Thursday, February 4, 2021

Re: USA Africa Dialogue Series - Special adviser AfDB interview with PUNCH

Alagba Salimonu Kadiri,
I thought we have gone past this unnecessary defense of the indefensible. Please what other evidence are you looking for other than to read the Nigerian dailies everyday or call home once in a while to know what your people are suffering from the hands of the armed fulani herdsmen. No one says all Fulanis are kidnappers, but from all available lived evidence, they are in the forests of the Southwest kidnapping and collecting ransoms. Let me give you two latest instances. My brother is into farming in Ondo State, He called last week  to say, Fulani herdsmen drove their cows into his farm and those of other 6 farmers and ate up the crops. They reported the case to the Police but nothing came out of it. Why?, They said the culprits are highly connected . Secondly, just this afternoon I read in an online news outlet that three farmers were kidnapped by the same herdsmen in Iju Akure North Local Government, Ondo State. . I called my  father inlaw who is from that town and he confirmed that the Fulani herdsmen did not only kidnap the three farmers but killed a young boy who had gone with others in search of the missing people. My inlaw told me the kidnappers are demanding 50million  naira. Sir, we are in an emergency and I fear if nothing is done by the authorities at the state and national levels the resultant conflagration will be difficult to manage when non-state actors resort to self-help. The Garba Shehu, the IGP and  regime apologists on this forum  who can ask Sunday Igboho to be arrested for having the courage to defend his people are sleeping everyday and have nothing to say to the AK-47 marauders who are destroying farms, and kidnapping travellers at will. 

If there are leaders of thought in Nigeria and diaspora who are mindful of the verdict of history, this is the time to act. No one will hands off and continue to witness this daylight oppression and fold the arms until they are completely subjugated in their ancestral lands... As Martin Luther King says, In the Endwe will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends/ 
While we may be safe in our locations, let's think about the fate of our people, not only now but in the generation to come. The sentimental defense of the indefensible must stop. Let's go beyond enthic chauvinism and respond to the emergency at hand. Asking people not to talk against killers because all Nigerians have the right to live in any part of the country is hypocritical and a blatant resort to ethnic supremacy. Every life  and livelihood matters, not only that of the Fulanis or their cows,

Shaking my head and disbelief at the level of apathy of  leaders of thought to the existential threat to their people. 

On Thu, Feb 4, 2021 at 3:57 PM Salimonu Kadiri <> wrote:
​Beset with the stated idea of the German Nazi Minister of Propaganda, Joseph Paul Goebbels, that if lies are repeated very often and sufficiently, the general public will eventually accept the lies as true, Oluwatoyin Vincent Adepoju continues to bash the Fulani people of Nigeria as ethnic supremacists and terrorists without any concrete evidence to support his assertion. Mr. Adepoju surreptitiously attributes the branding of Fulani herdsmen as one of the deadliest terrorist groups in the world to unnamed International Terrorist Watch Agencies to justify his fraudulent claim and he wants us to believe him. Mr. Adepoju's aversion for the Fulani people, regardless of if they are herdsmen or not, is diagnosed by psychologists/psychiatrists as paranoia. The paranoid personality, they say, does not trust anyone and believes that he had better be on his own for other persons would betray him; he is suspicious; he fears that people would demean him, see him as not good enough; fears being belittled, humiliated, degraded, insulted and disgraced; he tends to accuse people of doing what they did not do, hence he generates quarrels with them.

What every normal human being should demand from Mr. Adepoju is to produce evidences of forcibly occupied land areas by Fulani herdsmen in Nigeria and which are being defended by a private and heavily armed Fulani army. No matter how high the stupidity quotient of any person is, that person should be able to know that one cannot occupy another person's land area by force with cattle without armed personnel to defend the annexation. Subsequent fight over the annexed land area would defeat the purpose of occupation as the cattle would either be killed or run away from their herders. A gun carrying herder with a flock of about fifty cows is defensive against a rustler and is in no way offensively armed to occupy a land area by force. In the good olden days, herders were equipped with sticks to weep a digressing cow into the flock and, perhaps with, a cutlass to cut down branches of a tree for cattle to feed on the leaves. Now, a herder has to carry gun to defend his cattle against cattle rustlers but Nigeria's overnight millionaires, without owning factories, in the MDAs who live in gated quarters with high fences and security guards against armed robbers are complaining against herders carrying guns to defend themselves against cattle rustlers. What a hypocrisy is that? Nigeria's academic bandits in the Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) whose handiworks have created mass illiteracy, unemployment, kidnappings, armed robbers and rural banditries are diverting debates from the consequents of their own banditry to ethnicity and religion. Besides the academic bandits, there are schizophrenics suffering from hallucinations (hearing or seeing things that do not exist) and delusions (believing in things that are untrue) associating Fulani herdsmen with all crimes in Nigeria. Their hallucinations seem to have now reached psychosis level whereby they are unable to distinguish between reality and their own imagination. Where will a herder keep his herds to go and rape a woman? The psychotics will tell us that herdsmen used to surround houses with their cows, go inside to rape and come out again to guard their cows on foot without being apprehended. As many rapes herdsmen have been alleged to have committed in Nigeria, Nigerians have never received reports of high rates of rape-related abortions across the country. Are herdsmen specialists in raping menopaused and infertile women or are the sperms of raping herders very weak? Maybe Mr Adepoju and his fellow Fulani herdsmen's bashers can help to answer the compound question.
S. Kadiri

From: <> on behalf of Oluwatoyin Vincent Adepoju <>
Sent: 04 February 2021 06:34
To: usaafricadialogue <>
Subject: Re: USA Africa Dialogue Series - Special adviser AfDB interview with PUNCH
Ranching by Fulani herdsmen outside  the North is very dangerous because of the ethnic supremacist terrorist culture the herders have cultivated, sustained by a private, heavily armed army recognised by international terrorist watch agencies as one of the world's deadliest terrorist groups and sustained by the brazen advocacy of such groups as Miyetti Allah and the right wing Fulani led Nigerian government of Muhammadu Buhari.

The Fulani herdsmen are an internal colonisation force whose true colors have been most evident in their slash, burn, depopulate and occupy campaign in the Middle Belt.

The land in the North is much lrager than in the South.

Establish your ranches there and transport by trucks to the South.

We don't want to exchange our lives, land and security for your beef.

In fact, we are even happy to do without your beef if that will ensure out safety.



On Wed, Feb 3, 2021, 21:56 OLAYINKA AGBETUYI <> wrote:

The most pro- active and pragmatic way to force the hands of the federal government and the grazing cattle herders is for herder- resistant states to go into joint cooperatives and set up mega ranches across the country through credit facilities from banks such as AfDB and produce cattle at subsidized prizes that will be marketed directly to state citizens  through state of the art advertising and gradually force grazing herders out of business.

The time to start such multilateral initiatives is NOW!

Im glad the bank is already working on something similar in the SAPZ projects.  These should be replicated specifically for ranching so that say Ogun, Oyo ,Lagos and Ekiti can pool resources together as collateral to mega- loans for joint venture state ranches  with states such Imo, Anambra, and Rivers  within their states to force grazing herders to toe the line or face financial liquidation..  This goal can be achieved before the end of this administration.

They should not wait forever on the federal government exclusive leadership.


Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.

-------- Original message --------
From: gmso2002 via USA Africa Dialogue Series <>
Date: 03/02/2021 09:17 (GMT+00:00)
To: usaafricadialogue <>
Subject: USA Africa Dialogue Series - Special adviser AfDB interview with PUNCH

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