Sunday, June 20, 2021

USA Africa Dialogue Series - Re: Today's Quote


It could be understood and not only assumed that since you are right there in the thick of it, you must know what you are talking about, unlike those of us who are thousands of miles from the scene of the crimes being committed. That being so, you could please demystify us as to exactly what is meant by " pro referendum killer cells" which seems to imply that there are armed criminals going around threatening their fellow citizens and brother tribesmen that they must vote "Yes"  Biafra, or else they are traitors and their very lives could therefore be in danger.

The main possible danger to a Yes vote for Biafra in a free and fair  referendum (in which it is a clear Yes or No choice) is the likelihood that even before the referendum takes place, some of the people in the North, understandably, especially in the North, would already be seething and in a retaliatory mode they are going to be in it is to be expected that they would start giving marching orders to the millions of Igbos currently prospering or eking out a living in the North, to please pack up their belongings and start going back home to their own country....not to mention the inevitable looting and confiscation of Igbo owned businesses and property...

So far, if achievable/ feasible the best way out of this imbroglio and a worthwhile alternative to unnecessary bloodshed is what is Lord Agbetuyi's wonderful summation of Doyen Ayo Olukotun's essay, here 

On Saturday, 19 June 2021 at 09:02:34 UTC+2 wrote:
Referendum is a democratic concept. For a referendum to be legitimate, those for and against must be given equal opportunities to canvas for supporters in an atmosphere devoid of any kind of intimidation. This cannot be achieved in a situation in which pro referendum killer cells hold sway.

-Chidi Anthony Opara (CAO)

Chidi Anthony Opara is a Poet and Founder/Publisher of; PublicInformationProjects (

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