Maurice,My friend David, a Brit in Canada; a true shaman—scarce commodity in the Whiteman's colony—who constantly makes magic for those of us who lift to the Light of the Civil Commons—has just come up with this. …A huge cyber-breakthrough, with massive potential impact on individuals/ their communities and countries in our increasingly Globalised world—and on the commercial world as well. ..Check it out. …And in your Kakamega homeland/ backyard. …Millions of communities like Kakamega are on this activated map, worldwide. ..Each has now a direct means of taking it's place in a learning/ developing world; and in sharing/ helping others. Tis steady new Light in the rip-tide of "Wild-West" initiatives of this new phase of our modernising world.Or the general entry Link: /google Radio.GardenTHE Link-up with what folk are listening to/ jumping/ moving and grooving to round the world. Much better signal than we get from BBC London, little more than 20 miles distant. Amazing.Mmmmm. …And please note: a cyber-tool capable of generating a huge boost in worldwide INCLUSION, with attendant massive ww lift in Light and Liberation for the world's 98ers; …While at the same time opening up vast new and profitable opportunities for cyber-communications businesses like Google. …Once again, Planning ahead? With Google again in the lead? …Anyway, Kakamega now very much on the map, worldwide. …New seeds of replacement "Homelands"/many millions of them, being sown/ gaining a bit of ongoing nurture?…What, one wonders, will that impressive young man (below) make of it?—he must be into his mid-teens now?" …And THIS is the Man Who will Duly Lead us DownThose Corridors of the Future.Look Carefully & Remember." (2013 visit)All best to you, Kasaya and your folk. Please do send them my greeting and my love.Baba mPS. Things are looking good for your forthcoming Annual Conference. Excellent, as usual.Indeed, this "google Radio.Garden" initiative ties in nicely in a great many respects with your Conference "Globalisation & Development" theme and its many sub-themes, as per below. m————————————————————————————First Call for Papers for the 11th International Interdisciplinary Conference, to be held in Nairobi, Kenya on June 23 to 26, 2021 at Multimedia University of Kenya (online and in-person options)
General conference theme: "Globalization and Development in Africa"
Conference Venue: Multimedia University of Kenya, Nairobi, Kenya and online through Zoom)
Sponsors: Multimedia University of Kenya, Kenya Scholars and Studies Association (KESSA), Centre for Democracy, Research and Development (CEDRED) and African Interdisciplinary Studies Association (AISA)
Globalization is intimately and intricately intertwined with development in the world today.
There are many changes taking place in the world today, spurred on by global forces and influences. The world community has accepted that globalization, with its attendant attributes, is affecting development in many different ways.
The breakout of Covid-19 pandemic in Wuhan, China would not have become a global pandemic if it had taken place just a few decades ago. The pandemic has shown that globalization is real because a local corona virus quickly became a pandemic in less than four months, spreading across many parts of the world, infecting millions and killing over one million people.
The defeat of Donald Trump by Joe Biden caused ripples on world markets with share indices moving upwards. The death of George Floyd at the hands of police in the USA unified the world against racism with the message "Black Lives Matter' and became a rallying cry in many places such as sports and games across the world. The world is receiving many effects of climate change causing havoc across the world.
This conference seeks to examine some of the global influences on development in all parts of the world. It invites papers from all disciplines to reflect on the areas in which development has been shaped by global forces and how global forces have impacted the world.
In what ways does globalization affect development? What lessons do we learn from the effects of the spread of Covid-19 pandemic in the world? What are the causes of climate change and how do they affect the quality of life on earth? How have various governments and the international community responded to the effects of globalization? What are some of the efforts being deployed in saving the world against the effects of climate change? What are some of the efforts being made by various academic disciplines to address changing realities in education, agriculture, engineering, medicine, politics, technology, social issues, culture, water management, gender, youth, children, pastoralist issues, trade, business, commerce, religion, e-commerce, e-learning, among others? These are some of the issues that the conference will be seeking to address.
Conference Website: The 11th International Interdisciplinary Conference, to be held in Nairobi, Kenya on June 23 to 26, 2021 at Multimedia University of Kenya
Prof. Maurice N. Amutabi, PhD
Vice Chancellor,
Lukenya University
P.O Box 619 - 00204
Athi River, Kenya
E-mail: or amutabi@gmail.comTel: +254-(0)700-744545
1. The NGO Factor in Africa
2. Regime Change and Succession Politics in Africa
3. Lifelong Learning in Africa
6. Prof. Maurice Amutabi's Blog
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