Thursday, February 4, 2021

USA Africa Dialogue Series - Elhadj TV and the Gentrification of African-American Vernacular English

I'm lucky to have discovered this.

From my very limited exposure to African-American related films Elhajh TV represents for me a movement of African-American Vernacular English in films and music from association with the ghetto, gangsterism and the prison, as in the film Bringing Down the House and a significant degree of rap music, as in the work of Ice Cube, according to my very limited exposure, to an economically middle class existence, in which, as I suppose,  the people earning the kinds of income that enable living in the particularly comfortable though not luxurious homes and neighbourhoods in Elhadj's videos are not likely to speak the kind of English the characters speak so fluently.

A subject for the sociology of film perhaps.

The acting is impressive, the women unfailingly gorgeous, the physically uninspiring  but ever funny central male character in various comic scenarios involving amorous and erotic relationships with women, very short films that relax the mind for me in between working in the world of ideas.

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