Monday, September 30, 2019

USA Africa Dialogue Series - Re: War on Women

Good evening, as those who also replied to this post have responded, these targeted raids, sexual assaults and humiliating parades claiming to be "fighting immorality" all stem from similar societal issues of trying to oppress and control women. The sexist views held by those in power allow for a society to be easily led to think that the punishment of women who seem to have been demoralized is both the right course of action and the punishment brought on by the women themselves. Putting an unofficial "ban" on any woman in the streets after 10 p.m .and "enforcing" this ban through arrests, threats, beatings, and sexual assault is not only a violation of one's basic human rights, but is the definition of oppression. These same men will claim to be righteous figures in the community and are just enforcing their religious ideals for the good of the country. The exploitation of such women after their unlawful arrests is absolutely disgusting and needs to be a national issue with a swift punishment and reform of the police system to prevent such things from happening again. I recognize that this is both a bureaucratic issue as well as a social one. 

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