Sunday, March 1, 2020

Re: (Re 3)USA Africa Dialogue Series - Obituary: Harry Garuba

all of these testimonies move me, especially because harry garuba's intellect was so compelling. it is gratifying to read of others, closer to him than i, who share their very high opinion of him.
and of course share the deep sense of loss

kenneth harrow

professor emeritus

dept of english

michigan state university

517 803-8839

From: 'ugwuanyi Lawrence' via USA Africa Dialogue Series <>
Sent: Sunday, March 1, 2020 8:49 AM
To: Dialogue <>
Subject: (Re 3)USA Africa Dialogue Series - Obituary: Harry Garuba
Solid and dense in several of his writings, Professor Harry Garuba should not just have died at 61.

But then who should die? You could hear death ask.

He was singularly  and impressively devoted to his intellectual vocation. At Wits University,South Africa in Europe-Africa conference(2001), this solid scholar theorized on what he called animist consciousness abstracting heavily from the tropes of Nigerian poets to state his case,providing an uncommon insight on African writing.It was a good reminder that even if African epistemology is heavily practical, it does  not lack theoretical content.

Then followed another forum at University of Cape Town in 2005 where he had already carved an image as a budding intellectual and was invited to give a short talk at the conference on racial mixing.He navigated through a huge world of ideas.

We had  interesting conversations after the conference.A memorable one was on  Mazrui and Soyinka 's  then entertaining quarrel on slavery in Africa-for which we laughed endlessly.Harry would give an interesting judgement by contrasting the two- suggesting that  one was a writer seeking to become a political scientist and the other a political scientist seeking to become a writer! 

Safe journey!  Prof Harry, poet and theorist!

Once we are born we are old  enough to die (Martin  Heidegger)!

Prof Lawrence Ogbo Ugwuanyi

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