Wednesday, October 27, 2021

USA Africa Dialogue Series - sudan coup

i have this simplistic notion that the militaries in many parts of the world profit from their power by taking control of the money, of the economy, of the land. they are predators. in sudan the general leading the coup said it was necessary to "protect our interests." i get that point. here's what the bbc said: "Not only was the army commanding a vast - and still-increasing - share of the national budget, but military-owned companies operate with tax exemptions and often allegedly corrupt contracting procedures."

the interests of the people vs the interests of an oligarchy, call it a military oligarchy.
there are african states that protect against that; others that depend upon the military and in order to stay in power, prop up that military with granting them control over businesses, mines, land in exchange for their guarantees of power.

i wonder how this crude picture strikes the political scientists on this list who would have a more accurate assessment

kenneth harrow

professor emeritus

dept of english

michigan state university

517 803-8839

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