committed by some non-Fulani scoundrels, continues unabated all over the Federation, because the real miscreants are not being apprehended by Naija Law enforcement as they should be...

In the meantime, we are to suppose that there will always be one or two incidents of Fulani cattle straying into /romping over other peoples farm property etc. Last night I was reminded that these type of perennial problems have always existed in agricultural societies, so it was not unexpected to read in Shemot 22 : 4 // Exodus 22: 5

"If a man leads his animals into a field or a vineyard, or lets his animal loose and it eats in another's field, the best of his field or the best of his vineyard he shall pay."

Wherever it can be established that these breeches have occurred and by who isn't it only fair that the affected farmers receive compensation? Some mechanism has to be in place to ensure that this is carried out - human beings are surely more precious than to the Almighty than the bovine species. SO these kinds of disputes/ transgressions can be resolved without any recourse to violence, reprisals, bloodshed...

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