Thursday, February 4, 2021

RE: USA Africa Dialogue Series - Special adviser AfDB interview with PUNCH

Jibrin's description of the problem as an ethnic one is not far from the truth.  Nigeria is an inordinately ethnic conscious nation. FFK has described how Daddy Onyeama  prophesied the domination of not just Nigeria, but Africa by the Igbo, the scheme the Fulani are accused of perpetrating ( I did not hear of any Igbo contradicting the prophecy,) and the Igbo all over Nigeria are seen as the advance guard of the foot soldiers.  The only difference is the methodology. Unlike the alleged Fulani quasi armed methods, other nationalities believe in the econimic methodology through the capture of the centre 

Several ethnicities are surreptitiously planning what they accuse the Fulani of staging but are not yet successful because they do not yet have the leverage of power to carry it out.  Can you see how many South South and South East elements GEJ introduced into the loop of corruption during his rule?  So a pattern of power, corruption and ethnic consideration can be easily identified.

Yes, a redesigning of the nation to forestall these prebendal machinations is the only way to not only save the country but ensure it rises to meet its destiny.  That is why this will be the central battle ground for the next election. A party that signifies it can pragmatically meet these challenges and point the way forward is the party Nigerians should vote for.  The erstwhile two dominant parties have demonstrated that given a chance they have failed the nation.

This is why Im convinced a new party demonstrably a party of the commonality of Nigerians, in the problem solving manifesto they present, is the party Nigeria needs.


Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.

-------- Original message --------
From: Oluwatoyin Vincent Adepoju <>
Date: 04/02/2021 13:06 (GMT+00:00)
To: usaafricadialogue <>
Subject: Re: USA Africa Dialogue Series - Special adviser AfDB interview with PUNCH

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Response to Femi Segun-

"Herdsmen-farmer clashes" is a non- factual euphemism.

Clashes occur when two groups fight.

Have read about farmrs armed with AK-47s, raping the wives of Fulani herdsmen, kidnapping them and stealing their cattle as has become the norm for Fulani herdsmen and their occupation of people's lands across Nigeria?

Cattle rearing for the Fulani is also beyond economics, but is centrally a cultural and even cosmological value for them and is now a terrorist strategy among the increasingly militant Fulani herdsmen.

From the cultural centrality represented by the Fulani creation story, the opening line of which reads "In the beginning, there was a huge drop of milk" the violent and ethnic supremacist Fulani have moved to using cattle nomadism as a tool of land penetration, military intelligence gathering and terrorism.

The issues therefore go beyond the simple fact of rearing cows.

Fulani culturally centred cattle nomadism has been weaponised into an internal colonisation tool.

Is there really a sigficant difference between Fulani herdsmen militia, Fulani herdsmen general terrorism and Boko Haram?

What differences are there between their operations, ideologies and origins?

Boko Haram was birthed and sustained by Northern Nigerian Muslim radicals.

It's members are being absorbed into the Nigerian army by Muhammadu Buhari, a Northern Muslim Fulani who once declared that "war against Boko Haram is war against the North".

Fulani herdsmen terrorism is sustained by the public adovacy of Miyetti Allah, led by Nigeria's most elite Fulani, largely, if not fully Muslim, such as the Sultan of Sokoto, head of Nigeria's Muslim community and ex-Emir of Kano and ex-central bank governor Sanusi Lamido Sanusi, and by the govt of Muhammadu Buhari which is both vocal in unquestioning support for the Fulani herdsmen and active in policy advocacy to empower them through land and cash from Nigeria while making sure they and their public advocates are never questioned by the law even as they justify massacres of unarmed Nigerians.

What is the connection between these terrorist movements?

Aspiration to national domination by radicals from the largely Muslim North.

Central to this is the legacy of Usman Dan Fodio, Fulani Muslim military  coloniser who, using Islam,  made the Fulani the political heads of Northern Nigeria till today, extending to Kwara which they conquered.

The Fulani supremacists have told us their minds but many, often blinded by blinkers of intellectualism insensitive to political realities, refuse to hear:

"Nigeria belongs to the Fulani" the head of Miyetti Allah has publicly declared.

"Benue belongs to the Fulani by right of conquest", a Fulani professor has also openly declared, even though the Fulani jihad never conquered Benue.

"Those who make peaceful change impossible make violent change inevitable" declared Atiku Abubakar, another Fulani, I understand, on the PDP's refusal to field him as their 2011 Presidential candidate whi g would have made him Nigeria's President, a stance echoed by the anti-govt, anti-Christian stance of the  2011 Boko Haram uprising that was central to the fall of the GEJ govt.

Ethnic supremacist culture is real and is at the heart of Fulani hegemony in the traditional politics of Northern Nigeria, Kwara and the current Fulani herdsmen and Fulani militia terrorism crisis.

Failing to recognise it and argue for a non-ethnic interpretation of the links between it and Boko Haram is suicidal.

These people are on a nationally and perhaps internationally coordinated campaign to overrun Nigeria and they are already half way there.

Dislodinging them can be done only by reworking the unity of the country or breaking it up, initiatives they will resist with all their stength, beceause it will erode the victories they won while others slept.

Arms can't dislodge them.

They are better armed and the armed forces have been compromised in their favour.

Im grimly pleased to observe that the cries some of us have been making since the 2011 Benue massacres openly justified by Miyetti Allah that opened Buhari's Presidency, are now echoed and amplified across the nation.

From the Middle Belt to the SE, SW and Edo, the Fulanisation process given a name by OBJ and depicted by Danjuma is now recognised by many.

The liberal Fulani and the Muslim North generally need to speak up against the Fulani supremacists, but silence, palliative responses and denial of reality are the norm.



On Thu, Feb 4, 2021, 03:05 Femi Segun <> wrote:
I will add that cattle rearing should not be ethnically defined or designed. The cows will eat grass, grow and give birth, regardless of who is rearing it. 

I am also worried that we are conflating the frightening security challenges in the Southwest and South East in particular with herdsmen-farmer clashes. This is simplistic and unfortunately that is the official tone. For those who will like to hear the truth, Boko Haram terrorists and their affiliates ISWAP or ISIL might just be launching the first phase of their attacks in the South.. The sheer number of kidnappings taking place, the humongous amount that the kidnappers demand from each of their victims, the sophisticated coordination and the lethal nature of their weapons could bear out this argument. We neglect this danger at our own long term peril.

Rather than treating this issue as an ethnic one, as some commentators like Prof Jibrin Ibrahim would have us believe through  facebook posts, we should see it as another looming disaster that could have long term implications for the peace and corporate existence of the country. 

Shaking my head in apprehension

On Wed, Feb 3, 2021 at 4:42 PM Emeagwali, Gloria (History) <> wrote:
Good idea but when completely forced out of business would they not join the ranks of Boko Haram.

Professor Gloria Emeagwali
Prof. of History/African Studies, CCSU; gloriaemeagwali
Recipient of the 2014 Distinguished Research
Excellence Award, Univ. of Texas at Austin;
2019 Distinguished Africanist Award
New York African Studies Association

From: <> on behalf of OLAYINKA AGBETUYI <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 3, 2021 3:55 PM
To: <>
Subject: RE: USA Africa Dialogue Series - Special adviser AfDB interview with PUNCH

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The most pro- active and pragmatic way to force the hands of the federal government and the grazing cattle herders is for herder- resistant states to go into joint cooperatives and set up mega ranches across the country through credit facilities from banks such as AfDB and produce cattle at subsidized prizes that will be marketed directly to state citizens  through state of the art advertising and gradually force grazing herders out of business.

The time to start such multilateral initiatives is NOW!

Im glad the bank is already working on something similar in the SAPZ projects.  These should be replicated specifically for ranching so that say Ogun, Oyo ,Lagos and Ekiti can pool resources together as collateral to mega- loans for joint venture state ranches  with states such Imo, Anambra, and Rivers  within their states to force grazing herders to toe the line or face financial liquidation..  This goal can be achieved before the end of this administration.

They should not wait forever on the federal government exclusive leadership.


Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.

-------- Original message --------
From: gmso2002 via USA Africa Dialogue Series <>
Date: 03/02/2021 09:17 (GMT+00:00)
To: usaafricadialogue <>
Subject: USA Africa Dialogue Series - Special adviser AfDB interview with PUNCH

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