Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Sv: USA Africa Dialogue Series - To In Excelsis Gloria :

My dear Rabbi Hamelberg, your original question on reparations (why should people who never owned slaves give money to people who were never slaves?) arose out of the wrong belief propagated by the enslavers and their inheritors that slavery ended in the 19th century. Slavery, as far as Africa is concerned, has never ended at anytime in history, but was transformed  in stages to colonialism (imperialism), Neo-colonialism, and now globalisation. What the enslavers did to Africans from the 15th century upward, their current inheritors are doing the same things today to achieve the same results economically under globalisation. The enslavers of the old derived their wealth from the exploitation of the physical labour of the Blackman while modern enslavers do not only exploit the physical labour of the Blackman, but subject the African Continent to direct plunder of mineral resources, unequal trade and subordination of agricultural productions to the interest of the enslavers. Nominally, African nations are independent since each possesses a national flag and anthem but the governments are slave overseers acting on behalf of enslavers in the US and Europe. So, the case of reparations will only arise after the economic enslavement of Africans have stopped. Talking now about reparations for slavery when we are still economically enslaved is like putting the cart before the horse.
S. Kadiri  

Från: <> för Cornelius Hamelberg <>
Skickat: den 30 juni 2020 21:02
Till: <>
Ämne: Re: USA Africa Dialogue Series - To In Excelsis Gloria :

I'm still hoping for a fulsome reply ( the female touch) and at least some comforting words from First Lady Gloria in Excelsis Emeagwali, to whom the question is also addressed.

The long-standing issue of Reparations wasn't taken up by Brother Obama (Luo father from Kenya), not during his first term as first Black President ever and not in the Second term either. If he had as much as raised the issue during his first term, it's almost certain that he would not have served a second term, based on these sort of arguments advanced by David Horowitz long before Obama set foot in the White House. The idea of  Reparations, of so-called "Black Privilege", of  painting the White House BLACK – the colour of the occupant, would have succeeded in dividing the USA as never before and would have also only succeeded in enraging Trump and his White Supremacists and most likely witnessed an increase in USA-Police-Brutality as an inevitable backlash – part of the unwritten policy as a general consensus and tacit understanding of "keeping niggers in their place", of " keeping the niggers in check"

For that reason, Obama did not take up the Reparations cause in the second term either ( Trump would have asked for a more thorough examination of Brother Obama's Birth Certificate and would have probably started a Back-to-Africa Crusade, to the lands of Obama's ancestors and for the  Black, African, and  African-American Brothers and Sisters  - if Brother Obama had insisted. Needless to say, neither Pa nor Ma Clinton pushed the idea either.

Even though Black Lives Matter and the somewhat counter-revolutionary All Lives Matter is the immediate background to the next presidential elections , Reparations is still not in the air.

The question remains, if not now, when?

 In the meanwhile, Trump is  busy selling himself as the law and order President appointed by God, approved by God and the Founding Fathers, after Obama,  and especially sent by God to protect America's sacred monuments and confederate legacies.

Trump is currently expanding his base to incorporate skills over degrees…

With improved vocational training, a similar policy would develop fruits in Nigeria, although -  perish the thought  -  for some of Nigeria's Big Buk and, even if they have not ever been near the Palace,  some of the Buckingham Palace Big Grammar people the idea of skills over degrees in the employment market is anathema

It goes without saying, that skills is the essence of Germany's industrial pre-eminence, whilst a lack of the requisite manpower requirements is why the Chinese move in with their complete workforce to execute whatever the project, in record time….


On Tue, 30 Jun 2020 at 05:57, 'Okechukwu Ukaga' via USA Africa Dialogue Series <> wrote:
One possible reason is inheritance. People do inherit the assets and liabilities of their forefathers.

On Jun 29, 2020 8:27 PM, "Cornelius Hamelberg" <> wrote:
Please, short of spitting fire and venom, how does one begin to approach this question  :

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