Skickat: den 28 juni 2020 17:37
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Ämne: Re: USA Africa Dialogue Series - I Warned Bola Tinubu That This DayWould Come
This is another aside. Swedish politics, yes, I can't help but follow it closely, Baba Kadiri too can't help it, because we have no choice, we can't ignore what's going on around us since our fate is so inextricably linked to what happens next.
" We're all boxed in, nowhere to escape", we can't even boast of an alternative such as, " I'm going back to Africa ", and leave - off in a huff – goodbye – see you in hell blind boy - for the simple reason that things are a lot worse in Africa than where some other lucky/ not so lucky Africans are holed up in the United States of America or more precisely, in Atlanta, Georgia where they have a few skyscrapers, no ancestral huts and where a whole lot of my own blood relatives live, my younger brother lived there for a while, migrated from New York to there and left the Savannah after he became a petty millionaire, relocated to somewhere near Brussels.
Nigerian politics? You'd be amazed at how well informed some foreign embassies are, after all, that's why they are there in the first place. To take care of business.
The signifying monkey is not going to put his head in the muddy water or show his hand where the Naija crocodile is feasting. The monkey himself is hungry - monkey, money and honey go together – and this past Ramadan season - it's a miracle that Oga Falola is not also in the dock answering charges similar to what Nigeria's ace journalist Omoyele Sowore the founder of Sahara Reporters is facing , since Oga Falola himself has regaled us with so much revolutionary rhetoric from Bob Marley ( the message is in the music and the medium is the message) to such an extent that everybody knows, even the young puppy whose father was not so young when Marley sang "A hungry man is an angry man".
In 1983 that Marley song was the signature tune of the NPP in Umuahia, Aba, Owerri and Port Harcourt - " Them belly full , but we hungry" - them , the soft-spoken Alhaji Shagari, his VP Alex Ekwueme and the NPN - as for me , if I could I would have voted along with my brethren from Ondo who were in the transport business and resident in Rivers State, voted for the most honest Presidential Candidate of them all, namely Fela Kuti , the leader of Movement of the People who had the Marley motto at the very top of the agenda, that if they won, they would declare a national holiday on which they would "Take away everything and make everybody feel high"…
We are to assume that the sagacious Bola Tinubu is surrounded by many sage advisers, a lot of movers and shakers, that he has a fair share of madmen and specialists around him, hopeful sycophants too , in which case employing an additional adviser like Kperogi whose advice he should have listened to would have been superfluous, maybe too expensive...
Kperogi putting himself centre stage – as an important political actor who " advised Bola Tinubu " is reminiscent of the New Testament account in Acts of the Apostles 19 : 13 - 16, culminating in the punchline, "Jesus I know, and Paul I know about, but who are you?"
My impression at the time of the forging of the grand alliance through which Tinubu helped deliver ballots from the South West, was that there would be inevitable troubles ahead, and that this was a general perception , that when push would come to shove in the next round of struggle as to who will wear the crown after Brer Buhari – the successor , whether the current VP Yemi Osinbajo who did so stunningly well while Brer Buhari was on sick leave, whether it would be him of some other consensus nominee as flag bearer from the West or from the Middle belt or some wise man from the East would not be a walkover or a fait accompli
But , why speculate when Hon. Bola Tinubu has himself commented on his 35 billion Naira investment? One would have thought that all these years and in the remaining years of the Buhari president he must have been and will be reaping some handsome dividends, anyway…
Simaro Lutumba : Radio Trottoir
--I totally agree with you that spending 35 billion Naira on Buhari's re-election does not in any way guarantee a Tinubu presidency if Buhari is not a military dictator who can impose Tinubu on the nation.
Im sure Tinubu will agree with you on that score as well!
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.
-------- Original message --------From: 'Michael Afolayan' via USA Africa Dialogue Series <>Date: 28/06/2020 03:57 (GMT+00:00)Subject: Re: USA Africa Dialogue Series - I Warned Bola Tinubu That This DayWould Come
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"All we have heard of speculative stories of Tinubu's personal interest in becoming president is just that: mere speculations" (OAA).
Oh boy, I wish OAA did not go this far. I was already nodding my head in total agreement with his argument on the "afobaje" (kingmakers) as not necessarily culturally instituted to nurse the ambition of becoming the king. I particularly liked the example of Akinloye to support his position and I could not contradict it. But alas, when he made the above statement, he took the wind out of my sail! I was serious when I said I was a novice on Nigeria's politics but one thing I think I know is that it's no secret to most Nigerians that the king-making propensity of the man Tinubu was to pave the way for him becoming the king by all means necessary, including putting the weight of his financial kingdom behind Buhari's presidency. Come on, who spends 35 billion Naira on another king's enthronement in Nigeria without expecting a payback of the whole palace, including the throne and the crown in return? Not even Akinloye! NO, it is more than "mere speculation" that Tinubu's eyes are on 2023, unfortunately even if his vision becomes 20/20, he can't see that ambition materialize. He has money alright; but his proverbial dog does not have brave hunters behind it; it cannot harvest the monkey. Q.E.D!
--On Saturday, June 27, 2020, 6:08:04 PM EDT, 'Okechukwu Ukaga' via USA Africa Dialogue Series <> wrote:
--"Buharists and Tinubuists certainly share the same slavish, uncritical, freakish mentality, but wait to see what will happen in 2023 (if Buhari wins a second term) when Buhari disappoints Tinubu by not "handing over" power to him--as he expects Buhari would. You'd be entertained by the fight that would break out between the two idiotic camps that are friends today. Save this somewhere." -Farooq A. Kperogi
I don't believe this prediction will ever come through for a variety of reasons, including the fact that Tinubu is not that stupid. Allowing Tinubists to fight Buhari & co, would be inviting a kind of attention (investigation, prosecution and possible conviction) he would not like. Ask Orji Kalu and others. Tinubu is NOT likely to be the next Nigerian president. That prediction is spot on. But fight with the current president and co? I don't believe that will happen beyond low level noise making. And at that, Tinubu will overtly disassociate himself from any such gara-gara! Save this somewhere too!
On Jun 27, 2020 2:15 AM, "Farooq A. Kperogi" <> wrote:
--Saturday, June 27, 2020
I Warned Bola Tinubu That This Day Would Come
By Farooq A. Kperogi, Ph.D.Twitter: @farooqkperogi
The political coalition between Muhammadu Buhari's CPC and Bola Tinubu's ACN has all but collapsed. There was nothing even remotely surprising about it. In previous columns, media interviews, and social media updates, I predicted that this would happen.
For example, in my June 23, 2018 column titled "Buhari'sJune 12 Pandering and Naivety of Yoruba Elite," I wrote:
"Buhari may well get a second term with the help of votes from the Southwest. But one thing is as certain as tomorrow's date: he will spectacularly fall out with the Yoruba elite whose support he's bending over backwards to court now. He'd no longer have a need for them after 2019 and might even remember that they betrayed him in 2011.
"These same people would then turn against not just Buhari but the entire North. If we're alive till then, we'd remind them that they are complicit in their own fate. An Italian proverb says, "When a man deceives me once, it is his fault; when twice, it is mine."
In a January 26, 2019 column titled "Bola Tinubu's Costly 2023 Political Gamble," I wrote the following, among other things that have come to pass:
"Tinubu is going into another alliance with Buhari in hopes that Buhari and his supporters will reward him with a presidential ticket in 2023. That's a costly miscalculation for a whole host of reasons.
"I am familiar enough with members of Buhari's inner circle to know that they deeply despise Tinubu. They snigger at his presidential ambition and are amused by his expectation that they would support him. Tinubu himself knows this. That's why I am shocked that he appears irresistibly and dangerously drawn to people who will throw him like he is hot after the February election. Maybe he is gripped by the sort of deathly attraction that causes a moth to embrace a flame.
"During a TV appearance on Television Continental on February 20, 2018, Tinubu's wife, Remi, said Tinubu was "trashed" by Buhari's northern political machine after the 2015 election. People who "trashed" you after an electoral triumph to which you're central will certainly go the whole hog and incinerate or bury you in the aftermath of another victory that will ensure that they will no longer need you.
"Apart from the certain betrayal that will surely come from the Buhari camp in the event that Tinubu helps them to win or rig the 2019 election, a Tinubu presidential candidacy will be beset by a lot of problems. Given the heightened sensitivity of religion in Nigeria now, which is made even more so by Buhari's unexampled, in-your-face bigotry, Tinubu would be required to have a northern Christian as a running mate to earn the support of the south and the Christian north. That would, however, automatically alienate Buhari's northern Muslim supporters. So his ambition is dead before it's even born.
"Most importantly, though, as Tinubu himself knows only too well, a vote for APC in the coming presidential election won't be a vote for Buhari; it would be a vote for an evil, greedy, corrupt, provincial, and reactionary cabal and their minions who are currently perpetrating a stratospheric theft of the nation's resources in ways that would make an angel of Abacha. President Buhari is an insentient human vegetable who is barely aware of his own existence."
In a September 21, 2019 column, titled "Why Bola Tinubu Can Never Be Nigeria's President," I pointed out that "Before the 2019 election, a friend of mine who is close to Abba Kyari confided in me that after the election they would 'deal with Tinubu and his people.' He bragged that by the time they are done with him and his underlings, he would be so damaged that he won't even be an option for the 2023 presidency. It's already starting."
In a December 22, 2019 social media status update titled "Tinubu's Dangerous Dance with the Cabal," I wrote:
"The cabal is toying with Bola Tinubu like a yo-yo—and he is naively, if gingerly, playing along— in readiness for his eventual political incineration by or before 2023. And the cabal is being ruthlessly Machiavellian about it.
"Tinubu has been given a fake promissory note that he'll be APC's presidential torchbearer in 2023. On the strength of this worthless promissory note, they've sought his permission to destroy some of his most trusted foot soldiers.
"With his consent, they've consigned Yemi Osinbajo to symbolic Aso Rock prison. Tinubu endorsed Tunde Fowler's replacement at the FIRS and is in on his impending trial for corruption. He also stamped his imprimatur to Muiz Banire's unceremonious ouster from AMCON. He's giddily approving everything the cabal tells him it wants to do to his "constituents" and foot soldiers.
"He has now fallen out of favor with almost all Southwest governors except his dutiful stooge in Lagos and his nephew in Osun. Of course, he is a bête noire to Afenifere. At this rate, Tinubu would divorce his wife and disown his children if the cabal tells him to do so—just because he's told that he'd be president.
"This is a strategic, Machiavellian demobilization of his base, but one in which he is a willing participant, using the illusory promise of APC presidential nomination. When he is eventually denied the APC presidential slot, he would have no one of political consequence in his natal region to fall back to for counterattack other than his battering rams in the Lagos media.
"Before his eventual political annihilation, he would be thoroughly unpopular in the Southwest. His fate would elicit no mass sympathy from the region when the cabal finally bares its fangs publicly and devours him."
And in a December 8, 2019 interview with The Interview magazine's Azubuike Ishiekwene, I said the following in response to the question, "If you were to make a prediction about the political landscape in 2020, what would it be?"
"I have no—nor do I believe anyone has—oracular powers, but I think 2020 would witness the incipience of the alignment of political forces preparatory to the 2023 election.
"The Buhari/Tinubu alliance would crack more noticeably. The people who prop Buhari in power don't want Tinubu—or anyone outside their primordial constituency—to succeed them. That's my prediction."
What hasn't started to happen yet is the fight I predicted between paid Buhari and Tinubu loyalists on social media. In an October 5, 2018 social media post titled "Contest of Idiocy Between Buharists and Tinubuists," I said, among other things:
"It's no surprise that Buharists and Tinubuists are in a coalition of buffoonery to reelect a lifeless Buhari in 2019. When pigheaded Buhari fanaticism collides with sheepish Tinubu loyalty, it sparks the sort of combustible admixture of idiocy we're seeing today, which disposes otherwise normal people to lend unthinking support to transparently incompetent people for political office. Thankfully, the rank of the Tinubuists is dwindling dramatically.
"Buharists and Tinubuists certainly share the same slavish, uncritical, freakish mentality, but wait to see what will happen in 2023 (if Buhari wins a second term) when Buhari disappoints Tinubu by not "handing over" power to him--as he expects Buhari would. You'd be entertained by the fight that would break out between the two idiotic camps that are friends today. Save this somewhere."
So Tinubu had lots of warning that the fate that has befallen him now was a foregone conclusion. He ignored it and chose instead to legitimize the worst civilian regime in Nigeria's history. He deserves his fate.
Well, the next predictable phase in the unfolding drama is for Tinubu to turn the Lagos news media against the Buhari regime— and for his mindless loyalists to clash with Buharists in a contest of idiocy. That would be an entertaining spectacle to watch.
Farooq A. Kperogi, Ph.D.School of Communication & MediaSocial Science BuildingRoom 5092 MD 2207402 Bartow Avenue
Kennesaw State University
Kennesaw, Georgia, USA 30144
Cell: (+1) 404-573-9697
Personal website: www.farooqkperogi.comTwitter: @farooqkperogiNigeria's Digital Diaspora: Citizen Media, Democracy, and Participation
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